(1) The University of Queensland (UQ or the University) is committed to ensuring publications arising from its research are disseminated as broadly as possible. The University recognises that making scholarly outputs open access: (2) This Policy will also ensure that the University is recognised for the impact of its research and teaching which will accelerate research progress, and enhance innovation. (3) This Policy applies to all UQ authors including staff and students, irrespective of their work location. It also applies to all University title holders, where a UQ attribution is appropriate in the publication in question (for example, where UQ resources and facilities have been used). Theses from Higher Degree by Research students are outside the scope of this Policy. (4) This Policy sets out the requirements for UQ researchers to make their research publications openly available via UQ’s institutional repository, UQ eSpace, as soon as possible, taking into account: (5) Open Access compliance requirements of funding bodies can vary significantly, and all UQ authors are contractually bound to comply with the relevant Open Access policies of their funding contracts. Those requirements may extend to the data underlying/supporting a publication being openly accessible. Most publishers allow authors to make author-accepted manuscripts (author post-prints) freely available immediately or within twelve (12) months after publication. (6) Increasingly and internationally, funding bodies require statements of rights retention and commitments to Creative Commons licencing. An addendum specific to the funding body (such as the NHMRC or the ARC) can be used. (7) The University recommends UQ authors retain the copyright of their works where possible, as opposed to transferring the copyright to the publisher. In cases where the publisher owns the copyright, authors are encouraged to negotiate license terms with publishers and make their publications available under a Creative Commons licence (e.g. CC-BY to allow distribution and use). (8) As stated in UQ’s Intellectual Property Policy, the University does not assert ownership over the Intellectual Property of scholarly outputs. This includes copyright works that are intended for publication, regardless of format. (9) All UQ authors have individual responsibility to ensure that their publications adhere to this “Open Access for UQ Research Publications” Policy. However, it is understood that that some authors may not be able to meet the requirements due to legal or contractual obligations. In these cases, an explanatory note can be attached to the bibliographic metadata in UQ eSpace by the author. (10) UQ authors also have the responsibility to meet open access requirements of relevant funding bodies. Details about funders’ policies are available at Jisc Open Policy Finder. However, UQ authors should refer to their funding agreements to confirm specific requirements. (11) All UQ authors should ensure that collaborating authors are aware of this Policy and ensure that any copyright material is acknowledged in the publication. Where a publication has more than one UQ author (see UQ’s Authorship Procedure), only one UQ author is required to take responsibility for ensuring the Policy is met. (12) The UQ Library is responsible for the provision and maintenance of the institutional repository, UQ eSpace. (13) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and the University Librarian are responsible for the development and implementation of this Policy, and monitoring, review and assurance activities. (14) The UQ Library eSpace team will maintain UQ eSpace records, including the metadata of research outputs, and provide reports from the repository upon request.Open Access for UQ Research Publications Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements
Open Access Requirements
Copyright and Creative Commons
Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
UQ Library
Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 5 - Recording and Reporting
Section 6 - Appendix
Author accepted manuscripts (or post-prints)
the manuscript of an article that has been accepted for publication and which typically includes author-incorporated changes suggested during submission, peer review, and editor-author communications.
staff, students and title holders of The University who are authors on publication.
data/information relating to a Research Output, including author(s), publisher(s), funding information, Digital Object Identifier (DOI), license associated with an item, and other relevant details.
Open Access
digital content that is freely available via the Internet, permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to.
dissemination of research findings, whether in hardcopy, electronic or other tangible form, including: making them available in refereed and non-refereed books or journals; conference presentations, papers, proceedings and posters and creative works with a research component.
Title Holders
visiting academics, academic title holders, industry fellows, emeritus professors, adjunct and honorary title holders, and conjoint appointments.
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