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Student Identification Cards Policy

This is not a current document. It has been rescinded and is no longer in effect.

Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) This Policy sets out the obligations of students in regard to student identification cards. The student identification card is a multi-use card that performs many functions and impacts upon a wide range of stakeholders.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

Term Definition
ID Card Student Identification Card
Full-time Enrolment Being enrolled in 6 units or more per semester.
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Section 3 - Policy Scope/Coverage

(2) This Policy covers all students enrolled at The University of Queensland.

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(3) The University will issue an ID card, containing a photographic image, free of charge to all its enrolled students at the commencement of their program. The ID card must be produced on request and remains the property of The University of Queensland.

(4) The ID card provides proof of enrolment and will be used as identification for purposes that may include admission, examinations, library borrowing privileges, controlled access to secured areas and transport concessions.