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Annualised Salary Program (Voluntary Variable Weeks) Procedure

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) This Procedure outlines the conditions and process for applying for an Annualised Salary Program.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

Term Definition
Authorised Officer The officer authorised to exercise the relevant HR power or function in accordance with the HR sub-delegations instrument.
Enterprise Agreement The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2021-2026, or as amended or replaced. 
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Section 3 - Procedure Scope/Coverage

(2) This Procedure applies to all Professional continuing, research (contingent funded) and fixed-term staff members.

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Section 4 - Procedure Statement

(3) A staff member may apply to work an Annualised Salary Program, subject to approval in accordance with this Procedure.

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Section 5 - Annualised Salary Program

(4) An Annualised Salary Program is a flexible work arrangement that allows a Professional staff member to take up to an additional 4 weeks leave per year and have their salary annualised over a 52 week period. This leave is in addition to applicable Recreation Leave accruals.

(5) Certain staff members have the ‘right to request’ a flexible work arrangement in accordance with Section 65, Division 4 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), as referenced in the Flexible Work Policy. A range of flexible work arrangements are available at the University as outlined in the Flexible Work Policy.


(6) A staff member is eligible to apply for an Annualised Salary Program if, at the commencement of the Annualised Salary Program:

  1. the staff member holds a continuing appointment or has at least 12 months left on their current contract of employment;
  2. the staff member does not have an excess Recreation Leave and/or Long Service Leave balance in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement; and
  3. the staff member does not have an excess Flexi-time and/or VBT balance in accordance with the Attendance, Hours of Work and Overtime (Professional Employee) Procedure (HEW Level 1 to 7).


(7) An Annualised Salary Program must be entered into on an annual basis. To ensure efficient administration, the Annualised Salary Program will commence at the beginning of a pay period.

(8) A staff member on an Annualised Salary Program must:

  1. use the amount of additional leave and their annual Recreation Leave accrual during the 52 week period; and
  2. plan and submit to the Authorised Officer the period(s) of leave to be taken for the year in advance for approval, prior to commencing the arrangement.

(9) In exceptional circumstances, a staff member may apply to the Authorised Officer to approve any changes to the approved leave plan.

Recording and Taking of Leave

(10) The recording and taking of leave on an Annualised Salary Program is a manual process, and both the staff member and supervisor must ensure that leave taken by the staff member is recorded.

(11) The period(s) of leave must be planned and agreed to in advance on the Annualised Salary Program Application Form. As such, a staff member working on an Annualised Salary Program does not need to apply for Recreation Leave or the additional leave (up to 4 weeks) using a Leave Application Form or MyAurion. A staff member will therefore not be able to see their Recreation Leave accruals in Aurion, as Recreation Leave is calculated and paid in the fortnightly annualised salary payments.

(12) Any requests to change the pre-approved Recreation Leave or additional leave periods must be approved by the Authorised Officer.

Hours of Work

(13) A staff member working on an Annualised Salary Program will continue to work their normal standard hours per work day (e.g. 7 hours 15 minutes) consistent with the occupational category to which they are employed, as outlined in the Enterprise Agreement.

(14) A staff member (HEW Level 1 to 7) on an Annualised Salary Program must keep a timely and accurate record of their hours of work through the completion of a Timesheet.

Salary Calculation and Implications

(15) Staff members who access the Annualised Salary Program, will have their salary adjusted accordingly. To access the maximum 4 weeks additional leave available in a 52 week period, a staff member shall receive salary payment over that 52 week period equal to 48/52 of their normal salary. The 48/52 divisor will be proportionally adjusted where the arrangement is for other than the maximum 4 weeks additional leave available under this scheme (i.e. 49/52 divisor for 3 weeks additional leave, 50/52 divisor for 2 weeks additional leave, and 51/52 divisor for 1 week additional leave).

(16) A staff member on an Annualised Salary Program will therefore have their service fraction reduced accordingly.

(17) A staff member’s fortnightly ‘annualised’ salary amount will be adjusted to take into account any changes to salary or allowances a staff member during the 12 month period.

Recreation Leave Loading

(18) A staff member will receive Recreation Leave Loading on their Recreation Leave entitlement. 

(19) Recreation Leave Loading will only apply to the Recreation Leave entitlement, and will be paid annually as a lump sum (usually in the first pay of December) at the pro-rata rate.

(20) Where a staff member’s Annualised Salary Program ceases prior to November, the Recreation Leave Loading will be paid upon completion of the Program.

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Section 6 - Leave

(21) In accordance with the Enterprise Agreement, a staff member will retain any entitlements accrued at the date of commencing annualised hours. These entitlements cannot be utilised during the Annualised Salary Program.

Accrual and Taking of Leave

(22) In accordance with the Enterprise Agreement, a staff member working an Annualised Salary Program will accrue leave entitlements on a pro-rata basis.

(23) A staff member may apply for other leave entitlements (e.g. Personal Leave) in accordance with the relevant leave procedure using MyAurion or the Leave Application Form. Leave will be taken at the pro-rata rate.

(24) In the event a staff member seeks to access Personal Leave during a period of pre-approved Recreation leave or additional leave, the request must be accompanied by a medical certificate. The staff member will be required to amend their leave plan to ensure that any Recreation Leave or additional leave re-credited is taken within the Annualised Salary Program period, as soon as practicable, subject to approval by the Authorised Officer.

(25) The staff member must send a copy of the approved Leave Application Form, along with their amended leave plan as negotiated and approved by the Authorised Officer, to Human Resources Division for processing.

Public Holidays

(26) A staff member on an Annualised Salary Program will be paid for all public holidays and any University holidays that occur at the pro-rata rate.

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Section 7 - Superannuation

(27) The superannuation contributions of both the staff member and the University will be at the pro-rata rate, however a staff member may elect to pay both the University’s and the staff member's superannuation contributions for the period of additional leave. Staff members should contact the University’s Superannuation Section for further information.

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Section 8 - Financial Advice

(28) Staff members are encouraged to seek independent financial advice on the superannuation and taxation implications of entering into an Annualised Salary Program, prior to requesting the arrangement.

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Section 9 - Withdrawal from an Annualised Salary Program

(29) In exceptional circumstances, and only with agreement of the Authorised Officer, a staff member may discontinue a scheme of annualised hours with four (4) weeks’ notice in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement. The University may agree to waive the notice requirements.

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Section 10 - Unused Additional Leave

(30) In exceptional circumstances, a staff member with unused additional leave will be reconciled and paid out the portion of unused additional leave at the end of the 12 month period.

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Section 11 - Cessation of Employment

(31) In the instance a staff member ceases their employment with the University part way through an Annualised Salary Program, the University will reconcile the number of hours worked and the payments received by the staff member as at the date of separation.

(32) When the number of hours worked is not equal to the number of hours the staff member has been paid, either:

  1. the University will pay the staff member for any hours actually worked in excess of the salary received; or
  2. the University will off-set and deduct any amounts owing to the University from the staff member’s final monies to the extent permissible by law. If there is no salary from which to recover the amount, the employee must provide reimbursement to the University on receipt of written advice confirming the amount owing.
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Section 12 - Applying for an Annualised Salary Program

Staff Member Responsibilities

(33) A staff member should discuss a request for an Annualised Salary Program with their supervisor and/or Authorised Officer in the first instance.

(34) A staff member may apply to the Authorised Officer to enter into an Annualised Salary Program using the Annualised Salary Program Application Form.

(35) A staff member (HEW Level 1 to 7) on an Annualised Salary Program is responsible for keeping a timely and accurate record of their hours of work.

Requests Submitted in Accordance with the Provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

(36) A staff member who is requesting a flexible work arrangement in accordance with Section 65, Division 4 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), as referenced in the Flexible Work Policy, may be requested to provide reasonable evidence to support their application to the Authorised Officer.

Authorised Officer Responsibilities

(37) When considering applications for an Annualised Salary Program, consideration should be given to:

  1. eligibility requirements;
  2. the personal circumstances of the staff member where relevant;
  3. operational requirements of the organisational unit;
  4. the workload of the position; and
  5. whether a request for an Annualised Salary Program has been made in accordance with Section 65, Division 4 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), as referenced in the Flexible Work Policy.

(38) Supervisors must ensure that a staff member on an Annualised Salary Program takes their leave in accordance with the agreed leave plan. Any approved amendments to the agreed leave plan must be recorded.

Requests Submitted in Accordance with the Provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

(39) Where a request is submitted in accordance with Section 65, Division 4 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), the University is required to provide a written response within 21 days of receipt of the request. The University may only refuse a request for flexible working arrangements made in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) on reasonable business grounds.

(40) In the instance a request made under this section of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) is not approved, the Authorised Officer must ensure they consult with Human Resources Division prior to informing the staff member of the decision.