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Access to Student Photograph Images Procedure

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) This Procedure controls access and safeguards against misuse of student images obtained for the production of the student identification card. The Procedure enacts the Access to Student Photograph Images Policy.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

Term Definition
ID card student identification card
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Section 3 - Procedure Scope/Coverage

(2) This Procedure applies to student photographic images obtained for the production of student identification cards, and the approval process for access to student photographic images by organisational units and their staff.

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Section 4 - Procedure Statement

(3) The students’ identification card is provided as proof of enrolment and is used to verify the identity of students for purposes that may include admission, examinations, library borrowing privileges, controlled access to secured areas and transport concessions (see Student Identification Cards Policy). The card may also be used for access to services and facilities provided by the UQ Union, UQ Sport, and general concessions offered by third parties.

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Section 5 - Access to Images for Academic Purposes

(4) Access to photographic images captured primarily for use on the ID card may be authorised:

  1. for specific identification purposed directly related to the student’s enrolment (for example, placements, hospital identification cards);
  2. for reasons of student safety, for example, in large laboratory classes where reference sheets are required in the event of emergencies;
  3. for the purpose of pastoral care and enhancing the learning and teaching experience, for example, through the production of reference sheets that allow academic staff to more effectively identify and provide assistance to students in large classes; or
  4. for other reasonable purposes where the signed consent of the students concerned has been obtained.
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Section 6 - Access for Academic Organisational Units

(5) Organisational units that require access to electronic copies of student images for specific identification purposes are required to seek permission from the Academic Registrar. In these instances, the head of the organisational unit or the School Manager submits a formal request to the Academic Registrar via email to, and:

  1. states the purpose for which the images will be used and demonstrates that the purpose is in the interests of students;
  2. nominates an individual in the unit who is authorised to access copies of the images; and
  3. gives an undertaking to destroy the images by secure methods after they are no longer required.

(6) Photographic images captured primarily for use on the ID card are not to be displayed, either in hard copy or electronic form, in an area that is accessible to students or other third parties (for example, student common rooms, clinic reception areas). Where there is a specific requirement from a placement organisation that student images be on display in a public area, students must agree to that use of their images as part of accepting the placement.

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Section 7 - Student Information

(7) Students are informed that photographs used to produce student cards may also be used for other approved purposes. Students who wish to lodge an appeal regarding the use of their image must do so in accordance with Student Grievance Resolution Policy and Privacy Management Policy.

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Section 8 - Access for Other University Purposes

(8) The photographic image collected at the time of ID card production will also be used for:

  1. verifying students’ identity for official University purposes;
  2. responding to emergency situations such as locating lost or missing students and identifying students in accidents.

(9) The University will not disclose personal information, including photographic images, to third parties unless the disclosure is authorised or required by law.