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Student Fees Policy

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above. To view historical versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) The University may impose fees for admission, enrolment, tuition, examination, use of University facilities, other goods and services provided in conjunction with a course or program and as penalties. Fees may vary for different categories of students and different administrative arrangements for payment may apply.

(2) This Policy is to be read in conjunction with the terms of any scholarship awarded to a student and the requirements of relevant third party arrangements. This Policy complies with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) (HESA) and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (ESOS) and related instruments.

(3) This Policy applies to all students enrolled in (or seeking to enrol in) a course or program at UQ. For fees associated with shorter form credentials refer to the Shorter Form Credentials Admission, Enrolment, Fees and Assessment Procedure.

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Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements

Part A - General Principles for Setting and Administering Fees

(4) To ensure the student fees are set and administered in accordance with legislative obligations, the University will:

  1. Give students an opportunity to complete the requirements of their course or program without the imposition of fees that are additional to student contribution amounts, tuition fees and student services and amenities fees.[1]
  2. When determining the indexation of fees, consider the impact of any increase on continuing students.
  3. Set the amount of a fee in relation to the delivery of services with consideration to the cost of delivery, with the exception of fees charged as a fine or penalty.[2]
  4. Set fees in time to meet internal and external publication requirements, including legislative requirements[3], provide adequate time for fees information to be promulgated to current and prospective students, and to inform the University’s budget planning processes.
  5. Administer fees in accordance with HESA, ESOS and related instruments.
  6. Review fees on an annual basis.

(5) Appendix 2 summarises the basis on which student contribution amounts and tuition fees are set and charged for different cohorts of students.

(6) Appendix 3 summarises the decision makers for fees matters, including a summary of the instrument of sub-delegation of the Vice-Chancellor's powers.

Part B - Tuition Fees

(7) The University may set tuition fees at different rates for different cohorts of students[4] (e.g. based on year of admission, program, course etc.) in accordance with the fees scheme as outlined in Appendix 2.

(8) The tuition fee for any course must not be less than the maximum Student Contribution Amount payable for that course by Commonwealth Supported students.[5]

(9) The tuition fee for any course for an international student must not be less than the ‘minimum indicative fees for overseas students’ set by the Australian government.[6]

(10) Tuition fees must not include fees for amenities, facilities, goods or services of a non-academic nature.

(11) The tuition fee rates for each academic year from 2018 are published in the fee schedules on my.UQ.

(12) The tuition fee rates for academic years prior to 2018 are published in the (archived) Fee Rules for the given year.

Part C - Fees for Students in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)

(13) The University will use the maximum Student Contribution Band Amounts determined by the Australian government for a calendar year, to set relevant University Student Contribution Band Amounts.

(14) The University may treat a person as a Commonwealth supported student for a particular course only if the person has completed a request for Commonwealth assistance and paid the Student Contribution Amount (SCA) for that course by the census date.[7]

(15) A student who provides a verifiable Tax File Number and Unique Student Identifier and defers payment of the SCA under HECS-HELP by the census date, is considered to have paid the SCA.[7]

(16) A student who has not paid the SCA for a course by census date may continue as a student for that course only if the student pays the domestic student tuition fees set for that course for the year.

Part D - Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF)

(17) The University will set Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) for the provision of amenities, facilities and support services of a non-academic and non-political nature.[8]

(18) The University will use the maximum annual SSAF amount set by the Australian government for each academic year to set relevant SSAF amounts.

(19) The University may set different SSAF amounts (including a zero amount) for different categories of students.[9]

Part E - Administrative Charges

(20) The University will set administrative charges.

Part F - Program and Course Related Incidental Fees

(21) The University may set program or course related incidental fees as set out in the Incidental Student Fees and Charges Procedure.

Part G - Deposits

(22) The University may require a commencing international student to pay a deposit in order to confirm their offer of a place.

Part H - Varying Fees

(23) The University cannot waive tuition fees and student contribution amounts or remove liability for HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP, unless the ‘Removal of Financial Liability due to Special Circumstances’ provisions of this Policy apply.[10]

(24) The Academic Registrar may vary the tuition or student services and amenities fees for a student where an issue is not dealt with in this Policy and related procedures, including:

  1. a variation in the amount of a fee payable on administrative grounds; and
  2. a variation in the time to pay a fee.
Note: Administrative grounds would be because of administrative error on behalf of the University.  

(25) The University may discount tuition fees for specific cohorts of students including:

  1. students covered by a Contract, International Agreement or International Development Contract for which the Vice-Chancellor or University Senate has approved a fee discount;
  2. students awarded a fee reduction scholarship approved by the Vice-Chancellor; or
  3. a fee reduction or discount scheme approved by the University Senate or Vice-Chancellor.

Part I - Student Responsibilities

(26) A student must pay all the relevant fees by the due date.

(27) Students remain responsible for their fees in cases where the University enters into an arrangement with a third party for payment of the student’s fees. If the third party does not make full payment, the student assumes responsibility for payment of any outstanding fees.

(28) A student must inform the University promptly if their capacity to pay their fees changes.

Part J - Refunds and Uncollected Funds

(29) Fees are incurred by a student on the census date for each course and study period in which the student is enrolled. A student incurs fee liability for all courses and programs in which they are enrolled as at midnight on census date.

(30) A student who withdraws by the census date will be entitled to a full refund, after application of any relevant administrative charges for student default[11] and subject to the provisions of any third party sponsorship, payment or loan arrangements.

(31) Where an amount has been in credit in a student’s account which has been inactive for more than 15 months, the University will transfer the uncollected funds to a University fund to support students.

(32) A student who is excluded or suspended under a University policy or procedure after the census date for a study period is not entitled to a refund of fees for that study period.

(33) If a student’s enrolments are cancelled under a University policy, or procedure after the census date for a study period, they may be charged an administrative fee equal to the value of the cancelled enrolment and will not receive a refund for that study period's fees.

Part K - Consequences of Non-payment

(34) A student’s enrolment is provisional until all fees have been paid. If a student fails to pay all relevant fees by the due date, the University may apply one or more of the following sanctions:

  1. Impose administrative charges.
  2. Withhold grades.
  3. Prevent further enrolment.
  4. Cancel a student’s enrolment and discontinue their program.
  5. International students must re-apply for admission.
  6. Cancel or restrict access to University resources, facilities and services.
  7. Refuse to graduate the student.

Part L - Removal of Financial Liability due to Special Circumstances

(35) If a student withdraws (or otherwise fails to complete a course) due to special circumstances which are beyond the student’s control, and do not make their full impact on the student until on or after the census date for the course; and make it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements for the course during the period during which the student undertook, or was to undertake, the course, they may apply in writing to have the financial liability removed due to special circumstances.[12]

(36) Applications for removal of financial liability due to special circumstances will be considered in accordance with Removal of Courses Due to Special Circumstances Procedure.

Part M - Student Grievances

(37) Students who have a grievance about the application of this Policy and associated procedures may submit their grievance in accordance with Student Grievance Resolution Policy.

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Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities


(38) The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for:

  1. establishing the principles and key requirements for student fees;
  2. approving any changes to the University’s fees scheme; and
  3. approving fee discounts for specific cohorts of students.

Executive Deans, Heads of School, Institute Directors and Dean, Graduate School

(39) Executive Deans, Heads of School, Institute Directors and the Dean, Graduate School are responsible for ensuring program and course related incidental fees meet legislative requirements, and for annual review of these fees.

Academic Registrar

(40) The Academic Registrar has overall responsibility for overseeing the setting and administration of fees, including:

  1. Approving and publishing fees schedules with details of the approved fee rates.
  2. Providing advice on the legislative and administrative implications of changes to fees and the fees scheme.
  3. Approving a schedule of administrative charges on an annual basis.
  4. Ensuring fees are reviewed annually.

Finance and Business Services

(41) Finance and Business Services is responsible for:

  1. Management of outstanding debts after the end of a study period.
  2. Management of uncollected funds and unclaimed monies.
  3. Management of payment of fees by a third party (third party contracts) through the Financial Management of Sponsored Students Procedure.
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Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(42) The Academic Registrar is responsible for ensuring this Policy is effective and for monitoring and reviewing fees setting and administration processes to ensure compliance with legislative requirements. To do this, the Academic Registrar will:

  1. Ensure fees proposed for new programs and courses meet HESA and ESOS requirements prior to their approval by the Vice-Chancellor;
  2. Undertake, in conjunction with Planning and Business Intelligence, an annual review of fees;
  3. Undertake a regular review of fees setting and administration processes;
  4. Ensure any proposed changes to the fees scheme meet HESA and ESOS requirements; and
  5. Ensure that fees schedules which give effect to the approved annual indexation rate for fees meet HESA and ESOS requirements
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Section 5 - Recording and Reporting

(43) Academic Services Division will develop, maintain and publish procedures that give effect to this Policy, including schedules of fees.

(44) The Office of the Vice-Chancellor will maintain a record of fee rates approved by the Vice-Chancellor, including the basis for approval.

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Section 6 - Appendix

Appendix 1 – Definitions

Academic Registrar The Academic Registrar of the University.
Administrative Charge A charge payable as a fine or penalty, or for alternative forms of access to a service that is an essential component of the program but is otherwise readily available, or for a good or service that is not essential to the student’s enrolment in a program.
Census Date The final date for enrolment in a study period as set by the Academic Registrar.
Commonwealth Supported Student A domestic student enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place, for which the Australian government makes a direct contribution to the University, towards the cost of the student’s education.
Course A distinct unit of study within a program, for which a result is given and which is identified by its alphanumeric code, title and a fixed unit value.
Deposit A sum payable as a first instalment towards the tuition fees on accepting a place in a program, the balance being payable later.
Domestic Student A student who is:
1. an Australian citizen; or
2. a New Zealand citizen; or
3. the holder of a permanent visa for Australia
ESOS Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth).
Fee For the purposes of this Policy, means any fee or charge payable under this Policy, related procedures, or incidental fees permitted under the Higher Education Provider Guidelines
FEE-HELP The Australian government loan to help eligible students, not being Commonwealth supported students, pay their tuition fees.
HECS-HELP The loan scheme for eligible students enrolled in Commonwealth supported places to pay their student contribution amounts.
HESA The Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth).
Program or course Related incidental fee means a fee charged for:
  1. a good or service that is not essential to the program; or
  2. an alternative form, or alternative forms, of access to a good or service that is an essential component of the program but is otherwise made readily available by the University at no additional fee; or
  3. an essential good or service that the student has the choice of acquiring from a supplier other than the University and is for:
    •equipment or items which become the physical property of the student and are not consumed during the program; or
    •food, transport and accommodation costs associated with the provision of field trips that form part of the program.
International Student A student who is not a domestic student; also called an overseas student.
Program A sequence of study leading to the award of a higher education qualification by the University.
Remote A program of study undertaken by a higher degree by research student at a site other than a University campus or location.
Student Contribution Amount The fee that a Commonwealth supported student pays for each course.
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) A fee for student services and amenities of a non-academic nature, the maximum annual amount for which is legislated by the Australian government.
Study Period A semester,  research quarter, intake, flexibly scheduled period or teaching period.
Tuition Fee The fee an international student or a domestic student (who is not in a Commonwealth supported place or an exempt student) pays for each program or course; it does not include incidental fees or administrative charges.
USET the University Senior Executive Team

Appendix 2 - Basis for Setting and Charging Student Contribution Amounts and Tuition Fees

Citizenship category Program Level Cohort(s) Fee basis Charging basis
      From the 2024 academic year, fees are program based – a per unit rate is set for each program for a given fee-year. This program based fee rate may vary based on year of commencement.  
Domestic Undergraduate, Postgraduate Coursework All full-fee paying students (commencing and continuing) For the academic years from 2018 to 2023, a per unit rate is set at discipline level (i.e. the first 4 characters of the course code), with some exceptions within a discipline for specific academic levels or specific courses.

Refer to the archived Fee Rules for earlier years
Fees are charged for each course the student enrols in for a given study period
Domestic Undergraduate, Postgraduate Coursework All students in a Commonwealth Supported Place A per unit rate is set based on the ASCED code of the discipline (i.e. the Subject Area denoted by the first 4 characters of the course code). Fees are charged for each course the student enrols in for a given study period (i.e. class) based on the year of commencement in the program
Domestic Higher Degree by Research Pre-2017
Students are exempt from fees for research enrolment and recommended coursework in accordance with the provisions of the RTP.  
Domestic Higher Degree by Research – PhD, MPhil and Professional Doctorates (Research) (except DBiotech) Post-2016 students A fee per research quarter is set on the basis of field of education/ASCED code for the student’s area of research. Fields are classified in two clusters: low cost and high cost. Fees are charged for each study period of enrolment (research quarter), based on load (full-time/part-time) and mode (internal/remote)
Domestic Higher Degree by Research – DBiotech All cohorts A per unit rate is set for the program. In Year 1, fees are charged for each course the student enrols in for a given study period (i.e. class).
In later years, fees are charged for each study period of enrolment (research quarter), based on load (full-time/part-time) and mode (internal/remote)
Domestic Non-award All From 2024 onwards a per unit rate is set for each program.
For the academic years from 2018 to 2023, a per unit rate is set at discipline level (i.e. the Subject Area denoted by the first 4 characters of the course code). Some exceptions within a discipline for specific academic levels or specific courses.

Refer to the archived Fee Rules for earlier years.
Refer to the archived Fee Rules for earlier years.
Fees are charged for each course the student enrols in for a given study period (i.e. class)
International Undergraduate, Postgraduate Coursework All students A per unit rate is set for each program for a given fee-year. This program based fee rate may vary based on year of commencement. Fees are charged for each course the student enrols in for a given study period (i.e. class)
International Higher Degree by Research – PhD and MPhil Pre-2017 students A fee per research quarter is set on the basis of the enrolling unit. Enrolling units are grouped in three bands. Fees are charged for each study period of enrolment (research quarter), based on load (full-time/part-time) and mode (internal/remote)
International  Higher Degree by Research – PhD, MPhil and Professional Doctorates (Research) (except DBiotech) and Research Study Abroad Post-2016 students A fee per research quarter is set on the basis of field of education/ASCED code for the student’s area of research. Fields are classified in two clusters: low cost and high cost Fees are charged for each study period of enrolment (research quarter), based on load (full-time/part-time) and mode (internal/remote)
International Higher Degree by Research – DBiotech All cohorts A per unit rate is set at on the basis of field of education for the program. In Year 1, fees are charged for each course the student enrols in for a given study period (i.e. class).
In later years, fees are charged for each study period of enrolment (research quarter), based on load (full-time/part-time) and mode (internal/remote)
International Non-award Approved incoming Exchange students Exempt from fees A fee is charged for each semester of enrolment regardless of load.
International Non-award Study Abroad students A flat fee per semester is set for each program.  
International Non-award All other students From 2024 onwards a per unit rate is set for each program.
For the academic years of 2018 to 2023, a per unit rate is set at discipline level (i.e. the Subject Area denoted by the first 4 characters of the course code). Some exceptions within a discipline for specific academic levels or specific courses.
Refer to the archived Fee Rules for earlier years.
Fees are charged for each course the student enrols in for a given study period (i.e. class)

Appendix 3 - Decision Makers for Fees Matters and Summary of Sub-delegation of Vice- Chancellor's Powers

Setting new Fees


Student Type Fee Type Fee setting process Recommended by Edorsement/Advice Approved by 
Domestic Tuition fees for new program - program based fees1 Approval of fee per unit for new programs Executive Dean or Dean, Graduate School Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) and Academic Registrar Vice-Chancellor
International Tuition fees for new program - Program based fees Approval of fee per unit for new programs Executive Dean or Dean, Graduate School Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) and Academic Registrar
All Administrative Charges New administrative charges Head of Organisational Unit N/A Academic Registrar
All Program and/or course based Incidental fees New Incidental fees N/A Faculty/School/Institute should consult with ASD to confirm compliance of the proposed fee with the HESA Executive Dean/ Head of School/ Institute Director/Dean, Graduate School
Specified cohorts Tuition fees – set Term fees/Flat fees for a new program Set a fee per study period (e.g. semester, research quarter) for a new program or a program previously on course based or program based fee Executive Dean or Dean, Graduate School Coursework: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) and Academic Registrar

HDR: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) and Academic Registrar
All All course based fees for a new discipline descriptor Approval of ASCED Code (which determines HECS band and Commonwealth Funding Cluster) Executive Dean Academic Registrar  
All Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Addition/removal of exemptions   Academic Registrar Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
1For commonwealth and supported students, the Student Contribution amount is determined by the ASCED code classification of the discipline and cohort. The ASCED classification also determines the Commonwealth Funding cluster.

Annual Review and Indexation of Fees

Student Type Fee Type Fee setting process Recommended by  Endorsement/Advice Approval by
Domestic – Commonwealth Supported Student Contribution Amount – course based1 Annual indexation of Student Contribution Amount -based on Australian Government approvals N/A N/A Pre-approved by Vice-Chancellor
Domestic and International - Full fee paying students Tuition fees - program based Annual indexation of program-based fees Deputy Vice- Chancellor (Global Engagement) USET, Dean, Graduate School Vice-Chancellor
International Tuition fees - program based Annual indexation of program-based fees Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) USET, Dean, Graduate School and Academic Registrar Vice-Chancellor
All Tuition fees - term fees/flat fees Annual indexation of term based (semester/research quarter) fees Coursework Programs: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement); HDR: Dean, Graduate School USET, Dean, Graduate School and Academic Registrar Vice-Chancellor
All Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Annual indexation of SSAF amounts     Academic Registrar
All Administrative Charges Review of existing charges     Academic Registrar
All Program and/or course based Incidental fees Review of existing charges     Executive Deans and Dean, Graduate School
International Tuition fee deposit   Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)   Academic Registrar
1 For Commonwealth supported students, the Student Contribution Amount is determined by the ASCED classification of the discipline and cohort. The ASCED classification also determines the Commonwealth Funding cluster.

Varying Fees

Category Recommended by Endorsement/Advice Approval by
Approval of discounts for specific student cohorts and sponsors Coursework Programs: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement); HDR: Dean, Graduate School USET, Dean, Graduate School and Academic Registrar Vice-Chancellor
Variations to meet Financial Aid (US federal government loans) requirements N/A Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) Vice-Chancellor
Approval of variation in the amount of a tuition fee payable on administrative grounds     Academic Registrar
Waiving administrative charges     Academic Registrar; Deputy Director, Academic Services; Manager, Student Centre; Senior Manager, Student Enrolments and Fees; and Manager, Student Fees

Changes to Fees Scheme

Fee setting process Endorsement/Advice Approved by
Major changes to the basis for charging fees, e.g. course based, program based, term based, flat fees, SSAF USET, Dean, Graduate School and Academic Registrar2 Vice-Chancellor
2 On advice from the Academic Registrar, Director, Planning and Business Intelligence and Chief Financial Officer regarding the budgetary, administrative and system implications of the proposed change(s)

Changes to Approved Fees

Fee setting process Recommending authority Endorsement/Advice Approval by
Any change to the fee bands associated with an existing Discipline Descriptor (and course based exceptions) or program based domestic or international fee rate outside the annual fee indexation process Executive Dean or Dean, Graduate School Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) Vice-Chancellor
[1]HESA (s19-100 & s169-15)
[2]Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023 (Ch6&7)
[3]HESA (s19-95), Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023 (Ch5)
[4]HESA (s19-87 & s19-90)
[5]HESA (s36-55)
[6]Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023
[7]HESA (s36B & division 90)
[8]HESA (s 19-37 and 19-38)
[9]Higher Education Support (Administration) Guidelines 2022
[11]ESOS (Part 5, division 2, subdivision 3)
[12]HESA (s36-20 to 36-23 and section 104-25 and 104-30)