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International Student Supervision Program Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) This Procedure outlines the conditions under which The University of Queensland accepts responsibility for approving the accommodation, support and general welfare of international students under 18 years of age. This Procedure ensures the University fulfils its responsibilities and obligations associated with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and sets out how it will meet these responsibilities and obligations through the service provision of the International Student Supervision Program (Supervision Program).

(2) The University of Queensland acknowledges the Child Protection Act 1999 as the statutory framework for the protection of children in Queensland and adheres to the main principle of the Act that the safety, wellbeing and best interests of a child are paramount.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

Terms Definitions
Activity Permission Form Form completed and signed by parent/legal custodian, permitting student to attend extra-curricular activities or be absent from their approved accommodation after curfew.
Blue Card Check (or Working with Children Check) National check undertaken by the Public Safety Business Agency (PSBA) to determine if a person is eligible to work in the areas of child-related work covered by the Act.
CAAW Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare Document.
CoE Confirmation of Enrolment Document.
Child For the purposes of the International Student Supervision Program, an individual who is under 18 years of age.
Critical Incident An adverse incident or series of events that have the potential to damage the University’s people, operations, environment, long-term prospects and/or reputation. A Critical Incident is further defined by the ESOS National Code as a traumatic event, or the threat of such (within or outside Australia), which causes extreme stress, fear or injury to international students.
Critical Incident Management (CIM) The process by which the University builds resilience, responds to and recovers from a critical incident.
Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT) A group of staff members responsible for carrying out the functions of planning for and responding to a critical incident.
Curfew The time agreed by the International Student Supervision Program, Student and Accommodation Provider by which the Student requires to be in the boundaries of the accommodation provider.
DHA Department of Home Affairs.
International Student Supervision Program (Supervision Program) A Program which approves appropriate accommodation arrangements for international students, normally over 17 but under 18 years of age and provides support and general welfare arrangements for such students.
International Student Supervision Program Exit Form Form completed and signed by parent/legal custodian, permitting student to exit from the Supervision Program.
International Student Supervision Program Registration Form Form completed and signed by parent/legal custodian and student requesting The University of Queensland to approve the accommodation and support and general welfare of international students under 18 years of age.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Agreement for Under 18 students Is a document which sets out parties' commitment and intention to collaborate with the intent that further addenda or contracts will set out specific terms and conditions. The MoU provides governance arrangements and a broad direction for relationship development.
Student Access Plan (SAP) The communication vehicle for noting special access requirements for students. The students on the Supervision Program will have an SAP and this will enable relevant staff concerned with their academic course / program to have the information to ensure their needs are met.
UQ Future Students, International The University of Queensland International Recruitment Office.
Volunteer Member of the community who freely offers their services to the University; while such service is not offered for financial reward, a volunteer may receive reimbursement for out of pocket expenses.
Welfare Adviser/Program Coordinator Employee of the University who monitors students’ welfare.
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Section 3 - Procedure Scope/Coverage

(3) This Procedure applies to University of Queensland staff, students, approved accommodation providers and volunteers associated with the Supervision Program.

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Section 4 - Procedure Statement

(4) This Procedure describes the processes whereby the University, through the Supervision Program exercises responsibility for approving the accommodation, support and general welfare of international students under 18 years of age.

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Section 5 - Conditions for Accepting Responsibility

(5) The University of Queensland accepts responsibility for arranging appropriate accommodation, support and general welfare of international students commencing their degree programs under the following conditions:

  1. The student is under 18 years of age and remains enrolled at the University.
  2. The student's parent/legal custodian has agreed in writing to the University accepting responsibility for their child’s welfare by completing and signing the university’s Supervision Program Registration Form and paid the relevant fee.
  3. The student is registered and participates in The University of Queensland’s Supervision Program.
  4. The student's parent/guardian must provide their contact details and notify if there are any changes to this.
  5. The student lives in The University approved accommodation until 18 years of age and does not change that accommodation unless written agreement is obtained from the parent/legal custodian and the University.
  6. The student attends orientation activities related to their course and/or program.
  7. The student does not stay away from the approved accommodation after curfew without written approval from the student's parent/ legal custodian. Such approval must be provided to the University in writing.
  8. The student cannot transfer between University accommodation providers without written agreement from the parent/legal custodian.
  9. The student attends individual and group academic sessions as part of the Supervision Program.
  10. The student communicates regularly with the Supervision Coordinator via email and in person.
  11. The student acts responsibly and does not partake in risk-taking behaviour.
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Section 6 - Suitability of Accommodation

(6) Suitability and approval of accommodation will be determined by the Director, Student Support and Wellbeing Services or authorised University of Queensland representative. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Approved Supplier Agreement for Under 18 students must be signed by The University of Queensland and the accommodation provider setting out the requirements of the Supervision Program which is appropriate to the student’s age and needs. Agreements and physical inspections with approved accommodation providers will be reviewed every six months.

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Section 7 - Identification

(7) Where an applicant is identified as under 18 years of age during the admissions process, and requests enrolment in the Supervision Program, acceptance is conditional upon submission of a completed and signed Supervision Program Registration form signed by the student and their parent(s)/legal custodian(s) and payment of fees.

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Section 8 - Acceptance and Nominated Welfare Dates

(8) If the applicant and their parent/legal custodian wish the University to provide approved accommodation, support and welfare arrangements, the University will approve the accommodation and the applicant must provide their acceptance of the offer, together with the Supervision Program registration form and proof of approved accommodation. This registration continues until the student turns 18 years of age, or the student finishes their academic program/s, whichever is the earliest.

(9) Upon student submission of the complete documentation to the University and confirmation of approved accommodation arrangements, the University will provide the student with a CAAW letter signed by the Director, Student Support and Wellbeing Services, and the CoE to include with their student visa application.

(10) The nominated start date on the CAAW will be nine days prior to the orientation period of the semester of admission. The end date on the CAAW will be the date the student turns 18 years of age, or the end date of the CoE plus seven (7) days, whichever is earliest.

(11) The nominated start date on the CAAW for students on a ‘package offer’ with UQ will be negotiated between the two providers to ensure no gap in care.

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Section 9 - Fees

(12) Students registered in the Supervision Program will be required to pay, per application:

  1. A non-refundable, once-only processing fee of $110.00 (incl. GST) for the supervision program.
  2. A program fee charged at $8.20 per day until the student turns 18 years of age. The minimum charge for the program fee is one week prior to turning 18 years of age or as agreed by the Director, Student Support and Wellbeing Services. The processing fee of $110.00 for the Supervision Program is applicable irrespective of the duration.
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Section 10 - Contact with International Students under the Supervision Program

(13) Contact with international students under the Supervision Program will be made via one or more of the following:

  1. individual appointments;
  2. group academic/skills sessions;
  3. telephone calls and SMS text to students;
  4. email contact with students;
  5. activity Permission Form;
  6. exiting Program document by students registered in program.

(14) The student is required to make contact with the nominated Program Coordinator within the first week of arrival into Brisbane and every week thereafter; unless it is deemed by the Program Coordinator that more regular or less frequent contact is required.

(15) These contacts must occur until:

  1. the student turns 18 years of age; or
  2. the student leaves Australia; or
  3. another provider accepts responsibility for accommodation, support or welfare; or
  4. the student's parent/legal custodian accepts responsibility in accordance with DHA regulations; or
  5. the University ceases provision of welfare support as advised to DHA.
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Section 11 - Orientation, Monitoring and Accommodation

(16) The student must make arrangements to be met on arrival at the International or Domestic Brisbane airport by an approved University representative. Alternative meeting arrangements on arrival can be considered through the Director, Student Support and Wellbeing Services. The student must then attend the Supervision Program orientation and other relevant orientation activities related to the student’s academic program. During the orientation process the student will be provided with:

  1. emergency contact details and after hours contacts;
  2. welfare support including physical and psychological support;
  3. confirmation of the University and student’s roles and responsibilities;
  4. curfew times and the process if curfew is missed;
  5. compulsory orientation activities for international students;
  6. supervision Program meeting times; and
  7. enrolment and academic support.

(17) The student must live in The University of Queensland approved accommodation until 18 years of age and not change that accommodation unless written agreement is obtained from the parent/legal custodian and the University.

(18) Students are required to return to their approved accommodation provider by a pre-arranged time, every night. This is the curfew time. The time will be clearly communicated to the student by the Welfare Adviser and the accommodation provider.

(19) If a student misses the curfew time as arranged by the accommodation provider, the accommodation/curfew procedures must be followed which include contacting the University of Queensland Security. Security will notify the relevant Student Support and Wellbeing Services on call staff member.

(20) This will be documented in the incident register. The Director, Student Support and Wellbeing Services or nominee, in conjunction with the Security Manager will consider whether the Risk Management Plan (as per the Health and Safety Risk Management Procedure) and/or the incident management process (as per the Critical Incident Management Plan (staff login required, via the Enterprise Risk website)) should be implemented (see Section 13).

(21) In the event that a student regularly breaches curfew or breaches the accommodation provider’s code of conduct, the accommodation provider will notify the University and the University will inform the parent/legal custodian. The accommodation provider will communicate the breach to the student directly and the student may be required to exit their accommodation, which may result in additional cost to the student and their parent/legal custodian.

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Section 12 - Activities Outside of Curriculum and/or Approved Accommodation-based Program

(22) International students under the age of 18 who wish to stay overnight at an address other than their approved University address must complete the Activity Permission Form, obtain written parental/legal custodian approval for such accommodation/activity, and email it to the Student Support and Wellbeing Services office 5 business days before the planned activity. Late permission forms will not be processed and approved.

(23) The parent/legal custodian is permitted to provide approval by email from the nominated email account listed on the Supervision Program form; it must indicate the specific activity/accommodation and the relevant dates of stay. This form must also be approved by the Program Coordinator or nominated The University of Queensland representative who will inform the accommodation provider.

(24) The University reserves the right to reject activities that are deemed by the institution to be high risk, even in cases where the parent/legal custodian has provided permission for the student to partake in the activity. It is expected that the student discloses all information to their parent/legal custodian regarding the planned activity and the University staff will inform the accommodation provider.

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Section 13 - Minor and Critical Incidents

(25) Students under 18 years will be known to UQ staff working with them through the Student Access Plan.

(26) Reporting requirements and directions for handling risks, disclosures and suspicions of harm are as follows:

  1. All UQ staff in contact with the under 18 year old student must report incidents or matters of concern related to the student directly to the Program Coordinator. This can happen through the Student Access Plan or directly through email to the International Supervision Program, Student Support and Wellbeing Services.
  2. In terms of any risks, disclosures or suspicions of harm involving a staff member, the public or an under 18 year old international student, UQ and approved accommodation staff must report to the Program Coordinator as outlined above, who in turn will escalate to the relevant senior officers should it require further attention.
  3. If the staff member is concerned that the matter is serious, they are encouraged to act to ensure the student’s safety and wellbeing and secondly, to record details of the incident at the earliest opportunity.
  4. The staff member must notify the Program Coordinator, through the International Supervision Program at the earliest opportunity and provide the written details.
  5. The incident/matter may be referred to Police, DHA, Legal Aid, Department of Child Safety or other agencies at the discretion of the Program Coordinator in consultation with the Director, Student Support and Wellbeing Services.
  6. In the event of medical emergencies, staff will act to ensure that medical attention is in place and notify the Program Coordinator through the International Supervision Program as quickly as possible and the Program Coordinator will liaise with the statutory services and the student’s parents/ legal custodian(s).
  7. In the event of extreme behavioural issues, including when students go missing from the approved accommodation and cannot be contacted, the Risk Management Plan (as per the Health and Safety Risk Management Procedure) and or the Incident Management Process (as per the Critical Incident Management Plan) must be implemented. The Program Coordinator or the International Supervision Program will work with the Critical Incident Management Team or other senior officers to determine the appropriate course of action. This may include:
    1. contacting the parent / legal custodian;
    2. lodging a missing person’s report (in conjunction with the parent/legal custodian);
    3. recording the appropriate compliance paperwork on PRISMS; and
    4. notifying the DHA if required.

(27) An Electronic Register (Incident Register) of reported incidents which have impacted the welfare of students in the Supervision Program will be maintained and managed by the Supervision Program. Critical Incidents should also be registered and will also be logged on the critical incident register held by the Director, Student Support and Wellbeing Services.

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Section 14 - Transfer Provider Institution

(28) An international student under the age of 18 seeking to transfer to another CRICOS registered provider must complete the Letter of Release Request Form and email it to the Student Support and Wellbeing Services office on, obtain parental/legal custodian approval and the approval of the other institution provider if that institution provider is taking responsibility for the student's accommodation, welfare and support arrangements.

(29) If the student is sponsored, the sponsor must also provide their written approval.

(30) The University of Queensland will negotiate with the prospective institution provider to ensure there is no gap in welfare arrangements and advise the student of their visa obligations in relation to maintaining welfare arrangements throughout the transfer period.

(31) The University of Queensland Academic Services Division in liaison with International Admissions will complete the required pro forma as required by DHA on PRISMS.

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Section 15 - Student Leaves Australia

(32) If an international student under the age of 18 advises they will leave Australia, the student must provide flight details to their parent/legal custodian, accommodation provider and Supervision Coordinator.

(33) If the student is exiting the supervision program, they will complete the exit program form and email it to the Student Support and Wellbeing Services Office on The University of Queensland International Admissions and Academic Services Division will be notified so that the relevant pro forma can be completed and DHA informed within 24 hours.

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Section 16 - Withdrawal of University Approval

(34) Recognising that the safety, wellbeing and best interests of the student are paramount, all reasonable efforts will be made by the University to assist international students under 18 years of age with difficulties impacting their welfare arrangement

(35) University approval for accommodation, welfare and support will be withdrawn in the event that one or more of the following occurs:

  1. The student refuses to observe reasonable standards of behaviour as outlined in The University of Queensland Student Code of Conduct Policy.
  2. The student refuses to maintain The University of Queensland approved accommodation arrangements or keep in regular communication with the Program Coordinator.
  3. The student's enrolment is cancelled by the University.

(36) The student will be notified in writing by the Director, Student Support and Wellbeing Services of the grounds for intended withdrawal of University-supported accommodation and welfare arrangements. At the same time a copy will be forwarded to the student's parent/legal custodian and the accommodation provider.

(37) The University of Queensland will continue to provide support until:

  1. the parent/legal custodian or alternative provider has provided written confirmation that they will be accepting responsibility for the student; or
  2. the student leaves Australia or other suitable arrangements are made; or
  3. DHA has been informed within 24 hours via the relevant proforma that the University of Queensland is unable to approve the accommodation, support and general welfare for the student.
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Section 17 - Blue Cards/Working with Children Check

(38) The University’s overarching activities of teaching and learning fall under the business category of ‘private teaching, coaching or tutoring.’ As a statutory body established under the University of Queensland Act 1998, the University is classified as an education provider and its primary functions are exempt under the Act.

(39) However, other University activities are considered to be regulated employment under the Act and staff, students and volunteers in these areas are required to undergo a Working with Children Check (refer to Working with Children Policy and Screening and Blue Card Management Procedure).

(40) These regulated activities include:

  1. health, counselling and support services (e.g. clinics and student services);
  2. other private teaching, coaching or tutoring activities;
  3. religious representatives;
  4. education programs conducted outside of the academic program; and
  5. sport and recreation activities (e.g. clubs and societies, tuition or events).

(41) Refer to the Blue Card Services website for more detailed information on regulated employment and activities.

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Section 18 - Video and Photography

(42) Managing the use of images for any form of publications for students under 18 will be subject to the good practice guidelines set out by Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) and The University of Queensland policies and procedures governing the use of material containing the images of international students.

(43) This involves gaining the consent of the student and their parent (or guardian) prior to recording or producing the images of children or the subsequent display or distribution of that photo or visual material.

(44) The University of Queensland provides a multi-function identification card containing photographic images for all its students. Photographic images are produced and stored electronically by an external agent that manages the process of producing the identification card.

(45) Where the use of the ID card images is judged to be in the interests of students and not breaching their right to privacy, organisational units and their staff (or external authorities who request access) may be granted access in accordance with Access to Student Photograph Images Policy and Procedure.

(46) Permissions to record and produce material involving international students are documented via The University of Queensland Image Consent form and signed and managed by the Marketing and Communication office. This form requires the permission of parent/legal custodian if the student is under the age of 18 years of age.

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Section 19 - Evaluation

(47) Annual evaluation of the Supervision Program ensures the University fulfills its responsibilities and obligations associated with relevant legislation, confirming all relevant policies are up to date and accurate; and that the University follows best practice.

(48) The Welfare Advisers, Program Coordinators and Supervision Program Management Team will seek formal and informal feedback from stakeholders. These will be completed by method of survey and regular engagement in stakeholder meetings. The evaluation will also ensure the provision of strong stakeholder engagement; clear and transparent reporting and key findings; clearly defined roles and responsibilities, as well as the evaluation of program milestones, to enable well informed decision-making and the success of the program.