(1) This Procedure provides the minimum requirements at The University of Queensland (UQ) for managing Chemicals of Security Concern (CSC) and must be read in conjunction with other UQ procedures pertaining to chemical safety and other relevant information on the Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division) webpage. (2) This Procedure applies to any UQ worker at any UQ site involved in the acquisition, storage, use and disposal of CSC. (3) UQ’s requirements outlined in this Procedure are based on the National Code of Practice for Chemicals of Security Concern (the Code). This Code provides a framework for the development, implementation and maintenance of high-level security and traceability measures to mitigate the risk of diversion or misuse of CSC. (4) While this Procedure focuses on the 15 chemicals specifically listed in the Code (Appendix A), the Code recommends applying the same security management to a further 81 lower risk chemicals that can be similarly used for illegal activity. (5) The following key controls apply to the management of CSCs at UQ: (6) Risk assessments must specifically address the security risk of the CSC and the potential for unauthorised access and removal of these materials. The person who is the end user of the CSC must complete a risk assessment. (7) An initial risk assessment must be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of existing CSC management controls and to identify additional controls required to meet CSC security requirements as informed by this Procedure and the Code. (8) A standalone risk assessment may be undertaken for security risks, or the security risk aspects of the CSC may be included in an overall CSC risk assessment which is to include all activities (e.g. transport). (9) Risk assessments must be completed in UQSafe as it allows for marking a risk assessment as "Restricted". The use of this function is encouraged to prevent the risk assessments becoming an uncontrolled source of information regarding storage of CSCs. (10) It is important that everyone involved in the acquisition, handling, storage, use and disposal of these materials is made aware of the processes and expectations concerning material governance. The level of detail provided in CSC training should align with the level of risk of diversion or misuse of CSCs, and the degree of involvement of personnel in their procurement, storage, use and disposal. (11) Training at UQ is conducted by the following processes: (12) Purchase or acquisition of CSC by any means, including by internal transfer, donation, or product samples, must be managed by each Organisational Unit in a manner that ensures appropriate approval prior to acquisition through the appropriate UniFi workflow or an alternative auditable record. The eProcurement module of UniFi includes an approval workflow for Controlled Substances (CSCs are one type of Controlled Substance), which requires the purchase of them to be approved by a UQ staff member nominated as a Controlled Substances Officer/Manager for the relevant Organisational Unit (see clauses 38-39 and the Procurement Procedure). (13) Purchases of CSC using corporate credit cards is prohibited without direct approval from the Director, Health Safety and Wellness, as outlined in the Outgoing Payments Procedure. (14) UQ has several systems that can support CSC management including Chemwatch, UQSafe, UniFi and Chemical Waste management through the UQ Science Store. (15) Organisational Units must consider the below points of control when managing CSC at UQ to prevent theft/diversion. (16) CSCs delivered to UQ must be delivered to a location equipped with adequate facilities and, where reasonably practicable, oversight by trained UQ workers for the secure and safe storage of the materials. Delivered goods must not be accessible by unauthorised persons. Delivery point security management protocols include: (17) Several areas of UQ, including the Science Store, have supervised delivery points for chemicals. For other areas without single controlled delivery points, alternative arrangements must be implemented to ensure the security of the materials with the primary intention of ensuring that access to CSC is not available to unauthorised persons. Where facilities are available at the delivery point, CSC must be added to the site inventory upon arrival (see clauses 20-21) and the records updated when the material is collected from the delivery point by the authorised end user. (18) Physical secure storage measures may include, but are not restricted to: (19) Consideration must be given and resources must be available in these secured areas to ensure that incompatible chemicals are appropriately segregated and, where necessary, special storage requirements (e.g. refrigeration) are available. (20) The Organisational Unit must ensure there is a local register that identifies the storage location and quantity of CSC. Chemwatch is UQ’s central register/repository and manifest database that supports CSC management. Registers are only accessed by Organisational Units’ authorised personnel with CSC flagged in the manifest. Register details must be appropriately managed to ensure that registers do not become an accessible source of information on location of CSC. (21) Organisational Units can update the location’s inventory in Chemwatch live or by providing a spreadsheet in the appropriate format to the UQ Chemwatch administrator (see UQ Chemwatch site for contact details) for a quarterly upload. (22) Physical access to CSC must be restricted to authorised personnel (see above clauses 16-19, where personnel management control is outlined). (23) Controlling physical access to CSC can be achieved through a range of measures, including the use of secure storage areas (e.g. locked doors and storage cabinets), and/or secure electronic access (e.g. swipe card) to areas/buildings/floors/rooms and/or keyed lift access. (24) The most appropriate measures for a given area will be informed by the risk assessment process that may highlight gaps in the local infrastructure. These will require support from senior management and their advisory team to ensure risk management controls for systems and infrastructure are implemented. (25) All standard UQ chemical safety management procedures must be in place including isolation from ignition sources, incompatibility and special storage conditions (e.g. refrigeration, inert atmosphere). (26) The Organisational Unit must ensure there is a process in place to record the normal pattern of use by authorised trained personnel. This can be reflected within a risk assessment or a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the area which will outline the records required for the CSC arrival, daily use (if reasonably practicable) and the disposal of empty CSC containers. The Organisational Unit has the discretion of implementing a record keeping system for controlling the use of CSC, including transfers and inventory updates. (27) The Organisational Unit must ensure CSC waste is not left unsecured. (28) Disposal of CSC to waste is best achieved by using the UQ Science Store chemical waste process (as per EMS Chemical Waste Operating Procedure), which includes barcoding of waste to aid tracking. CSC waste must be collected in dedicated, appropriately labelled chemical waste containers observing standard incompatibility management procedures and returned to the Science Store, if that is the appropriate waste stream. (29) If CSC are required to be transported to other UQ locations, the Organisational Unit must ensure there are processes to guarantee the security of the materials during transport, on arrival at the destination, and to account for their use and disposal at the new destination. (30) Controls for the management of CSC transported to other UQ locations include: (31) In some situations, it may be appropriate to contract an external specialist firm to arrange for the secure transport of the chemicals, as well as the correct packaging and shipment of the CSC. These contractors should be preferred suppliers. (32) UQ workers must immediately report any suspicious behaviour or suspected diversion of CSC material to their Supervisor and to the Organisational Unit’s Work Health and Safety Coordinator (WHSC) /HSW Manager and the Controlled Substances Officer. At this point, the HSW Manager or Supervisor may decide that it is appropriate to contact UQ Security and the HSW Division. (33) Once the area or situation has been stabilised, an incident investigation must be conducted and outcomes reported to the HSW Division by completing an incident report in UQSafe and inviting the Director, HSW Division to view the report. Depending on the nature of the event, the investigation may require local representatives, HSW Division representatives and/or external inspectors. (34) The HSW Division will consult with the Property and Facilities Division/UQ Security and then determine if a report to the National Security Hotline is required. (35) UQ Senior Managers in Organisational Units are responsible for the prevention of illegal diversion of CSC in their areas of control. They are responsible for ensuring CSC are controlled in accordance with this Procedure and the Code and must ensure that staff, students and visitors are informed of and comply with the set management of these substances. (36) These managers are accountable for ensuring that: (37) The Head of Organisational Unit has the responsibility to nominate an appropriately qualified and competent person, or persons (e.g. HSW Manager/WHSC/Floor Manager), as Controlled Substances Officer (CSO) for their specific unit. (38) The CSO appointed by the Head of the Organisational Unit must be appropriately qualified and competent to act as the CSO. (39) The CSO is responsible for: (40) Supervisors are responsible for ensuring: (41) All UQ workers who order, use, store, transport or manage CSC must comply with this Procedure and the Code and any reasonable direction provided by their supervisor. UQ workers must ensure that: (42) UQ Security is responsible for: (43) The HSW Division is responsible for: (44) UQ Senior Managers must ensure robust systems for monitoring, review and corrective actions are in place to meet compliance requirements of the Code, and conduct regular consultation with UQ stakeholders and the appropriate regulator. (45) Supervisor/Managers are to: (46) Organisational Units are required to complete annual workplace inspections by Work Health and Safety Coordinator (WHSC) where corrective action plans are developed and recorded, which includes the proper monitoring of requirements for the safe and secure procurement, storage, use and disposal of chemicals. This process will facilitate reporting on the status of the CSC management systems for each Organisational Unit. (47) Organisational Units should conduct discrete, dedicated six monthly audits of CSC to review inventory and identify any discrepancies. (48) All reporting and record keeping must be in written form or incorporated into an auditable system, preferably a UQ system, such as UQSafe, UniFi or Chemwatch. (49) Supervisors must report stocktakes, and discrepancies on those, to Senior Management who will report to the HSW Division through the Organisational Unit WHSC/HSW Manager and/or the Controlled Substances Officer (CSO). (50) The HSW Division Safety role nomination form authorised by the Head of the Organisational Unit must be forwarded to the HSW Division. The HSW Division will record this person as the Controlled Substance Commodity approver in UniFi for the relevant business unit or units, and in UQSafe. The nominated CSO will apply for the role on my.UQ/My requests by the ‘UniFi User Access’ task, attaching nomination and relevant qualifications. Approvals will be processed by Finance and Business Services. (51) UQ workers are responsible for reporting: (52) UQ workers that identify an incident that needs to be reported must notify their direct supervisor, who will notify the Organisational Unit WHSC/HSW Manager and/or the Controlled Substances Officer CSO. (53) The Organisational Unit WHSC or the HSW Manager or the Controlled Substances Officer CSO will then notify HSW Division, who will engage UQ Security. (54) If a serious breach is suspected:Chemicals of Security Concern Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of Page
Section 3 - Key Requirements
CSC Secure Storage - Risk Assessment
Training and Induction
CSC Purchasing and Acquisition Approval
General Management of CSCs
Delivery Point Security Management
Inventory Management
End-use Storage and Management
Waste Management
Transport of CSC
Incident Management
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
UQ Senior Managers (Executive Deans, Institute Directors, Heads of Schools, Directors)
Controlled Substances Officer (CSO)
UQ Workers
UQ Security
Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division)
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Monitoring Mechanisms
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Controlled Substances Officer (CSO) Appointment Record
Incident Reporting
Top of PageSection 7 - Appendix
Chemicals of Security Concern (CSC)
Chemicals that may be diverted or repurposed for terrorist purposes.
Controlled Substances
Chemicals that are regulated by legislation.
Controlled Substances Officer (CSO)
An appropriately qualified and competent person nominated by a UQ Senior Manager to advise them and workers on procurement and general management of CSC.
Product Stewardship
Effective management of the risks associated with chemical products throughout the chemical lifecycle.
UQ workers
For the purposes of this Procedure includes:
• staff - continuing, fixed-term, research (contingent funded) and casual staff;
• contractors, subcontractors and consultants;
• visiting academics and researchers;
• affiliates - academic title holders, visiting academics, emeritus professors, adjunct and honorary title-holders, industry fellows and conjoint appointments;
• higher degree by research students; and
• volunteers and students undertaking work experience.
Chemicals of Security Concern – 15 High Risk Chemicals
Aluminium phosphide
Any concentration
Ammonium perchlorate
Ammonium perchlorate where it is in a water-based solution and the ammonium perchlorate is at a concentration of at least 10%; and
Ammonium perchlorate (in any other form) at a concentration of 65% or above.
Gas only
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide in a water-based solution at any concentration; and
Hydrogen peroxide (in any other form including a liquid mixture) where the hydrogen peroxide is at a concentration of 15% or above.
Nitric acid
Nitric acid at a concentration of 30% or above.
Nitromethane at a concentration of 10% or above.
Potassium chlorate
Potassium chlorate where it is in a water-based solution and the potassium chlorate makes up at least 10% of that solution; and
Potassium chlorate (in any other form) at a concentration of 65% or above.
Potassium cyanide
Any concentration.
Potassium nitrate
Potassium nitrate where it is in a water-based solution and the potassium nitrate makes up at least 10% of that solution; and
Potassium nitrate (in any other form) at a concentration of 65% or above.
Potassium perchlorate
Potassium perchlorate where it is in a water-based solution and the potassium perchlorate makes up at least 10% of the solution; and
Potassium perchlorate (in any other form) at a concentration of 65% or above.
Sodium azide
Sodium azide at a concentration of 95% or above.
Sodium chlorate
Sodium chlorate where it is in a water-based solution and the sodium chlorate is at a concentration of 10% or above; and
Sodium chlorate (in any other form) at a concentration of 65% or above.
Sodium cyanide
Any concentration
Sodium nitrate
Sodium nitrate where it is in a water-based solution and the sodium nitrate is at a concentration of 10% or above; and
Sodium nitrate (in any other form) at a concentration of 65% or above.
Sodium perchlorate
Sodium perchlorate where it is in a water-based solution and the sodium perchlorate is at a concentration of 10% or above; and
Sodium perchlorate (in any other form) at a concentration of 65% or above.
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Note: Contractors working to an established internal CSC management procedure should be preferred suppliers.