(1) This Procedure defines how work rehabilitation[*] and suitable duties programs are developed, implemented and monitored at The University of Queensland (UQ) to ensure that UQ complies with its obligations as a self-insurer and employer under the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act). (2) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Policy. (3) This Procedure applies to all parties involved in the management of a UQ staff compensation claim, including: (4) This Procedure is not applicable to UQ contractors, students, volunteers or visitors. (5) UQ employees who are injured at work, or whilst traveling to or from work, may lodge a workers’ compensation claim with UQ. (6) The Workplace Injury Management unit (WIM) within the Health, Safety and Wellness Division assesses all claims and makes a determination in accordance with provisions of the Act. (7) WIM manages accepted claims and liaises with the employee, supervisor and rehabilitation providers to ensure that the injured employee receives appropriate medical treatment, work rehabilitation, return to work support and any payments in accordance with provisions of the Act. (8) WIM may cease a claim when: (9) UQ employees should report any injury or illness arising from workplace activities in accordance with the Health and Safety Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure (UQSafe-Incident), and may also consider applying for a workers’ compensation claim. If a UQ employee attends a doctor’s appointment and is issued a workers’ compensation medical certificate in relation to the injury, they should complete the Application for Workers' Compensation and Forms 1 to 4 (available under the Associated Information tab), attach the workers’ compensation medical certificate and return to WIM promptly to enable a claims decision to be made early. (10) WIM determines whether an Application for Workers’ Compensation claim for an injury or illness meets the legislative requirements for the acceptance of a claim. UQ employees are required to participate and cooperate with WIM to assist with their decision making process for claims liability under the Act. (11) WIM must consider provision of work rehabilitation and suitable duties for a UQ employee with an accepted statutory claim and for a UQ employee with a notice of claim for common law damages. (12) WIM must ensure that an employee with a compensable injury or illness is provided with appropriate treatment by registered health practitioners and is provided with approved aids or equipment. (13) Work rehabilitation aims to maintain the affected employee in their job without time off or, in cases where time off work is required, return the employee to work on suitable duties as early as possible. (14) UQ will manage work rehabilitation cases through: (15) WIM manages suitable duties programs for employees with a compensable injury or illness that affects their ability to perform their original duties. Suitable duties programs will be based upon each employee’s requirements as approved by their treating doctor and align with UQ’s hierarchy of return to work principles as outlined in the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Policy. The employee’s treating doctor must approve work rehabilitation activities and the suitable duties plan, with input from other treating health professionals as sought. (16) In managing its suitable duties program responsibilities, WIM may: (17) When the suitable duties program involves a graduated schedule of hours, the local business unit pays the injured employee’s wages for the hours worked, with supplementary payment from WIM. (18) Formal review of the suitable duties program, its suitability for the injured employee’s needs and reasonable progress may be conducted by an independent medical specialist under the Act. (19) UQ employees must comply with this Procedure when making a workers’ compensation claim and participating in rehabilitation and suitable duties programs. UQ employees must also cooperate with WIM in its management of workers’ compensation and rehabilitation at UQ, including but not limited to: (20) WIM manages UQ’s workers’ compensation and rehabilitation responsibilities, and its overarching role is to ensure that timely and accurate liability decisions are made and optimal work rehabilitation outcomes for all parties are reached. (21) WIM is responsible for managing regulatory compliance, claims services and coordinating the development and maintenance of a rehabilitation and suitable duties program in consultation with the affected employee, employer, medical providers and allied health professionals under UQ’s accredited return to work program. (22) WIM will ensure that employees are advised of their rights of review. Where a workers’ compensation claim is either not accepted or ceased, the employee will be provided with reasons for this decision in writing. A review of the decision can be requested from the workers’ compensation regulator. If the employee is dissatisfied with the regulator’s decision, further review can be requested to be heard and decided by the Industrial Relations Commission. (23) The Ergonomics and Rehabilitation Advisor within the Health, Safety and Wellness Division is appointed as UQ’s return to work coordinator and provides guidance and support for suitable duties programs when required. (24) WIM may engage an external rehabilitation professional to assess the injured worker’s capacity to participate in a suitable duties program and if appropriate, develop and monitor the suitable duties program in consultation with the affected employee, supervisor and medical provider. (25) The injured employee’s supervisor or manager must work collaboratively with WIM and the return to work coordinator to ensure that all feasible strategies are in place for the employee’s suitable duties plan and return to work program, including monitoring their arrangements daily. (26) The Health, Safety and Wellness Division is responsible for reviewing this Procedure as required to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant to the needs of UQ. (27) The WIM unit: (28) The return to work coordinator or external rehabilitation professional: (29) All complaints regarding WIM and/or the appointed rehabilitation and return to work coordinators are to be directed to the WIM Manager in the first instance: (30) A response to the complaint will be made in the first instance within 14 days of receipt of the complaint. WIM will explain actions, processes and reasoning and will remedy any agreed inadequacies – however WIM may not be able to comment in depth on claims-related issues which are subject to review by the Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services and/or legal appeal. Similarly, it may not be appropriate to comment on UQ management policies and interaction outside the direct workers’ compensation process. (31) If unresolved, complaints can be escalated to the Director of the Health, Safety and Wellness Division who oversees the Workplace Injury Management unit: (32) If unresolved, the complaint can be directed to the Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services: (33) WIM oversees all of UQ’s recording and reporting activities in relation to workers’ compensation and rehabilitation, including: (34) The return to work coordinator or external rehabilitation professional:Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Workers’ Compensation Claims and Assessment
Work Rehabilitation
Suitable Duties
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
UQ Employees
Workplace Injury Management Unit (WIM)
Return to Work Coordinator or External Rehabilitation Professional
Supervisors and Managers
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Periodic Reviews
Complaints Management
Top of PageSection 6 - Recording and Reporting
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*UQ also facilitates work rehabilitation for staff with non compensable injuries, as would be managed by an appropriate UQ appointee (e.g. HR) in consultation with the treating practitioner.
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