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Working Safely with Carcinogens Guideline

( View Historic Versions )

Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes
  Carcinogen Use, Handling and Storage Procedure
  Chemical Labelling Guideline
  Health and Safety Risk Assessment Procedure
  Personal Protective Equipment Procedure
Website Links
  AS 2639:1994 Laminar Flow Cytotoxic Drug Safety Cabinets - Installation and Use
  AS/NZS 2243 Safety in Laboratories
  AS/NZS 2243.10:2004 Safety in Laboratories - Storage of Chemicals
  AS/NZS 2243.1:2005 Safety in Laboratories - Planning and Operational Aspects
  AS/NZS 2243.2:2006 Safety in Laboratories - Chemical Aspects
  AS/NZS 2243.3:2022 Safety in Laboratories - Microbiological Safety and Containment
  AS/NZS 2243.4:2018 Safety in Laboratories - Ionizing Radiations
  AS/NZS 2243.7:1991 Safety in Laboratories - Electrical Aspects
  Chemical Waste Operating Procedure
  Globally Harmonised System
  Guide for Handling Cytotoxic Drugs and Related Waste
  International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
  International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1-134
  Safe Work Australia - Carcinogens
  Safe Work Australia - Guidance for Managing the Risks of Diesel Exhaust
  Safe Work Australia - Guidance on the interpretation of Workplace Exposure Standards for Airborne Contaminants
  Safe Work Australia - Guide to Managing Risks of Exposure to Carcinogens in the Workplace
  Safe Work Australia - Hazardous Chemical Information System (HCIS)
  University Environmental Management System procedure
  UQ Science Store
Other Electronic Publications
  Figure 1 - Globally Harmonised System Classification Elements on Labels and SDS of Carcinogens  (38.44 KB)
  Figure 2 - Process of Risk Management for Chemicals  (281.82 KB)
  Form A - Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogen Risk Assessment Checklist  (130.84 KB)
  Form B - Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogen (to send to WHSQ)  (165.07 KB)
  Form C - Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogen (to send to HSW Division)  (121.49 KB)
  Form D - Restricted Carcinogen in Use Signage  (130.45 KB)
  Form E - Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogen Usage Log  (118.99 KB)