(1) The University of Queensland Act 1998 allows the University to acquire or establish a controlled entity whose objectives are consistent with the Act and that the Senate considers appropriate in the circumstances. (2) The objectives of this Policy are to provide a framework in relation to: (3) This Policy applies to all controlled entities of The University of Queensland (UQ) unless otherwise stated. (4) In determining whether an entity is considered to be a controlled entity of UQ, reference should be made to the definition under Australian Accounting Standards. (5) Control is presumed to exist when the parent owns, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, more than half of the voting power of an entity unless, in exceptional circumstances, it can be clearly demonstrated that such ownership does not constitute control. (6) Control also exists when the parent owns half or less of the voting power of an entity when there is: (7) The Senate has created UQ Holdings Pty Ltd (“UQ Holdings”) to oversee and monitor UQ’s interests in controlled entities. UQ Holdings has been delegated the responsibility for: (8) The composition, structure and proceedings of the Board of UQ Holdings are determined by the Senate following consultation with the Vice-Chancellor and President. (9) The Board of UQ Holdings must prepare governance and oversight guidelines which apply to all entities under its control. These guidelines should cover items including constitutions, board composition, appointment of the Chief Executive Officer, board conduct, and corporate planning and reporting. (10) These guidelines must be reviewed by the Vice-Chancellor and President on a biennial basis. (11) The Board of UQ Holdings must report to the Senate on a regular basis through the Vice-Chancellor and President and the Senate Finance Committee. (12) The creation, acquisition or additional investment in a controlled entity must be approved by the Senate. (13) A separate controlled entity should only be acquired or established (as opposed to being a business unit of UQ) if: (14) Before being approved, a business case must be prepared that includes: (15) The wind-up, deregistration or sale of a controlled entity must be approved by the Senate. (16) Where a controlled entity within the UQ Holdings group establishes its own controlled entity, approval is not required from the Senate provided that: (17) This protocol also applies to subsequent investments in the entity and its ultimate wind-up, deregistration or sale. (18) For example, the creation of a commercialisation start-up company that will be 100% owned by UniQuest Pty Ltd would not require Senate approval provided the above conditions are met. (19) Each controlled entity shall maintain: (20) Each controlled entity should document its approach to managing its funding requirements and capital structure, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer. This includes when and how it may call on UQ for funding. (21) The prospect of any dividend or capital repayment should be considered annually as part of the controlled entity’s budget process. There is no set dividend policy and no set dividend targets. (22) The Senate is responsible for: (23) The Vice-Chancellor and President is responsible for: (24) The Chief Financial Officer must: (25) Any breach of this Policy is to be reported to the Senate and rectified as soon as possible. (26) On a quarterly basis, the Chief Financial Officer will provide a report to the Senate Finance Committee that includes details of:Controlled Entities Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements
Definition of a Controlled Entity
UQ Holdings Pty Ltd
Investments in Controlled Entities
Excluded Entities
Cash Held in Controlled Entities
Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Vice-Chancellor and President
Top of PageSection 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 5 - Recording and Reporting
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