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Programs, Plans and Courses Quality Assurance Policy

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Policy sets out the principles and requirements for comprehensive cyclical reviews of The University of Queensland (University) undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs and for the monitoring of the quality of teaching and learning within such programs.

(2) All students will have opportunities to provide feedback on their educational experiences and student feedback will inform the University’s monitoring, review and improvement activities.

(3) The results of regular interim monitoring, comprehensive reviews, external referencing and student feedback will be used to mitigate future risks to the quality of the education provided and to guide and evaluate improvements, including the use of data on student progress and success to inform admission criteria and approaches to course design, teaching, learning and academic support.

(4) All teachers will have opportunities to review feedback on their teaching and are supported in enhancing these activities.

(5) This Policy applies to all accredited courses of study offered at the University, including shorter form credentials and pathway programs and courses.

(6) This Policy does not apply to Higher Degree by Research and Higher Doctorate programs.

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Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements

(7) The University is committed to undertaking regular systematic reviews of academic quality as part of the University’s quality assurance framework.

(8) The guiding principles of the academic quality assurance process for programs, plans, and courses offered at the University, including shorter form credentials and pathway programs and courses, are to:

  1. support the strategic objectives and regulatory requirements of the University;
  2. inform and assure the quality of academic offerings;
  3. ensure compliance with the relevant legislative and regulatory framework;
  4. support and enhance evidence-based decision making; and
  5. articulate the responsibilities of stakeholders in the quality assurance process.

Quality Assurance of Programs, Plans, and Courses

Compliance and Risk Frameworks

(9) The University must ensure compliance with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Act 2011 (Cth) and Higher Education Standards Framework 2021 (Threshold Standards). Part A of the Threshold Standards describes the matters that the University must consider in fulfilling its obligations to understand, monitor, and manage higher education activities and associated risks.

(10) The TEQSA Risk Assessment Framework is a key mechanism in TEQSA’s risk-based approach to assuring higher education standards. Relevant components of the TEQSA Risk Assessment Framework have been adopted in the University’s academic quality assurance processes as outlined in the Academic Program Review Procedure.

Annual Programs, Plans and Courses Quality Assurance

(11) The annual programs, plans, and courses quality assurance process facilitates evidence-based monitoring, review, and improvement of the quality of the University’s programs, plans, and courses including shorter form credentials and pathway programs and courses. The process relies on internal and external standards and benchmarks, such as the Group of Eight (Go8) benchmarks and the TEQSA Risk Assessment Framework.

(12) The AQA is conducted in accordance with the Annual Programs, Plans and Courses Quality Assurance Procedure.

Academic Program Reviews

(13) Academic Program Reviews facilitate the comprehensive and cyclical review of the University’s academic programs and plans. The process requires an evidence-based evaluation of the quality, structure, focus, sustainability, and outcomes of programs and plans in consideration of internal and external standards and benchmarks.

(14) The Academic Program Review process for all undergraduate programs and postgraduate coursework programs is conducted in accordance with the Academic Program Review Procedure.

School Reviews

(15) Academic Board, through its standing committee, conducts reviews of the University’s schools on a seven-year cycle or earlier if required. As part of the review process, schools undertake a self-assessment process of analysis, benchmarking, critical reflection, and forward-planning that includes course and teaching quality.

(16) School reviews are conducted in accordance with the Review of Schools Procedure.

Student Evaluations

(17) The University undertakes internal quality assurance surveys to give students the opportunity to provide feedback on their educational experiences. Student feedback informs the University’s monitoring, review and improvement activities.

(18) Student Evaluations are conducted in accordance with the Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching Procedure. The procedure outlines the processes for preparing, delivering and reporting SECaT and SETutor evaluations which are centrally administered by the Student Survey and Evaluations team in the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation.

(19) The Assuring and Enhancing Course and Teaching Quality Guideline explains the different cyclic and intermittent teaching and learning review processes used at the University. It also provides a framework for good practice around evaluating and enhancing course and teaching quality. Importantly, it provides information about a variety of existing evaluation and enhancement methods that go beyond SECaT and SETutor evaluations.

(20) The Student Survey Guideline provides information for applicants requesting to administer a student survey. It describes which surveys are subject to approval processes within the University and explains the criteria used to evaluate survey approvals and has a link to the Student Survey Proposal Form.

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Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities


(21) The Provost has line management of the University’s programs, plans, and courses quality assurance process and provides feedback to Executive Deans on quality assurance activities, implementation plans, and outcomes in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) as appropriate.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience)

(22) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) provide input to academic quality thresholds and assurance of high-quality program, plans, and course offerings at the University.

Academic Board

(23) The Academic Board provides expert advice to the Senate and the Vice-Chancellor on all matters relating to and affecting University teaching, research and educational programs, including the quality assurance of programs, plans, and courses covered by this Policy.

Executive Deans

(24) Executive Deans are responsible for approving, monitoring, and providing advice on action plans for programs, plans, and courses arising from annual quality assurance processes.

(25) Executive Deans are responsible for determining the review cycle and the conduct of Academic Program Reviews.

(26) The Executive Deans advise the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on quality assurance matters and provide feedback to relevant Faculty staff.

The Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation

(27) The Student Surveys and Evaluations Team in the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation is responsible for the management of the evaluation system. This work includes commissioning evaluations, configuring individual course and teacher evaluation reports, and creating aggregated reports.

Planning and Business Intelligence

(28) The Planning and Business Intelligence unit generates, interprets and reports on a range of data that inform various quality assurance processes.

Academic Staff

(29) Academic staff across the University have responsibilities for the design and quality of programs, courses, teaching, and learning outcomes. Where a staff member holds a role that is specifically described in a University policy or procedure, they are responsible for acting in accordance with the relevant description.

(30) Associate Deans (Academic), Heads of School, Directors of Teaching and Learning, and Program Convenors are expected to:

  1. lead the quality assurance and enhancement of all faculty- and school-owned and taught courses by using course evaluation information; and
  2. reflect on the teaching and learning experiences of students within a school or program to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

(31) Academic staff are responsible for encouraging students to participate in course and teacher evaluations and using a range of data on teaching quality to support quality improvement.


(32) Students are encouraged to contribute to improvements in teaching, learning, and the broader student experience by providing honest, respectful, and constructive feedback. When giving feedback, students are expected to comply with the Student Code of Conduct Policy.

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Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(33) This Policy is monitored by the University’s Committee for Academic Programs Policy and will be reviewed every five years.

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Section 5 - Recording and Reporting

(34) Details of the annual programs, plans, and courses quality assurance process are generated by the academic quality assurance management system.

(35) Records and reports associated with Academic Program Reviews are maintained in accordance with the Information Management Policy.