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Collaborative Research Platform and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity Procedure

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 -  Purpose and Scope

(1) This Procedure supports The University of Queensland’s (UQ) Collaborative Research Platform and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity Policy, and outlines the processes for the:

  1. Establishment, reporting, review and disestablishment of Collaborative Research Platforms (CRPs), and
  2. The governance and operational requirements for CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities.

(2) This Procedure applies to Collaborative Research Platforms (CRPs) and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities.

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Section 2 - Key Controls

(3) Subject to contractual and regulatory obligations, CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities require an Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent), Business Plan and a Schedule of Pricing, as approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure) (PVCRI).

(4) A review of CRPs will be conducted by the PVCRI every five (5) years to evaluate achievements and outcomes of the CRP against its Business Plan.

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Section 3 - Process and Key Requirements

Part A - Governance requirements for CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities

(5) Each CRP and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity, subject to contractual and regulatory obligations, must:

  1. Have an Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent),
  2. Have a Business Plan, and
  3. Report annually (Annual Report).

Academic Advisory Committees

(6) The CRP Director or UQ Activity Director (for UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities) is responsible for establishing an Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent).

(7) The Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent) is expected to provide advice to the CRP Director (or equivalent), and when requested, the PVCRI, on topics such as:

  1. Potential technological or research opportunities,
  2. Opportunities for proactive revenue generation through end-user engagement and business development,
  3. Infrastructure investment,
  4. Improvements on the user experience,
  5. Development of partnership and collaboration opportunities within UQ, nationally and internationally, and
  6. Development of strategic directions, programs and plans.

(8) The Terms of Reference and the membership of the Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent) must be approved by the PVCRI, subject to contractual or regulatory obligations

(9) The Chair of the Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent) must not be the CRP or UQ Activity Director, or a staff member of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity. The Chair is expected to have an established research track record and demonstrated leadership in the relevant discipline area or equivalent industrial experience.

(10) The membership of the Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent) may include:

  1. The CRP or UQ Activity Director
  2. Staff of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity
  3. Representatives from UQ user communities
  4. Industry partners
  5. Members required by funding or partnership agreements
  6. Members required to meet NCRIS obligations (for UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities)

(11) For UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities which are virtually hosted by the PVCRI office (Type 3 – as described in the Collaborative Research Platform and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity Policy), the Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent) is chaired by the PVCRI. The membership of Type 3 Committees will also include UQ Faculty Associate Deans (Research) and Institute Deputy Directors (Research).

(12) The Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent) must meet at least biannually. More frequent meetings may be required depending on the complexity of the operations of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity

(13) Minutes from each Academic Advisory Committee (or equivalent) meeting should be made available to the PVCRI and where relevant, the Director of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity.

Business Plans

(14) The CRP Director (or equivalent) is responsible for developing a Business Plan within a year of establishment of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity, for approval by the PVCRI.

(15) The Business Plan must include strategic positioning and operations of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity, including such matters as:

  1. The core objectives of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity,
  2. The alignments of assets and capabilities with technological opportunities and trends,
  3. The expected contribution to UQ’s research excellence, impact and training,
  4. How operational activities, including the expenditure budget, staffing and administrative arrangements, will be managed to achieve operational efficiency,
  5. How core collaborations, including external and international strategic partnerships and alliances, will be facilitated, and
  6. Any relevant Quality Management Systems and/or external accreditation that would be required or desired for the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity.

(16) The Business Plan should also include a Schedule of Pricing which outlines the specific pricing and costing for:

  1. The range of groups accessing the facility (e.g. UQ Researchers, Non-UQ Researchers, Government Agencies, Commercial/Industry, Not-for-Profit Entities);
  2. Different types of support provided (e.g. trained autonomous usage, assisted usage, full service); and
  3. The underlying intent of the research (e.g. fundamental research, commercial, consulting).

(17) The Business Plan should specify the minimum Budget Operating Cost Recovery target, with input from the PVCRI. This target will be reviewed on an annual basis, subject to any external obligations.

(18) To determine the minimum Budget Operating Cost Recovery target, the PVCRI will take into consideration:

  1. The capacity of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity to generate revenue through business development and user fees;
  2. The contribution to UQ’s basic research/discovery research, and
  3. The operating costs of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity

Annual Reports

(19) CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities are required to submit a report to the PVCRI annually (Annual Report).

(20) The Annual Report would typically address the following:

  1. Achievements and updates with reference to elements of the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity Business Plan.
  2. Any variations to the Business Plan.
  3. Records of significant noncompliance with UQ policy and procedures, as well as any relevant government policies/standards, legal obligations and professional standards.
  4. The performance against operating cost recovery target and Schedule of Pricing

Part B - Establishment, Review and Disestablishment of CRPs

Business Case for the Establishment of a CRP

(21) The PVCRI must develop a Business Case for the proposed establishment of a CRP, for approval from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) (DVCRI).

(22) The Business Case would typically outline:

  1. How the proposed CRP will enable research excellence and impact beyond the existing infrastructure and capabilities at the University,
  2. Industry and research demand for the CRP,
  3. If the CRP will address any inherent risk to the University,
  4. If the CRP has sufficient scale to justify management as a central University asset,
  5. How the CRP will manage assets and provide research capabilities more efficiently than may be achieved within individual UQ Faculties or Institutes,
  6. The support of relevant academic units (Faculties, Institutes or Schools) through consultation across relevant discipline areas, and
  7. A revenue generation strategy involving end-user engagement and business development

CRP Review

(23) The PVCRI must review the CRP at least every five (5) years. This can be undertaken at any stage but will typically occur in the fifth year of its term.

(24) A CRP established under a funding agreement or other external arrangement/s will be reviewed in accordance with the requirements of that arrangement.

(25) The PVCRI will specify the membership and Terms of Reference of the CRP’s review committee.

(26) A CRP review would typically:

  1. Review the achievements and outcomes of the CRP against its Business Plan,
  2. Evaluate the continuing relevance of the Business Plan and any changes that would be required for the future positioning and success of the CRP, and
  3. Be conducted by a review panel which is chaired by an experienced researcher familiar with the capabilities of the CRP. The Chair of the review panel cannot be the Director or a staff member of the CRP. The review panel may include members who may be external or external to the University.

(27) A Review Report must be produced by the Chair of the panel at the conclusion of the review process, to be submitted to the PVCRI.

Disestablishment of a CRP

(28) The DVCRI may disestablish a CRP on the recommendation of the PVCRI, taking into account operational, legal, compliance and risk considerations.

(29) The recommendation for disestablishment must include a Disestablishment Report developed by the PVCRI. This report must include:

  1. Outcomes of the most recent CRP Review,
  2. The performance of the CRP against its Business Plan,
  3. Operational, legal, compliance or risk considerations, and
  4. Whether the CRP continues to meet the definition and purpose of a CRP, as set out in the Collaborative Research Platform and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity Policy.

(30) The disestablishment of a CRP as a Supervisory Unit must conform to the standard University processes for change in a supervisory structure

Part C -  Transitional Arrangements

(31) An implementation plan will be developed by the PVCRI and approved by the DVCRI to transition all existing CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities under this Procedure, and the associated Collaborative Research Platform and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity Policy, during the Transition Period.

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Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

(32) The DVCRI is responsible for approving the establishment and disestablishment of CRPs.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)

(33) The PVCRI is accountable for:

  1. Developing a Business Case for the proposed establishment of a CRP.
  2. Approving business plans for CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities.
  3. Nominating a minimum operating cost recovery target for each CRP and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity.
  4. Overseeing the review of CRPs including developing the Terms of Reference and membership of the review committee.
  5. Developing a CRP Disestablishment Report for the proposed disestablishment of a CRP.
  6. Providing an annual report to the Research and Innovation Committee, providing a summary of Business Cases and Business plans, Annual Reports, Reviews and Disestablishment Reports of CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities.

CRP Director or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity Director

(34) The Director (or equivalent) is responsible for:

  1. Developing a Business Plan, including a Schedule of Pricing.
  2. Developing the Annual Report.
  3. Managing the CRP or UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity in alignment to the relevant Business Plan.
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Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(35) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) is responsible for continuously monitoring the effectiveness of this Procedure, and ensuring its ongoing relevance and consistency with associated policies and procedures.

(36) The PVCRI will provide regular reporting to the DVCRI on activities related to CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities, including:

  1. Business cases for the establishment of new CRPs
  2. Business Plans for CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities
  3. Annual Reports for CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities
  4. CRP Review Reports
  5. CRP Disestablishment Reports
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Section 6 -  Recording and Reporting

(37) CRPs and UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activities must provide Annual Reports to the PVCRI as outlined in this Procedure.

(38) The PVCRI must provide an Annual Report to the Research and Innovation Committee as detailed in clause 19.

(39) All University records shall be retained and disposed of in accordance with the University's Information Management Policy and procedures.

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Section 7 - Appendix


Term Definition
Collaborative Research Platforms Infrastructure, facilities and capabilities which comprise administrative supervisory units within the Organisational Structure Policy that report through to the PVCRI.  
UQ-Hosted NCRIS Activity Includes NCRIS Nodes, Projects, and Facilities which have received central UQ investment through the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) portfolio
Transition Period 26 June 2024 to 31 December 2025.