(1) This Procedure enacts the Organisational Structure Policy. (2) This Procedure applies to the review of University Institutes and Centres at The University of Queensland. The Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI), the Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE), the Institute of Modern Languages (IML) and the Centre for Integrated Resource Management (CIRM) are not within the scope of this Procedure. (3) Academic Board, through its Academic Board Standing Committee, conducts reviews of University Institutes and Centres on a septennial basis. Reviews involve self-analysis, benchmarking and an external assessment of the Unit’s strategic and operational plans with a view to attaining outstanding performance by international standards. (4) The review considers the Unit’s relationships with other organisational units. The review also considers resourcing, resource management and organisational structure and whether these allow the Unit to fulfil its goals and objectives and reach its potential. (5) The review committee's task is to provide an objective view of the Unit’s plans developed through the self-assessment process, and to comment on the appropriateness of those plans. Although the majority of reviews are expected to result in incremental changes, reviews provide an opportunity for Units to embrace significant change and development. (6) Each year ABSC prepares a tentative schedule for reviews to be held in the next seven years, and in consultation with the Units’ Supervisors, and subject to approval by the Vice-Chancellor's Committee, prepares the review timetable for a particular year no later than the end of first semester in the preceding year to give Units adequate time to plan for the review including preparing the Unit’s submission. (7) In each case, the Director of the Unit and their Supervisor identify a range of dates for the review. Invitations to join the review committee are sent out by the President as early as possible in order to give the Unit maximum notice of the exact timing of the review. Once availability is established, the final dates for the reviews are determined. (8) The normal duration of a review will be three days. In some cases, a longer (maximum five-day) review may be appropriate. This should be decided, in consultation with the Unit’s Supervisor or at the instance of the Director of the Unit (supported by the Supervisor), and following endorsement by the Vice-Chancellor's Committee, in conjunction with the approval of the terms of reference for the review, bearing in mind that the standard terms of reference may be modified in order to direct the attention of the Unit and/or the review committee to particular matters of special importance in relation to the Unit’s performance or its future. (9) Proposed membership of a review committee is presented to the President by the Director of the Unit via their Supervisor. Following consideration by the ABSC, the President and Director present the proposed membership to a meeting of the Vice-Chancellor's Committee for advice. The membership of the committee is then confirmed by ABSC. It is important, in considering membership, to avoid conflicts of interest, perceived or potential. Significant collaboration with the Unit or with its individual members or research groups would normally be disqualifying. (10) The composition of a review committee is: (11) On the recommendation of the President and subject to approval by the Vice-Chancellor's Committee, ABSC appoints one of the external members to chair the review committee. The President considers: (12) The overall membership of a review committee provides as broad a coverage as possible of the major research areas of the Unit. (13) Where it is relevant to the core functions of the Unit, one of the external members should have strong industry links. (14) A Deputy Director (Operations) or equivalent from a cognate institute or centre normally serves as the secretary to the review committee. (15) Standard terms of reference for the review of a University Institute or Centre are provided, for guidance, at Section 10 below. (16) The terms of reference for the review provide the framework in which the Unit, through its “self-assessment”, and the review panel, through its enquiries, can analyse the Unit’s performance and plans in relation to appropriate and attainable future objectives. Accordingly, the standard terms of reference are guidelines and suggestions for modification may be made, in advance of the development by the Unit of review documentation, on the initiative of the Vice-Chancellor's Committee or the unit Director's Supervisor, or the Director of the Unit (with the approval of their Supervisor) in order to direct the attention of the unit and/or the review committee to particular matters of special importance in relation to the Unit’s performance or its future. It will be relevant to how the terms of reference are framed whether the Unit and/or one or more of its key activities has recently been or will soon be subject to external review, as, for example, by an external stakeholder. (17) Proposed final terms of reference are presented by the Director of the Unit via their Supervisor to the President of the Academic Board. Following consideration by the ABSC, the President and the Director present the proposed terms of reference to a meeting of the Vice-Chancellor's Committee. The terms of reference are then confirmed by ABSC. (18) Where the Unit is also subject to major external review, e.g., by government, the Academic Board review will have access to the outcomes of the external review and will focus its attention on those terms of reference not addressed by the external review. (19) The pre-review period includes the time between notification of the review and the review itself. (20) Units are given the approved terms of reference together with a set of guidelines regarding the review approximately 12 months in advance of the review, at which time the Director and other senior members of the Unit attend a workshop presented by the President. Units are encouraged to begin self-assessment exercises at this time. (21) The ABSC member briefs the Unit’s staff on the review procedure at an open meeting approximately six months prior to the review. Before the visit, the Director of the Unit: (22) The Unit prepares a submission to the review committee (see Section 9 below). Units are provided with detailed guidelines to ensure that submissions supply review committees with information about the Unit that is accurate, focused, comprehensive and consistent; and review committees are urged to use these same guidelines to assess the Unit. (23) The Unit will provide its submission at least one month before the scheduled date for the commencement of the review, and it will be made available to the review committee, the President of the Academic Board, the Provost; and upon request, to other University units. The Unit submission will also be made available, upon request and at the discretion of the Director of the Unit, to individual University staff members and persons external to the University. (24) The President of the Academic Board invites interested parties (including all Unit staff and students) to make written submissions to the review. (25) Submissions received from the following sources will be made available to the review committee, the President of the Academic Board and the Provost: (26) At the same time, all submissions will be released to the Unit, and after approval of the review committee's report by the Vice-Chancellor, also to any enquirer; under the following conditions: (27) The ABSC representative and internal members of the review committee meet approximately two weeks prior to the review to decide on interviews and the structure of the review. (28) The timetable for the review is developed by the Secretary to the review committee in consultation with the Chair and the President of the Academic Board. (29) A summary of review events and suggested days for these to occur and a timeline of the entire review process are available in Review of University Institutes and Centres Guideline. (30) While noting the importance of interviewing relevant persons with respect to issues arising in the review, some limitation should be placed on the number of people interviewed so that repetition is avoided. Interviews should not crowd the program so that insufficient time is available for discussion by the committee. Scheduled opportunities to discuss issues that arise during interviews should be incorporated into the review program. It is not necessary that discussion occur only at the beginning and end of the day. There should also be sufficient time available in the program to enable further discussion with those already interviewed, if required. (31) Notwithstanding, the review timetable should ensure that adequate opportunity is provided in the early part of the review week for all sections of the Unit - academic, research and professional staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students - to express their views candidly to the full committee or to individual committee members if desired. (32) Interviews with representatives of professional and other external bodies should be arranged. There will also be an opportunity to hold informal discussions with employer and other professional groups in a joint session at the stakeholder dinner during the review. (33) A stakeholder dinner will be held on the evening of the first or second day of the review. Members of the review committee and the supervisor will attend. Representatives of industry, government, professional bodies, and employer groups, as well as alumni will be considered as relevant to Unit’s activities in research, learning, and engagement. (34) A draft invitation list must be prepared well in advance by the Director of the Unit for consideration by the Supervisor and the President of the Academic Board, who will vet it to ensure that those attending from the community will be able to offer insight into the Unit’s activities that are relevant to the terms of reference for the review. The secretariat will also vet the approved list of invitees to determine whether protocol need play a role. Invitations will be issued three months prior to the date of the dinner. (35) The review committee's task is to provide an objective view of the Unit's perceptions and plans developed through the self-assessment process, and either confirm or recommend changes to those plans. The review committee is expected to give detailed feedback to the Unit on how and where its perceptions and plans fall short in meeting performance targets. (36) On the first day of the review, the President of the Academic Board welcomes members and clarifies their roles. In addition, the committee will meet with the Vice-Chancellor and the Provost to discuss specific issues relevant to the Unit. The first day also includes interviews with the Supervisor and Director of the Unit about the issues in relation to the Unit under review and the strategic directions. (37) The second day of the review will include interviews with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement), other Deputy Vice-Chancellors as relevant, Deputy Provost (if relevant) and Dean, Graduate School. (38) The review committee considers the submission prepared by the Unit, together with other submissions made by interested persons and organisations, and consults with University staff, students and other persons as deemed appropriate, through interviews. (39) Following perusal of the Unit submission and interviews with the Senior Executive officers, the committee should determine whether there are additional questions to be asked relevant to the review so that the terms of reference are addressed fully. The committee should also identify those areas where answers to relevant questions are not to be found within the submitted material and determine how best to obtain that information (e.g. interviews, visits, records, direct requests to the Unit, etc.). (40) A sample of questions that the review committee might consider is available in Review of University Institutes and Centres Guideline. (41) Brief visits to, and inspection of, Unit facilities should be included in the program to provide the opportunity to clarify or to illustrate points made in the submissions. (42) Where Units are multi-sited, the use of technologies such as teleconferencing should be considered. An alternative is for the internal members to visit the facilities and include a report to the full committee if required. (43) The review report is prepared by the members of the review committee with support from the Secretary. The Chair should discuss with members the division of responsibility for drafting individual sections of the report. (44) It is anticipated that the review committee will develop commendations and recommendations progressively throughout the review. It is expected that a penultimate draft of the report will be completed prior to the departure of the external committee members from the University. (45) Commendations should be made in those areas where the Unit has achieved outstanding outcomes, or has made significant progress towards doing so. (46) In formulating its recommendations, the review committee should take account of the resource constraints facing the University and its collective goals and objectives, as expressed in its Strategic Plan and as advised by the President of the Academic Board and members of the Senior Executive. Every effort should be made to ensure that statements in the report are factually correct. Recommendations should not be directed toward senior officers of the University or to the University itself. They must be directed toward the Director of the Unit so that it is clear how the Unit should proceed. (47) A case, supported by facts and evidence, is to be made for all review recommendations, particularly those proposing significant change or that impact on other organisational units, University rules or policies. (48) Review committees are encouraged to include time-frames for the implementation of recommendations. (49) The report consists of the following sections: (50) There is no mandatory format for the section 'Report of the Review Committee'. One possible format is to organise the report around the major themes on which the committee wishes to make recommendations. Another option is to arrange the contents as follows: (51) A review report template based on this second format option is available: Review of University Institutes and Centres - Report Template. (52) Appendix 1 to the review report should contain a list of names of all individuals who made written submissions to the review and Appendix 2 will list all those interviewed by the review committee. An exception to this requirement is for students - names are not listed for either postgraduate or undergraduate students. The number of students in each category who were interviewed or made a submission is sufficient. Written submissions are not included in the report. Other appendices follow, if required. (53) Prior to the finalisation of the recommendations: (54) The draft final recommendations are presented to a full meeting of the Unit on the last day to provide a general overview of the findings from the review and an outline of the recommendations. (55) The presentation needs to take account of the fact that Unit staff are likely to be anxious to receive the report at the culmination of a possibly stressful week. The Chair needs to ensure that the Unit is not alienated, and that concerns are allayed, and not aroused, by a willingness to clarify issues but not enter into a debate. (56) At the same time, the ABSC member will take the opportunity to inform the Unit staff about the process subsequent to the departure of the review team; touching on the time-frame for completion of the report; opportunity for the Unit’s consideration and response; the deliberative process in the Academic Board Standing Committee and the passage of the report through the Academic Board to the Vice-Chancellor; and the implementation and follow-up process. (57) All review committee members should attend the Unit presentation and, wherever possible, visual aids should be used to facilitate the presentation. (58) Following the period of the review, the report will be finalised by the Chair in consultation with the Secretary and the other members of the review committee. The report will be finalised as soon as possible, but normally within two weeks after the conclusion of the review. (59) Initially, copies of the review report are given to: (60) ABSC will request an initial post-review response immediately after the review, which the Director of the Unit will prepare. This response, which must include implementation strategies, is to be submitted within four weeks of having received the final report, via the office of the Supervisor, to both: (61) Anticipated challenges for the implementation of any recommendation will be included in the Director's response to the review recommendations. Academic Board Standing Committee, augmented by the Provost, will discuss the final report together with the written response. As part of its deliberations, Academic Board Standing Committee, augmented by the Provost, will interview the Director of the Unit and the Supervisor, together with other members of the Senior Executive as required. (62) Academic Board Standing Committee, with the assistance and subject to the approval of the Provost, prepares a report on its deliberations for to the Academic Board, setting out the Committee’s comments on the recommendations. (63) The review report, the Unit’s response, and the report from Academic Board Standing Committee, will be considered by Academic Board for forwarding to the Vice-Chancellor. (64) Following approval by the Vice-Chancellor, the review report, together with a composite statement from the Academic Board, is distributed to the Unit and to the Senate for noting. (65) The Director and their Supervisor are responsible for implementation of the adopted recommendations. (66) ABSC is responsible for monitoring the implementation. (67) The Director of the Unit and their supervisor must prepare an implementation report on progress made on all of the recommendations, to be submitted to the President of the Academic Board within 12 months of the Vice-Chancellor's approval of the review report. It is expected that all stakeholders, including students, are consulted and involved in the implementation of the recommendations. (68) The implementation report allows Academic Board Standing Committee to compare the response to each recommendation over the 12-month time-frame and assess more effectively the extent to which review recommendations have been implemented. Academic Board Standing Committee, augmented by the Provost will meet with the Director of the Unit and their Supervisor to discuss the 12-month implementation report. The Academic Board Standing Committee representative on the review committee will introduce the discussion. (69) A similar report will be prepared for the Vice-Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor's Risk and Compliance Committee within thirty-six months of the Vice-Chancellor's approval of the review report. (70) The role of the Chair is to: (71) The role of the ABSC representative is to: (72) This provision only applies for reviews of University Centres. (73) The role of the Director/Senior Researcher from a cognate centre is to: (74) This provision only applies for reviews of University Centres. (75) The role of the Associate Dean (Research) is to provide advice on: (76) This provision only applies for reviews of Institutes. (77) The role of the Senior Researcher from a cognate institute is to: (78) The Secretary is a senior member of administrative staff and plays a key role in the preparation for and the conduct of the review. The Secretary: (79) The Secretary is not a member of the review committee, and therefore does not participate in the review committee’s deliberations. During the review, the Secretary reports directly to the review Chair in all matters relating to the review. The Secretary, in consultation with the President of the Academic Board, may appoint an Assistant Secretary. (80) The Review Coordinator is appointed by the Academic Registrar and is usually the Assistant Secretary to ABSC. The role of the Review Coordinator is to: (81) Units may wish to obtain copies of recent submissions made by other Units to assist them with preparing their documentation. (82) In the year prior to the review, Directors of Units and key staff assisting with the preparation of the submission are invited to attend a briefing session by the President of the Academic Board on the Unit review process. A Head of School or Director of a Unit whose school or Unit has recently been reviewed also attends to speak about their experiences. (83) Units normally engage in a detailed strategic planning exercise several months prior to the finalisation of the submission. (84) The role of the review committee is to review the Unit in accordance with the approved terms of reference. The submission allows the Unit to reflect upon and analyse operations and its outputs in order to optimise future performance. Consequently, the focus of the submission is to identify future directions and strategic intentions for the Unit. (85) However, to set the context for the review, it is important to briefly address the Unit’s history and its present circumstances with a focus on factors that have contributed to the current operating environment and potential future outlook of the Unit. (86) Excluding the appendices, the submission should be no longer than 100 pages in length. A submission includes: (87) The section includes reference to: (88) This section includes a comprehensive analysis of the Unit’s current status particularly with regard to research outcomes and impact. An overview of the Unit’s current goals and priorities should be provided with an analysis of the extent to which these goals and priorities are being achieved. (89) There are three types of data required: (90) Where possible, data should span at least three, and up to five, years to enable an assessment of trends. (91) The eleven terms of reference for Unit reviews cover those aspects of a Unit’s operations that are common to all Units within the University. (92) Submissions should include an assessment of performance according to the areas covered by the terms of reference. (93) The data for Terms 5 (Discovery), 6 (Resources), 7 (Education), 9 (Organisational Structure) and 11 (Equity and Diversity) can be obtained through the creation of reports developed by Planning and Business Intelligence. The reports are available through the Planning and Business Intelligence ‘Data Collections’ webpage or by contacting Planning and Business Intelligence. (94) Where quantitative data are available, comparable data for other relevant Units within the University should be supplied. (95) Performance should also be explicitly linked to University Strategic Plans and operating priorities. Budget information provided is meant to inform discussion. (96) The Unit should take the opportunity to present any particular strengths that are not covered by the core performance data, and ideally, assess those strengths against key performance indicators established by the Unit or against nationally/internationally-recognised discipline-specific markers of performance. (97) Benchmarking data are provided for Discovery. The primary purpose of benchmarking with international institutions is to assist in determining the direction of the discipline and the quality of the scholarship. However, it is recognised that Units vary in structure and emphasis of research such that benchmarking against any Unit may be neither useful nor informative. (98) Where a comparable Unit does not exist, benchmarking of researchers/research groups against high quality researchers/groups nationally and internationally should be undertaken. (99) This section should be the focus of the submission. It describes plans and strategies for the future development and improvement of the Unit over the next three to five years. It is expected that the Unit submit a concise operational plan in order to clearly display strategic objectives and goals, and to establish key targets. (100) The review committee will determine a program of action in each of the areas of the terms of reference. The review committee's task is to provide an objective assessment of the Unit’s future directions and strategies and either confirm or recommend changes to those plans. Therefore, this section articulates goals and courses of action that are tied to: (101) In each case, consideration should be given to the Unit’s human, financial and physical resources to enhance performance, to meet the Unit’s objectives and to achieve its targets. Key performance indicators should be identified clearly, alongside strategic priorities that link appropriately to specified timelines, milestones and resource allocations. For institutes, these may have been developed in the Institute-Based Performance Framework. (102) The standard terms of reference are available for download from the Academic Board’s Reviews website: Review of Institutes and Centres - Standard Terms of Reference.Review of University Institutes and Centres Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives
Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
Academic Board Standing Committee (also known as Standing Committee)
The positions that together form a review committee.
The persons appointed to those positions that compose a review committee.
President of the Academic Board
The Senior Manager to whom the Director of the Institute or Centre is responsible, as follows:
• Executive Dean
• Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
• Provost
A generic term encompassing, in this instance, University Institutes and University Centres.
Top of PageSection 3 - Procedure Scope/Coverage
Section 4 - Procedure Statement
Section 5 - Procedures
Scheduling the Review
Composition and Membership of Review Committees
Terms of Reference
Review Process
Pre-review Process
Stakeholder Dinner
Conduct of the Review
Initial Briefings
Committee Deliberations
Visits to Facilities
Section 6 - The Review Report
Structure of the Report
Presentation of the Findings
Finalising the Report
Post-review Process
Section 7 - Implementation
12-month and Three-year Implementation Reports
Section 8 - Roles of Review Committee Members and Secretariat
ABSC Representative
Director/Senior Researcher from a Cognate Centre
Associate Dean (Research)
Senior Researcher from a Cognate Institute
Roles of the Secretariat
Review Coordinator
Top of PageSection 9 - Preparation of Unit’s Submission
Part A - Preparation
Part B - Contents of the Unit Submission
The History of the Unit
The Unit at Present
Core Data
Unit-Specific Data
Benchmark Data
The Unit in the Future
Section 10 - Standard Terms of Reference
View current
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