Student Identification Cards Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
(1) This Procedure applies to the issue and management of student identification (ID) cards and supports the Enrolment Policy.
(2) Students are required to have an ID card under the Use and Management of UQ Land, Buildings and Facilities Policy.
(3) This Procedure is intended to assure the quality of information used to produce student identification cards as well as clarify the process to be followed when a new ID card is required.
(4) This Procedure applies to all students at The University of Queensland.
Top of PageSection 2 - Process and Key Controls
(5) ID cards are mandatory for all students, including those studying through distance education.
(6) ID cards will only be produced for students who are enrolled in courses in the semester of card production.
(7) It is the student’s responsibility to provide, at their initial enrolment, full and complete information for the production of their ID card.
(8) Students enrolled in programs/courses with in-person attendance mode are expected to attend a campus in person to collect their ID card.
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Cardholder responsibility
(9) The student is responsible for:
- promptly notifying the University of any change in personal details (for example, residential or postal address, name change, etc.) to maintain the currency of identification and contact details;
- applying for a replacement ID card if the original card was produced based on incorrect enrolment information provided by the student (for example, incorrect graduation semester resulting in the ID card expiring before the degree requirements are met);
- applying for a replacement ID card to reflect their enrolment status if they change their enrolment from full-time to part-time and vice versa; and
- returning the ID card to the University if their enrolment is cancelled
(10) The ID card must be produced on request and remains the property of The University of Queensland.
(11) Any attempt to fraudulently obtain or use an ID card will be dealt with under University policy and/or referred to law enforcement agencies.
External students
(12) If a student is enrolled as an external student (i.e. is not enrolled in any in-person courses and is enrolled in at least one course in external mode), they will be sent a digital ID card.
(13) The application process for an externally enrolled student is the same as for in-person enrolled students.
Application process for a student ID card
(14) Students must apply online through the Request a Student ID Card form on the Student ID Cards website.
Obtaining replacement cards
(15) Students requiring a replacement ID card because the original card has been lost, stolen or destroyed, can apply for a replacement card through the Request a Student ID Card form on the Student ID Cards website.
(16) Students requesting a replacement ID card due to change of name (for example, because of marriage, divorce or other legal name change) must submit certified documentary evidence of the change of name to Student Central. A replacement ID card will be issued upon verification of the name change.
Building access
(17) Students who have received appropriate authorisation from their Head of Organisational Unit (usually their school or institute) can have their ID card encoded to facilitate access to secured areas and buildings.
(18) The Head of Organisational Unit (or nominated officer) is responsible for organising and assisting specific access levels. This includes the site and duration of the access for the ID card to be coded appropriately.
(19) Students who have been provided with specific access must notify UQ Security immediately if their ID card is lost or stolen.
Top of PageSection 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
(20) Student Central is responsible for creating student ID cards.
(21) Students are responsible for submitting accurate information when requesting an ID card.
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
(22) All access transactions are monitored to maintain security.
Top of PageSection 6 - Recording and Reporting
(23) Student records are filed in the student's personal record in SI-net (UQ’s student information system) and TRIM (the University’s record management system).
(24) Personal information is collected in accordance with the conditions of use detailed on the Student ID Cards website.
Top of PageSection 7 - Appendix
Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
Term | Definition |
ID card | Student identification card |
Full-time enrolment | Being enrolled in 6 units or more per semester. |