(1) This Procedure outlines the process for health, safety and wellness reporting at The University of Queensland (UQ). It supports UQ’s Health, Safety and Wellness Policy, which provides UQ’s commitment to: (2) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Health and Safety Risk Management Procedure and the Health and Safety Consultative Mechanisms Procedure. (3) UQ regards the health, safety and wellness of its people as an ethical and moral responsibility. UQ acknowledges that it has health and safety obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (the WHS Act), the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation) and other relevant safety-related legislation. (4) UQ’s Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division) will ensure UQ’s senior management and risk management committees are regularly updated and informed of the health and safety risks that UQ may be exposed to through its activities and operations. (5) The HSW Division will report regularly and/or as required to the following groups at UQ: (6) HSW Division reporting will be informed by the following sources: (7) UQ’s health and safety reporting structure is illustrated in figure 1 below. (8) HSW reporting is conducted in a variety of ways across UQ. Whilst some areas have specific reporting requirements, HSW can form part of these rather than necessarily being a stand alone item. It is preferable that HSW is integrated into UQ processes and discussions as ‘business as usual’ rather than an ‘add-on’ to be dealt with separately. (9) To provide assurance to UQ’s senior management and risk management committees, the HSW Division will report regularly on the following matters: (10) To support and inform the HSW Division's assurance practices, all UQ Health and Safety Committees in Faculties, Institutes and in CSS will provide minutes of meetings to the HSW Division. The minutes of the meetings are to reflect the requirements of Health and Safety Consultative Mechanisms Procedure. Local HSW Managers will report these key issues to the HSW Division through committee minutes as well as other relevant and effective means. In addition, a member of the HSW Division also sits on each Faculty, Institute and the CSS Health and Safety Committees. (11) The Health, Safety and Wellness Committees website lists all UQ Health and Safety Committees and their contacts. (12) UQSafe is provided for all staff and students to report incidents, hazards and near misses (refer to the Health and Safety Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure). (13) UQSafe is maintained and used by the HSW Division to inform reporting to senior management and risk committees. The system also meets the criteria for workers’ compensation legislation in providing information on potential workers’ compensation claims. UQSafe is designed to be used at the local level for the reporting of incidents, hazards and near misses and allows local management oversight and direct action to manage these incidents and inform preventative activities and programs at the Organisational Unit level. (14) UQSafe is UQ’s system for conducting health and safety risk assessment at the organisational unit level. It follows the four step risk assessment process of: (15) Refer to the Health and Safety Risk Assessment Procedure for more detailed information and requirements for conducting risk assessments at UQ. (16) UQSafe is maintained and used by the HSW Division to inform reporting to senior management and risk committees. UQSafe is designed to be used at the local level to manage risks and inform Organisational Unit management of the work area’s risk position. (17) The HSW Division provides strategic direction, leadership and coordination for UQ’s health, safety and wellness functions and obligations. The HSW Division is responsible for advising Senate and the Vice-Chancellor and President of UQ’s health and safety practices, performance, obligations, improvement measures and risk exposures. The HSW Division will achieve this by: (18) UQ Health and Safety Committees are responsible for consulting with and reporting regularly to their own senior management committees and to the HSW Division on the outcomes of meetings and other matters as required by the Health and Safety Consultative Mechanisms Procedure. Minutes and actions from Health and Safety Committee meetings are presented to Faculty, Institute and CSS senior management meetings for review and action if required. (19) Health and Safety Committees should regularly review health and safety risk registers and HSW management plans for the Operational Units that are members of the committee. These documents aid in determining the top safety risks for the Faculty, Institute or CSS. Health and safety risk registers and HSW management plans are presented to the senior management group of the Faculty, Institute and to the portfolios of the CSS areas and are presented at the first Health and Safety Committee meeting of the calendar year for approval and endorsement by the Chair. (20) Local health, safety and wellness staff have a critical role in supporting Health and Safety Committees and their effective functioning. (21) A representative from the HSW Division is an ex-officio member of each Faculty, Institute and CSS Health and Safety Committee and provides feedback to each committee on the activities of the HSW Division, legislative updates as well as any specialist information that may be required. HSW management plans are reviewed by the HSW Committee at each meeting. Progress is monitored, including any actions arising from inspections, audits and significant investigations. (22) Reports provided to senior management meetings are reviewed by the Director, Health Safety and Wellness prior to submission and will ensure relevant items are raised. (23) The Director, Health Safety and Wellness is responsible for the implementation and communication of this Procedure, including ensuring that Faculties, Institutes and CSS are informed of their HSW reporting obligations. (24) The HSW Division will: (25) In addition to its reporting requirements outlined in clause 17, the HSW Division will provide: (26) Health and Safety Committees are provided with reports, including HSW performance data from the local HSW Manager or Work Health and Safety Coordinator.Health and Safety Management Reporting Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Health, Safety and Wellness Division Reporting
UQ Health and Safety Committee Reporting
Incident Notification Reporting
Risk Assessments
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division)
UQ Health and Safety Committees
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Top of PageSection 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Central Support Services (CSS)
The area of UQ that sits outside a Faculty or Institute. This area includes Organisational Units from the portfolios of the Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Provost, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), and the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President.
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Figure 1: Health and Safety Reporting Structure (please click to view)
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