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Art Collection Development Procedure

This is not the document currently in effect. To view the current approved version, refer to the Current Version tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) This Procedure outlines the acquisition, collection management, exhibition and display, and de-accessioning and collection disposal for The University of Queensland Art Collection as specified in the Art Collection Development Policy.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

(2) No entries for this document.

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Section 3 - Procedure Scope/Coverage

(3) This Procedure applies to The University of Queensland Art Collection and its associated collections.

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Section 4 - Procedure Statement

(4) Acquisition, collection management, exhibition and display, and de-accessioning and collection disposal procedures must be complied with to ensure the ongoing development of The University of Queensland Art Collection.

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Section 5 - Acquisitions

(5) The University of Queensland Art Museum will acquire works for the Collection through purchase, gift, bequest or exchange with other public collections.

(6) When considering acquisitions, attention will be given to the provenance of the work, with details of this provenance to be recorded if available.

(7) When considering proposed gifts or bequests, The University of Queensland Art Museum will first examine their compatibility with the Art Collection Development Policy.

(8) Gifts or bequests with conditions that inhibit the Art Museum's exercise of judgement concerning the use of its Collection will be referred to the Board.

(9) The University of Queensland Art Museum will be attentive to the regulations and procedures of the Federal Government’s Cultural Gifts Program when considering any gift proposed through this program.

(10) All acquisitions, including gifts and bequests, will be considered and approved by the Director, The University of Queensland Art Museum (Director UQAM) and reported to The University of Queensland Art Museum Board. This will be the formal mechanism for accession into the Collection. The value of donated works and the donors’ names will be forwarded to The University of Queensland Advancement Office.

(11) Acquisitions under Director UQAM's delegation will be subject to the approval of The University of Queensland Art Museum Board.

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Section 6 - Collection Management

(12) The University of Queensland Art Museum has a responsibility to preserve and document the Collection and all other items in its care according to museum industry standards and the official policies and procedures of the University as documented in the UQ Policy and Procedure Library (PPL) especially those related to community and development activities, including Management of Museums and Collections Policy, and as documented in Assets Procedure, particular in Section 2, ‘Museums and Other Collections (including Works of Art)’ provisions.

(13) The University of Queensland Art Museum will balance the developmental needs of the Collection with its overall responsibility for the care and management of the existing collection.

(14) When acquiring works, the University of Queensland Art Museum will give due consideration to the resources required to house and maintain these acquisitions.

Collection Management Procedures

(15) These include:

  1. a unique accession number will be assigned to each object.
  2. hard copy, photographic and electronic documentation of the object will be maintained.
  3. documentation and management of the Collection will be administered through the KE EMu database, allowing reports to be generated on the Collection, and allowing students and researchers limited access to Collection data.
  4. annual reports will include: stocktake; new acquisitions; and value of the Collection.
  5. the Collection will be valued every five to seven years with adjustments to valuations monitored annually.
  6. the condition of the Collection will be monitored according to the value of the work of art and/or exhibition demand, and objects at risk will be referred for treatment by qualified conservator/s.
  7. loans by external parties will be assessed and monitored.
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Section 7 - Exhibition and Display

(16) The University of Queensland Art Museum, as a priority, will regularly exhibit works from its own Collection. As a university museum, part of its core responsibility is to support teaching and research of visual culture.

(17) The Collection will be given prominence through the organisation and presentation of exhibitions, publications, and public programs. The display of the Collection will be integral to the Art Museum's exhibition program.

(18) The interpretation of the Collection will actively draw from the contribution of scholars and others engaged in research in the visual arts, and include opportunities for cross-disciplinary research.

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Section 8 - De-accessioning and Collection Disposal

(19) De-accessioning and the disposal of items from the University Art Collection will be carried out in the interests of collection development. The University of Queensland Art Museum regards the right to dispose of works as a necessary part of developing the Collection to its fullest potential, and a responsible mechanism for collection management. Strict guidelines for de-accessioning will follow established industry standards, and will be in accordance with the University's community responsibility to ensure that items currently in its care are disposed of in a way that their cultural value is not lost to the wider community.

(20) Disposal will be carried out in a way consistent with University procedures.

(21) All items for disposal will be considered and approved by The University of Queensland Art Museum Board. De-accessioning will require the final approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

(22) The University of Queensland Art Museum will observe all legal, cultural or related issues in relation to disposal. It will be incumbent upon the University to identify any conditions attached to donated items. The University is obliged to honour such conditions of donation, or to seek variation with donors.

(23) The University of Queensland Art Museum will dispose of items in a manner beneficial to the Collection and the cultural value of those items. Disposal may include sale, exchange, gift or destruction. Only other public collections may receive the gift of a de-accessioned work. Destruction of an item will be considered only if the item has deteriorated beyond repair or present a danger.

(24) All proceeds gained from disposal will be used for collection development purposes.