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Visiting Academic Procedure

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.
This Procedure is currently under review. For any questions, please email

Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) This Procedure outlines the process for conferral of the title ‘Visiting Academic’ at The University of Queensland.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

Terms Definitions
Authorised Officer The officer authorised to exercise the relevant HR power or function in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules.
DOHA Department of Home Affairs.
Head Head of School or equivalent level.
Visiting Academic Title conferred on an academic who is invited to the University to carry out teaching and/or research for a duration of at least four weeks.
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Section 3 - Procedure Scope/Coverage

(2) This Procedure applies to conferral of the title ‘Visiting Academic’.

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Section 4 - Procedure Statement

(3) A documented recommendation for conferral of the title ‘Visiting Academic’ must be made to the Authorised Officer by the Heads of School.

(4) The documentation must include the following information:

  1. visiting Academic's curriculum vitae and contact details;
  2. commencement and expiry date of proposed period of stay;
  3. objective of proposed visit or details about the research project the Visiting Academic will be involved in;
  4. details regarding any reimbursement of expenses such as airfare or accommodation or whether a living allowance will apply; and
  5. for international visitors: the name, relationship and date of birth of any family members who will accompany the Visiting Academic during their stay.

(5) Visiting Academics who do not have Australian residence rights are required to apply and obtain an appropriate visa (Further information is available on the DOHA website).

(6) Once the title is approved, the Authorised Officer will forward the relevant documentation to the HR Officer, who will send out the invitation letter.

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Section 5 - Payment

(7) Visiting Academics do not receive a salary but may receive a stipend or other financial payment. Where a payment is to be made, the local Finance and Business Services or HR staff will determine the appropriate payment method using the Finance Forms and Resources. If the payment is above the specified Australian Taxation Office limits, the recipient may be subject to Australian tax (Pay As You Go).

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Section 6 - Appeals

(8) Appeals against the non-conferral of a ‘Visiting Academic’ title must be made to the Authorised Officer.

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Section 7 - Enquiries

(9) Enquiries relating to procedural requirements for conferral of ‘Visiting Academic’ can be directed to the Faculty or Institute HR staff.

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Section 8 - Resolution of Disputes

(10) Should any dispute arise as to the conditions, duties, or arrangements relating to the title, the aggrieved party will, in the first instance, raise the matter with the relevant Executive Dean or Institute Director. If the Executive Dean or Institute Director is involved in the dispute, the matter will be referred to the Provost for consideration. The Provost will recommend appropriate action. The decision of the Provost is final.