(1) This Policy: (2) The Senate has the functions conferred on it under the UQ Act. The Senate may do anything that is necessary or convenient to be done for, or in connection with, its functions, including the power to: (3) The Senate can delegate its powers under the UQ Act to an appropriately qualified: (4) An 'appropriately qualified' Delegate means a person or committee that has the qualifications, experience or standing appropriate to exercise the power. (5) The Senate cannot delegate its power to: (6) The Vice-Chancellor is the University’s Chief Executive Officer and may exercise the powers and perform the functions conferred on the Vice-Chancellor by the UQ Act or the Senate.[3] (7) The Vice-Chancellor may delegate the Vice-Chancellor's powers under the UQ Act to an appropriately qualified member of the University's staff.[4] (8) If a Senate Delegation to the Vice-Chancellor permits sub-delegation, the Vice-Chancellor may sub-delegate that delegated power to an appropriately qualified member of the University’s staff.[5] (9) The following principles must be observed in the exercise of the University's Delegations and sub-delegations:[6] (10) The Senate is responsible for Delegations dealing with Senate powers. (11) The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for granting and approving: (12) The Vice-Chancellor, through the Chief Financial Officer, is also responsible for ensuring UQ has the appropriate systems, capabilities and processes in place (including accountability and probity controls) for meeting any financial obligations arising out of the exercise of a delegation. (13) Delegates must exercise their powers in accordance with: (14) The Associate Director, Governance and Policy must: (15) Twice a year, the Vice-Chancellor must report to Senate on any new Sub-delegation conferred by the Vice-Chancellor. (16) All Delegations from Senate to the Vice-Chancellor must be reviewed at least once every 4 years. (17) The University Senior Executive Team provides assurance to the Vice-Chancellor that the University’s governance and assurance functions are adequate and effective. This includes monitoring, review and assurance of the Delegations Framework at the University. (18) All Delegations must be in writing and maintained in a register of Delegations. (19) Delegates may be required to provide periodic reports to the Vice-Chancellor on the exercise of Delegations.Delegations Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Principles and Key Requirements
Senate Powers to Delegate
Vice-Chancellor's Powers to Delegate and Sub-delegate
Delegation Principles
Top of Page
Section 3 - Role, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Associate Director, Governance and Policy
Top of PageSection 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
University Senior Executive Team
Section 5 - Recording and Reporting
Section 6 - Appendix
Means a member of staff, a member of Senate or a Senate Committee to whom or to which, a Delegation has been made.
Means a conferral of delegated authority on a person to exercise a statutory based power or function.
Organisational Area
Includes an administrative area, portfolio, centre, faculty, institute, school, unit or other academic or managerial division of the University.
Means the Senate of the University, established under the UQ Act.
Senate Committees
Means a committee of Senate as established from time to time.
Means where the Senate delegates a function or power to the Vice-Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor then confers the legal capacity to exercise that Senate delegated power or function on an appropriately qualified member of the University’s staff.
UQ Act
Means the University of Queensland Act 1998. The legal requirements for delegations are contained in section 27A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld).
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[1] s.11(1) of the UQ Act,
[2] s.11(2) of the UQ Act,
[3] s.32(4) of the UQ Act,
[4] s.32(5) of the UQ Act,
[5] s.11(3) of the UQ Act,
[6] The legal requirements for delegations are contained in section 27A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld),
[7] s.32(5) of the UQ Act.