(1) The purpose of this Policy is to recognise, encourage, and reward sustained excellence in teaching and learning at The University of Queensland. (2) This Policy applies to all staff eligible for awards and those staff involved in the administration of Teaching and Learning Awards and the selection process. (3) The University of Queensland is committed to activities that attract, support and retain a diverse and inclusive community of high achieving staff and students. Providing recognition for excellent teaching practice encourages innovation and provides a mechanism to recognise high performance in teaching and learning. (4) The teaching and learning awards for individuals and teams established by the University and administered through the Teaching and Learning Awards Procedure formally recognise teaching and teaching leadership, and encourage and support teachers in their efforts to achieve excellence. (5) The coordination and administration of the awards is achieved through a number of identified roles outlined below. (6) The Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) is responsible for the administration of the teaching award schemes and the selection process. ITaLI prepares the Application Information and Instructions, facilitates information and support workshops, provides administrative support to applicants, collates all award submissions, and provides secretariat support to Shortlisting and Selection Committees. (7) The Teaching Recognition Coordinator is the point of contact for all award matters. (8) The University’s Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee advises the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on: (9) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) approves: (10) In carrying out their responsibilities, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) may consult with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), relevant Senior Executive staff, and request advice from relevant UQ units as required. (11) This Policy is monitored by the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee through ITaLI and will be reviewed on a three year basis. (12) ITaLI is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the Policy annually reporting to the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee. (13) ITaLI's Teaching Awards team is responsible for the maintenance of records and all reporting related to the Teaching and Learning Awards in accordance with relevant University policy. (14) ITaLI will also report University Teaching and Learning Awards for recording as relevant. (15) ITaLI - Institute for Teaching and Learning InnovationTeaching and Learning Awards Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements
Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 5 - Recording and Reporting
Section 6 - Appendix
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