(1) This Policy outlines the principles that guide the establishment and management of museums and collections held in title by The University of Queensland (UQ). (2) This Policy applies to any object, group of objects or entire holdings of a museum or collection (either recognised or not) at UQ. (3) The Vice-Chancellor may approve the establishment of a museum and/or collection that meets at least one of the following criteria: (4) The University endorses the principles outlined in the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries as a guideline for the management of museums and collections. Museums and collections are permitted to generate revenue through commercial activities, fundraising, and sponsorship. They are permitted to charge for group visits (e.g., school visits) where services are provided, otherwise entry fees are not deemed appropriate. (5) Museums and collections may apply for capital funds, research infrastructure funds or special allocations from the Vice-Chancellor on a case-by-case basis. (6) Collections should not be sold or culled as a means of providing funds to support recurrent Faculty, Institute, or Division activities or museum operations. Any proceeds from de-accessioning and disposal will be returned to the museum/collection to assist with collection development. (7) The Vice-Chancellor may approve and recognise a university museum and/or collection. (8) The Vice-Chancellor may delegate responsibilities for museum and collection management to an organisational unit, including budget responsibility. The unit accordingly becomes an authorised repository established to care for and advance knowledge of the collection. (9) The organisational unit responsible for a museum or collection will create and maintain local procedures, guidelines and processes to develop and manage the museum or collection in accordance with professional standards, and guided by the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries. (10) Museums and collections will undertake periodic stocktakes and provide valuations to UQ Finance and Business Services as required for insurance purposes and the Heritage and Cultural Assets value in the University Annual Report. (11) The Office of the Provost is responsible for reviewing this Policy as required to ensure its currency.Management of Museums and Collections Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements
Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 5 - Appendix
Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
The body of acquired objects held in title by The University of Queensland.
Collection management
A term encompassing all of the practices and procedures implemented by the University in acquiring, documenting, handling, accessing, exhibiting, storing, securing, lending, conserving and disposing of collection items. (From the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries Second Edition, 2023)
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