(1) This Procedure outlines the process for undertaking procurement at The University of Queensland (UQ) and should be read in conjunction with the Procurement Policy and the Probity and Integrity in Procurement Procedure which make up the UQ Procurement Framework. Other UQ policies and procedures relevant to the UQ Procurement Framework are listed in the Appendix 3. (2) This Procedure applies to all acquisitions of goods and services by UQ (including its controlled entities) from the market or from third parties, including capital works and all procurement activities that use research grant funding to purchase goods and services. (3) This Procedure does not apply to transactions between UQ organisational units or between UQ and its controlled entities. Also, it does not apply to the payment of payroll expenses, financing expenses including interest on debt, taxes and all regulatory payments. (4) All stakeholders (including staff, students and contractors) who can affect procurement decisions at UQ (‘UQ Procurement Stakeholders’) are required to comply with this Procedure. (5) The linked diagram provides an overview of the process and key controls of this Procedure: UQ Procurement Procedure Process Map. (6) The following provisions apply to the application of this Procedure: (7) Enterprise Procurement provides overall leadership and governance of the procurement function and processes across UQ. Enterprise Procurement's level of involvement in a given procurement activity will vary based on the value, risk and impact profile of the procurement activity. (8) For procurements below the $1 Million value threshold, Enterprise Procurement will: (9) For procurements between $1 Million and $5 Million value thresholds, Enterprise Procurement will: (10) For procurements above the $5 Million value threshold, Enterprise Procurement must be engaged in the early procurement planning stages and will: (11) Advice, guidance, forms and templates relevant to each phase of the procurement process are available from Enterprise Procurement via the Current Staff website. (12) Appendix 3 sets out the minimum requirements for UQ procurement activities, including documentation and approval requirements. (13) Procurement planning documentation is prepared before approaching the market to record the business need for the good or service and plan the approach to market. For lower value / risk activities, the procurement factors can be captured in the medium value procurement brief, pre or post activity. (14) For higher value / risk activities, procurement planning should be undertaken in advance and captured in a procurement plan. (15) Where the procurement is part of a project governed by a steering committee, the terms of reference for the steering committee may require the steering committee's endorsement of Procurement Plans or other procurement documentation. (16) Appendix 3 sets out the minimum requirements for UQ procurement activities, including documentation and approval requirements. (17) Sourcing documentation sets out UQ’s objectives and requirements, and the goods or services required, and invites suppliers to provide a quote / offer to meet UQ’s needs. (18) The primary sourcing documents are: (19) UQ uses the Queensland Government’s QTenders service to publish sourcing documents to potential suppliers and enable suppliers to submit quotes / offers. Enterprise Procurement maintain access to and provide assistance in the use of the QTenders portal. (20) Use of QTenders is required for procurement activities that exceed $200,000, unless Enterprise Procurement advises otherwise. (21) Where use of QTenders is not required, the Procurement Coordinator may distribute sourcing documents via email and will be responsible for maintaining records of communications with suppliers, ensuring fair treatment of suppliers, and ensuring probity is maintained at all times. (22) Appendix 3 sets out the minimum requirements for UQ procurement activities, including documentation and approval requirements. (23) Evaluation documentation captures and records the outcome of UQ’s evaluation of supplier quotes / offers and the recommendation of the preferred supplier and products and services. (24) The primary evaluation documents are: (25) In the following circumstances, the specified sourcing documentation and supplier selection method are not required and a Procurement Brief will satisfy the Procurement Planning and Evaluation Documentation requirements for all value thresholds above $50,000. (26) Appropriate evidence to support the presence of one of more of the above conditions (e.g. executed contract, warranty provisions), must be attached to the UniFi requisition to support the Purchase Order. (27) Some sourcing requirement exceptions may also apply where: (28) Enterprise Procurement maintains a list of Approved Supply Arrangements along with the conditions of use for each (refer to the Where to Buy Guide). These may include supply arrangements established by UQ and other supply arrangements that UQ is entitled to use, such as those established by the Queensland Government. (29) Where Approved Supply Arrangements have been established, UQ Procurement Stakeholders must purchase through those supply arrangements (subject to arrangement conditions of use) unless there is a genuine and documented business requirement to do otherwise. (30) Where an Approved Supply Arrangement is used, the UQ Procurement Stakeholders remain responsible for comparing selected products and services with alternatives available through the relevant arrangement and making procurement decisions that meet UQ's procurement objectives. (31) UQeMarket is an electronic marketplace that is integrated with UQ’s finance system. Through UQeMarket, UQ Procurement Stakeholders can purchase a wide range of commodity items from the digital catalogues of a number of approved suppliers. Suppliers' catalogues that appear on UQeMarket are Approved Supply Arrangements. (32) UQeMarket Sourcing Requirements Exceptions: (33) The Procurement Coordinator is responsible for reviewing the terms and conditions that apply to their procurement activity and ensuring that the terms of the purchase accurately reflect the commercial arrangement and do not contain any unacceptable legal risks, seeking legal advice if necessary. The Contract Delegate may require a brief outlining this information before accepting the terms for UQ and progressing the purchase. (34) UQ Standard Agreements must be used in accordance with their accompanying guidelines and where: (35) Where there is no suitable UQ Standard Agreement in a given circumstance, UQ Procurement Stakeholders should seek advice from Legal Services. (36) For Contractor engagements, an executed contract is required for purchases of $10,000 and over. For other goods and services, an executed contract is required for all purchases above $200,000. (37) Contracts to procure goods and services on behalf of UQ must only be executed in accordance with UQ’s Financial and Contract Sub-delegations Procedure and the associated Schedules. (38) UQ has obligations under the Queensland Procurement Policy (QPP) to report on all Procurement Contracts. All executed Procurement Contracts (including any variations and extensions) must be recorded in UQProcure and UQ’s electronic document and records management system (‘eDRMS’, known internally as TRIM) and marked as a ‘Procurement Contract’, or otherwise provided to Enterprise Procurement (procurementcontracts@uq.edu.au). Contracts, including any variations / extensions, must be recorded within two weeks of their execution. (39) The purchasing method is dependent upon the nature of the acquisition and its value, risk and complexity. Available methods: (40) All executed contracts must have a nominated Contract Manager to oversee the life of the contract. The Contract Manager may be the Contract Delegate, the Procurement Coordinator or another appropriate nominated staff member. (41) Contract Managers should actively monitor the supplier’s performance throughout the contract and ensure that any failures by the supplier to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract are promptly addressed and appropriate measures put in place to ensure they are not repeated. (42) For procurements that exceed $1 Million, the contract and supplier management approach should be documented in a Contract Management Plan and outcomes should be periodically documented in a Contract Performance Report. (43) For engagements of Contractors that exceed $50,000 outcomes should be documented in a Contractor Performance Report. (44) For procurements that exceed $5 Million, a Benefits Management Plan should be documented and outcomes tracked and reported in a Benefits Realisation Report. (45) Prior to the renewal of any existing procurement arrangement, the Contract Manager should assess whether expected benefits were realised under the current arrangement. (46) Contract Managers must also perform appropriate contract closure activities when a contract comes to an end, including ensuring the return of UQ data and property, revoking supplier privileges on UQ systems, closing open purchase orders, reviewing benefits realisation and advising stakeholders. (47) The UQ Procurement Framework specifically includes procurement activities that use research grant funding to purchase goods and services. UQ Procurement Stakeholders procuring goods and services on behalf of UQ using research grant funding must be aware that: (48) Grant funded projects expend funds through UQ and therefore are required to follow UQ’s Procurement Policy and associated Procedures. Quotes obtained for a research grant application may not satisfy the requirements of the UQ Procurement Framework as they will often have been obtained for indicative budgetary purposes only and not through an appropriate procurement process. In some cases the quotes provided during a grant application process may be out of date by the time the purchase is organised. (49) The grant body may require UQ to utilise the services of a particular supplier and/or purchase a specific piece of equipment or may prohibit some forms of expenditure as a condition of the funding provided. In these cases, if the grant body conditions are in conflict with the UQ Procurement Framework, an application for endorsement of an alternative strategy (exemption) can be submitted via Enterprise Procurement. (50) When obtaining quotes for a research grant application, UQ Procurement Stakeholders should clearly inform suppliers that: (51) When a third party is conducting procurement activities on behalf of UQ or with UQ’s funds under an overarching governing agreement, the University’s relevant Delegates or representatives must satisfy themselves that the third party has sound procurement policies, procedures and practices in place that meet or exceed requirements under the UQ Procurement Framework. (52) Where full compliance with the Procurement Policy and/or this Procedure is not feasible or not in UQ’s best interests, a written application for exemption may be submitted by the Procurement Coordinator via Enterprise Procurement for consideration. This must be completed: (53) Such application will be in the form prescribed by Enterprise Procurement. (54) An application for exemption must adequately demonstrate the business need for the exemption and be based on appropriate reasons, including but not limited to, genuine urgency, criticality, recency and security / confidentiality (refer to the Appendix 2 for definitions) and demonstrate how the proposed approach is able to meet UQ’s Procurement Objectives. Where appropriate, the relevant Category Owner will be consulted in relation to the assessment of the application for exemption. (55) Enterprise Procurement will send quarterly reports to Category Owners with respect to Procurement Process Exemptions approved under their managed category. (56) Enterprise Procurement will review and provide annual assurance on the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of this Procedure. Managers and Supervisors including Budget holders, Delegates and Category Owners will ensure all procurement activities in their areas of responsibility are undertaken in accordance with this Procedure. Staff must report actual or suspected breaches of this Procedure to Enterprise Procurement. (57) UQ takes complaints about procurement activities seriously. Staff who have a complaint about a procurement activity or receive a complaint from a supplier, potential supplier or a member of the public, must refer the complaint to the Integrity Unit who will determine the appropriate course of action. (58) Enterprise Procurement will: (59) Enterprise Procurement will provide contract disclosure reporting to the Queensland Government as required under the QPP. (60) See the linked Procurement Categories, Category Owners and Special Conditions Table. (61) In addition to the definitions provided in the Procurement Policy, the following definitions apply to this Procedure: (62) Associated policies and procedures include:Procurement Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Application of this Procedure
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Enterprise Procurement
Procurement Planning Documentation and Approvals
Sourcing Documentation
Evaluation Documentation and Approvals
Sourcing Requirements Exceptions
Approved Supply Arrangements
Contract Terms
Contract Execution and Recording
Purchase / Transaction
Contract and Supplier Management
Contract and Supplier Management Documentation
Monitoring and Benefits Realisation
Procurement under Research Grants
Procurement in Collaboration with External Parties
Alternative Procurement Strategies (exemptions)
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Top of Page
Chief Financial Officer
Providing a final decision on Procurement Process Exemption applications including delegation of this responsibility to the Associate Director, Enterprise Procurement, where appropriate.
Category Owner for any UQ wide procurement categories without an assigned owner.
Enterprise Procurement
Administering this Procedure and providing overall leadership and governance of procurement across UQ in accordance with the policy and procedures that make up the UQ Procurement Framework.
Providing overall assurance that the UQ procurement function is in compliance with the UQ Procurement Policy.
Providing procurement advice and procurement process support.
Monitoring and reviewing procurement plans, activities and recommendations as described in ‘Enterprise Procurement’ provisions above (Section 3).
Reviewing, in consultation with Category Owners where required, all Procurement Process Exemption applications.
Providing contract disclosure reporting to the Queensland Government in accordance with the QPP.
Maintaining UQ’s Procurement Contracts Register.
Maintaining copies of executed Procurement Contracts in a UQ approved record keeping system.
Establishing and periodically reviewing Approved Supply Arrangements across categories without an assigned owner.
Category Owners
Maintaining awareness of UQ internal demand for category goods and services.
Maintaining awareness of category supply market trends and opportunities.
Providing procurement advice for their category in relation to appropriate procurement strategies to best meet a given need and to ensure compliance with relevant policies and procedures.
Establishing and periodically reviewing beneficial Approved Supply Arrangements across the category.
Ensuring appropriate contract and supplier management practices are being followed in the category.
Ensuring effective records management for the category, including:
- sourcing and procurement process related documents
- formal communications with suppliers
- executed Procurement Contracts, variations, extension and supporting documents.
Reviewing and providing assurance of sound procurement practices within the category UQ-wide.
Procurement Coordinators
(in relation to a procurement they are coordinating)
Consulting with Enterprise Procurement and Category Owners as required under this Procedure or as otherwise appropriate.
Completing and maintaining all mandatory procurement documentation, including completed forms and templates.
Managing communications with suppliers (only when a procurement advisor is not engaged).
Ensuring effective records management for their procurement.
Providing copies of all executed Procurement Contracts (incl. variations or extension) to Enterprise Procurement for recording in the Procurement Contracts Register.
Contract and Financial Delegates
Executing Procurement Contracts in accordance with their powers under the Financial and Contract Sub-delegations Procedure and the associated Schedule.
Seeking advice from Legal Services prior to executing a procurement contract if required in relation to potential unacceptable legal risks or as otherwise required by the Financial and Contract Sub-delegations Procedure.
Acting as Contract Manager for Procurement Contracts they execute unless a suitable Contract Manager has been nominated by the relevant Delegate.
UQ Procurement Stakeholders
Complying with all applicable and relevant procurement principles, requirements and processes as set out in the UQ Procurement Framework (as applicable) when undertaking procurement activities on behalf of UQ.
Contract Manager
Maintaining an executed copy of all contracts they manage. Developing, documenting and monitoring a Contract Management Plan as required under this Procedure.
Ensuring that the Procurement Contract conditions are adhered to by both UQ and the supplier.
Managing variations or extensions to Procurement Contracts they manage and maintaining signed copies of all contracts they manage.
Monitoring and acknowledging delivery of the goods or services and conducting acceptance testing where appropriate.
Managing any supplier disputes and return of goods under Procurement Contracts they manage.
Advising Enterprise Procurement of, and seeking advice from Legal Services about, any disputes relating to contracts they manage.
Managing contract renewal and closure tasks.
Legal Services
Developing and maintaining template conditions of offer for use in procurement sourcing documentation, in consultation with Enterprise Procurement and relevant Category Owners.
Developing and maintaining template contracts for use in procurements, in consultation with Enterprise Procurement and relevant Category Owners.
Preparing bespoke contracts for procurement activities where templates are not suitable or as otherwise required.
Providing legal advice in relation to legal risks associated with specific procurements and negotiation of Procurement Contracts as required.
Developing and maintaining resources to assist in the assessment of legal risk in Procurement Contracts.Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Appendix 1 - Procurement Categories, Category Owners and Special Conditions
Appendix 2 - Definitions
Approved Supply Arrangement
An ongoing arrangement established with successful supplier/s designated by Enterprise Procurement for use by UQ (including without limitation a standing offer arrangement, a register of pre-qualified suppliers, panel arrangement or preferred supplier arrangement).
Benefits Management Plan
A document outlining the objective/s and roadmap for benefits realisation and activities necessary for achieving the planned benefits from a procurement activity including the timelines and the tools and resources necessary to ensure the benefits are fully realised over time.
Benefits Realisation Report
A document detailing the definition, planning, structuring and actual realisation of the benefits of a procurement activity. This report may be produced when all planned benefits are realised or progressively when specified benefit milestones are achieved.
Contract Management Plan
A document that contains all the key information about how a contract will be managed including establishing systems and processes to ensure that the contractor complies with the terms and conditions during the performance of the contract.
Contract Performance Report
A progressive document prepared during the contract term as a means of documenting performance of the contractor for UQ’s internal use or as justification for the extension or termination of the contract, if identified issues are unable to be resolved.
An individual or organisation engaged under a contract (other than as an employee) to provide services to UQ. Contractors can be classified as follows:
1. Consultants (engaged to provide recommendations and specialist or professional advice to assist or influence University decision making).
2. Contractors for non-professional services.
3. Contractors for professional services.
4. Contingent labour.
Helpful guidance can be found here: Queensland Government - Engaging and Managing Contractors and Consultants.
For the purposes of this Procedure (excluding Appendix 1), the term ‘Contractor’ does not include contractors for non-professional services.
Contractor Performance Report
A written report that evaluates the Contractor’s performance which should be completed before final payment to the Contractor to ensure that all elements of the specification have been met. This Report can be used when considering the Contractor for future work or for similar projects.
Where securing the goods or services from a nominated proven supplier is critical to ensure uninterrupted provision of UQ and/or a partner organisation’s services. Under this scenario, the engagement of an alternative supplier would present significant risk and additional cost to delivering business outcomes.
Financial and/or Contract Delegate or Sub-delegate as per UQs Delegations Policy and Procedures.
Evaluation Panel
The UQ representatives nominated to evaluate supplier quotes / offers against defined evaluation criteria and determine a preferred supplier for a given procurement need.
Evaluation Plan
A documented approach for conducting the evaluation of offers received in response to either an Invitation to Offer or a Request for Quotation mainly outlining the conditions of participation, evaluation criteria, process, methodology and evaluation panel member identities, roles and responsibilities.
Genuine Urgency
Where circumstances dictate that the purchase could not have been reasonably foreseen or planned and there is insufficient time to complete the required procurement process.
Procurement Contract
a document detailing the legally binding agreement between a supplier of goods/services and UQ. The term ‘Contract’ is defined in the Schedule of Contract Delegations and Sub-Delegations.
Where a purchase for the same or very similar goods or services has been previously undertaken with the same supplier as the result of a full procurement process within the previous twelve (12) months.
Security / Confidentiality
Where the procurement involves a high level of sensitivity and there are risks associated with divulging the requirement to multiple suppliers. Procurements falling within this category will require potential suppliers to complete a Confidentiality Agreement prior to the release of any Request for Quote or Invitation to Offer.
Value Threshold
The procurement spend level at which specified requirements, process or exceptions apply. The relevant value is the anticipated total expenditure in Australian Dollars, accumulated over the total term of the Procurement Contract, exclusive of GST.
Appendix 3 - Procurement Activity, Documentation and Approval Requirements
Value Threshold (AUD ex GST)
Standard Procurement strategy
Minimum Documentation Required
Endorsement and Approval Requirements - Standard Procurement Strategy Followed
Endorsement and Approval - Alternative Procurement Strategy Proposed
Less than $50,000
Use relevant approved supply arrangement or if none, one quote (written recommended)
Quote attached to UniFi requisition
Business unit via UniFi requisition process
As per Category Owner direction if not using relevant approved supply arrangement
$50,000 to less than $200,000
Use relevant approved supply arrangement or if none, three written quotes
Medium value procurement brief - via UQProcure or template document
Business unit via UniFi requisition process
As per Category Owner direction if:
- not using relevant approved supply arrangement
- not seeking three quotes
$200,000 or more
Market strategy as agreed by Procurement Coordinator, Enterprise Procurement and/or Category Owner appointed procurement category management team to meet UQ's procurement objectives
High value procurement plan and procurement recommendation report - via UQProcure or template documents
High value procurement plan -
- Consultation: Head of Organisational Unit
- Endorsement: Category Owner
- Endorsement: Enterprise Procurement
- Approval: Contract delegate
Procurement recommendation report (provided to contract delegate) -
- Consultation: Head of Organisational Unit
- Approval: Category Owner
- Endorsement: Enterprise ProcurementAssociated Policies and Procedures
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NOTE: Approved supply arrangements should always be considered first - see Where to Buy Guide.