(1) The Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division) within The University of Queensland (UQ) has an internal audit program to evaluate the effectiveness of health and safety systems and processes across UQ. The purpose of this Procedure is to provide assurance and confidence on the management and control of this program to UQ’s Senior Executive. (2) The objectives of this Procedure are to achieve the goals in the Health, Safety and Wellness Policy, provide ongoing feedback to UQ’s Senior Executive regarding the effectiveness of the health and safety systems, and retain the UQ Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance Licence. (3) This Procedure also sets out the processes for developing and conducting internal HSW audits to ensure that: (4) This Procedure applies to all HSW internal audits conducted by the HSW Division and the UQ Safety Network across all UQ campuses, Faculties, Institutes and the Central Support Services (CSS) areas and controlled entities. This encompasses Level 1 and 2 audits – see clause 14 of this Procedure. (5) To support effective review of health and safety management at UQ: (6) At least one of these audits will be conducted within a UQ Controlled Entity. (7) An audit program is proposed by HSW Division to the Vice-Chancellor's Risk and Compliance Committee (VCRCC) in the fourth quarter of each calendar year for approval for the following calendar year. (8) Criteria for developing the audit program include the following: (9) The UQ health and safety network and HSW Managers will have opportunities to provide input and feedback into preparation of the audit program prior to submission to the VCRCC in November each year. (10) Adjustments to the HSW audit program may be approved by the VCRCC. (11) Two formal HSW Auditor positions are recognised within the UQ HSW Audit framework: (12) The Director, HSW must ensure that the HSW Audit Lead is deemed competent via: (13) The HSW Audit Lead is to verify competency for HSW Auditors by completion of appropriate training or as per the criteria in the HSW Internal Audit - Auditor Competency Checklist, including sufficient understanding of the OHSMS, relevant legislation and standards applicable to the area being audited. (14) The HSW audit structure at UQ will consist of the following types of audits: (15) An evaluation of conformance to the requirements of each audit are assessed. The categories are defined in the Section 6 Appendix (under HSW Audit Ratings). (16) In alignment with the UQ Internal Audit function, the overall audit outcome will be given an overall ranking based on the criteria below. (17) All non-conformances will result in corrective action planning to resolve the issue/hazard. If management’s response to any significant finding does not address the identified risks, the HSW audit team will consult with management of the operations being reviewed and attempt to reach a mutually agreeable resolution. If no agreement is reached, the Audit Report will reflect the final position. (18) Relevant UQ management is responsible for confirming the implementation of agreed actions. The HSW Audit team will validate the assertions before closure of the issue/s. High priority corrective actions require evidence to be submitted prior to the action being closed in the HSW Division corrective action register. (19) Corrective actions from Level 2 and 3 audits will be tracked by the HSW Division audit team. (20) Corrective actions from Level 1 audits will be tracked locally by the relevant Organisational Unit. (21) Opportunities for Improvement will be agreed and tracked locally by the relevant Organisational Unit. (22) Level 1 audit findings will be reported on at the local HSW Committee meeting and reported against the goal set in the Organisational Unit’s HSW Management Plan at the end of each calendar year as part of the HSW Goals Reporting. Level 1 audit corrective actions will be tracked by the local areas through their HSW Committee meetings. (23) Level 2 and 3 Audit documentation, reporting and evidence will be retained within the HSW Division documentation structure. (24) Audit status, outcomes and corrective action updates will be discussed and minuted within the local HSW Committee meetings and status updates will be included in the HSW Division's monthly reports. (25) Level 2 audit completions will be reported through HSW monthly report using the following template. (26) Level 3 audits will be reported in accordance with the reporting structure agreed during the scope development for the audit. (27) The HSW Division monthly report will detail: (28) Completion of Opportunities for Improvement (OFI) recommendations will be tracked by the relevant Organisational Unit. (29) Auditor Competency Checklists are available from the HSW Division internal audit team: (30) Level 1 Audits – iAuditor or Level 1 Audit HSW Template as detailed in the HSW Internal Audit – Level 1 Audit Local Standard Operating Procedure (LSOP) available from the HSW Division internal audit team. (31) Level 2 Audits – templates as detailed in the HSW Internal Audit - Level 2 Audit Local Standard Operating Procedure (LSOP) available from the HSW Division internal audit team. (32) Corrective Action Register – maintained by the HSW Division internal audit team for both Level 2 and 3 internal and external audits. (33) VCRCC is the approving body of the annual HSW internal audit plan and receives regular updates on the completion of outstanding corrective actions. (34) These positions support the HSW audit processes within their relevant areas of responsibility and provide feedback into the draft report to finalise management actions, assign resources and set completion dates. (35) The Director, HSW is responsible for: (36) The HSW Audit Lead is responsible for: (37) The HSW Managers and relevant WHSCs develop Level 1 audit programs to be included in their local areas’ annual HSW Management Plan. This is reported in the annual HSW Goals Report. HSW Managers and WHSCs support the HSW Audit Lead to facilitate Level 2 audits within their area of responsibility. (38) The quality of UQ’s health and safety internal audit program and process is reviewed every four years through the external OHSMS audit conducted by an accredited, external auditor in accordance with the UQ Self-Insurance Licence requirements. (39) The UQ Internal Audit program may include an assessment of the HSW Division's auditing process and program in their audit schedule. (40) Audit corrective actions will be monitored through the local and Organisational Unit HSW Committee meetings and included in the Organisational Unit’s HSW reports to senior leadership. (41) An evaluation of conformance to the requirements are broken up into the below classifications. (42) The assessment criteria of the OHSMS is being met and there is evidence to support this rating. The area has also implemented additional systems or processes that complement the OHSMS and enables a better proactive management of HSW. (43) The assessment criteria are being met and there is evidence to support this rating. However, improvement/s to the HSW management practices have also been identified. (44) The term “conformance” will be applied to assessment criteria being met and where there is evidence to support this rating. (45) The assessment criteria are not being adequately met, the HSW objectives are only partially effective and there is evidence to support this rating. (46) When identified: (47) The assessment criteria is not being adequately met and HSW objectives are not effective and there is evidence to support this rating. (48) When identified: (49) Conformance or non-conformance is unable to be verified; however, this criterion is relevant to the audit. (50) The question relating to the assessment criteria of the audit is not relevant to the area.Health, Safety and Wellness Audit Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Part A - HSW Audit Program Development
Part B - Auditor Competency
HSW Audit Lead
Level 3 and 2
HSW Auditors
Level 1
Part C - Types of Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Audits
Part D - Audit Rankings
Internal Control Rating
1 Enhancement Opportunity
The internal control is of a high standard with some opportunities for improvement in efficiency or better practice.
2 Satisfactory
The internal control is considered to be generally adequate, appropriate and effective to ensure that the audited business process will achieve its objectives, with some improvement required. Includes issues which are non-systemic, procedural in nature or administrative shortcomings.
3 Requires Improvement
Internal control weaknesses were identified which, if not appropriately addressed, could in the future result in the audited business process not achieving its objectives.
4 Weak
The internal control is considered to be inadequate and ineffective to ensure that the audited business process will achieve its objectives.
Part E - Corrective Actions
Part F - Reporting
Level 1 Reporting
Level 2 and 3 Audit Reporting
Level 2 Audits
Conclusion and Significant Audit Findings
Overall Control Rating IA Control Rating
Primary findings
Management Actions for High Priority Items
Level 3 Audits
Corrective Action Reporting
Opportunities for Improvement
Part G - Tools
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Vice-Chancellor's Risk and Compliance Committee (VCRCC)
Executive Deans, Institute or CSS Directors
Director, HSW
HSW Audit Lead
HSW Manager/Work Health and Safety Coordinator (WHSC)
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Appendix
forced adherence to a law, regulation, rule, process or practice.
voluntary adherence to a standard, rule, specification, requirement, design, process or practice. The term “conformance” will be used in UQ’s health, safety and wellness audit program to apply to both compliance and conformance criteria.
Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
a corrective action plan is a set of corrective actions to resolve partial conformances or non-conformances identified in audits.
Enterprise Risk
promotes a risk aware culture at UQ where everyone considers risks in their daily decision making to achieve their objectives. Enterprise Risk provides best practice risk leadership and consistency in approach via the Enterprise Risk Management Framework which includes the Senate's risk appetite statement, training, practical advice, tools and risk workshop facilitation.
HSW Audit Lead
a person who leads the audit team and is deemed competent to do so by the Director, HSW.
an online tool that the UQ HSW Division and the UQ HSW network more generally uses for Level 1 audits, inspection/audit checklists, reporting and data analysis.
National Self-Insurance Audit Tool (NAT) v4
this tool defines the criteria that relevant Regulators will use within their jurisdictions to assess OHSMS of self-insurers.
Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)
a set of interrelated plans, processes and procedures to systematically manage health and safety in an organisation that aims to achieve the objectives of the organisation’s occupational health and safety (or HSW) policy.
Risk Matrix
a matrix that is used during the risk assessment process to define the level of risk by considering the category of probability or likelihood against the category of consequence severity.
Safety Risk Register
a table/spreadsheet of risks that allows you to assess and track each identified risk and any vital information about it.
Stakeholder Communication Plan
formally defines who should be given specific information, when that information should be delivered and what communication channels will be used to deliver the information.
the online system used by UQ for incident reporting, risk assessments, field work safety plans, facility certifications and biological approvals.
Workplace Injury Management (WIM)
UQ is self-insured for workers’ compensation meaning it manages workers' compensation claims and rehabilitation for UQ workers. The WIM team make liability decisions, process and manage workers compensation claims on behalf of UQ in accordance with the legislation.
HSW Audit Ratings
Best Practice (BP)
Opportunity for Improvement (OFI)
Conformance (C)
Partial Conformance (PC)
Non-conformance (NC)
Not Verifiable (NV)
Not applicable (NA)
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• Level 1 - are to ensure the control activities identified for specific hazards within local areas are effective. These audits are performed by members from the organisational unit HSW team in partnership with other members of the UQ Safety Network.
• Level 2 - are to ensure the activities of UQ comply with the requirements stated in the University’s HSW management system, policies and procedures, and legislation. Level 2 audits are usually overseen by the UQ HSW Division and led by a HSW Audit Lead.
• Level 3 - provide assurance to UQ senior managers that the Level 2 assurance processes for the management of HSW risks are effective. Level 3 audits can include:
– Audits conducted by or arranged through UQ Internal Audit, and
– The National Self-Insurer OHSMS Audit for maintenance of the UQ’s workers’ compensation self-insurance licence.
These Level 3 audits are conducted by external, accredited auditors.