(1) This plan outlines requirements for the management of fire safety and evacuation at The University of Queensland (UQ) and applies to UQ staff and students across all UQ campuses and sites. (2) During an emergency evacuation or drill, all building occupants (including but not limited to UQ students, affiliates and visitors) must follow the instructions of UQ Wardens. (3) UQ has legal obligations regarding fire safety under the following legislation: (4) In addition to this plan, further information and guidance on fire safety requirements, equipment and training is available from: (5) Fire safety management at UQ, including oversight of regulatory compliance and evacuation procedures, is centrally managed and coordinated by the Property and Facilities Division. (6) UQ will implement fire safety systems and processes to ensure that: (7) Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) members (Chief Wardens, Deputy Chief Wardens and Emergency Wardens) will be appointed at UQ in accordance with the process outlined in this Procedure. (8) UQ staff must complete mandatory fire safety training and participate in building fire drills when conducted. (9) Notification of a confirmed fire: (10) Building lifts must not be used during a fire emergency in the building. (11) UQ staff responsible for the supervision of people with special needs for evacuations must ensure they comply with this Procedure as determined by the risk assessment for the activity. (12) Emergency Wardens are responsible for conducting twice-yearly safety inspections using the Warden Checklist (PF-635) for their area of responsibility to determine fire-related safety risks, which will inform: (13) UQ staff conducting risk assessments for activities in UQSafe must determine the fire and evacuation risks of the activity. (14) The Property and Facilities Division will install and maintain fire safety equipment across UQ in accordance with regulatory requirements and site-specific risk assessments. (15) Fire safety equipment that has been used must be replaced with new equipment. Fire safety equipment that has been identified as potentially defective or faulty may also need to be replaced. Organisational Units that require replacement fire safety equipment can submit a request through UQ’s facilities management system ARCHIBUS. (16) Organisational Units may request additional fire safety equipment in consultation with UQ’s Fire Safety Supervisor (FSS). The purchase of additional equipment (i.e., additional to what is required by legislation) will be at the cost of the Organisational Unit and can be made through ARCHIBUS. (17) UQ staff must complete mandatory annual online fire safety training via Workday and participate in building evacuation drills. (18) UQ affiliates, contractors, volunteers and visitors must complete the required fire safety training modules online. (19) UQ staff that are appointed as Emergency Wardens must complete additional emergency warden training (see ‘Warden Training’ provisions below). (20) Additional fire and emergency training is available to UQ staff through the Human Capital Management System (Workday) and includes training in fire extinguisher use and procedures for hazardous materials. (21) The fire safety training requirements for UQ students will be determined by Course Coordinators based on the risk assessment of course activities. UQ students must complete any fire safety training that is prescribed by the Course Coordinator. (22) Emergency Control Organisation members are appointed for each building at UQ, and include Chief Wardens, Deputy Chief Wardens and Emergency Wardens. Heads of Organisational Units (e.g., Executive Deans, Institute Directors, Division Heads) are responsible for ensuring that the following Wardens are appointed for the building their Organisational Unit occupies: (23) Where more than one Organisational Unit occupies a building, the appointment of Wardens should be determined collaboratively and consultatively between the relevant Heads of Organisational Units. The Property and Facilities Division does not select and appoint Wardens. UQ’s Fire Safety Supervisor (FSS) can assist with the appointment of Wardens with relevant Heads of Organisational Units where a vacancy arises. (24) The details of all appointed Wardens must be entered into ARCHIBUS by the building’s Chief Warden. To request access to ARCHIBUS, refer to the ARCHIBUS Access and Modules website. (25) Staff that are appointed as Chief Wardens, Deputy Chief Wardens or Emergency Wardens must complete the annual Emergency Warden training prior to commencing in the role and then annually thereafter. Contact UQ’s FSS for more information about Emergency Warden training requirements (fireuq@pf.uq.edu.au). (26) Emergency and evacuation information must be clearly displayed in buildings. UQ’s FSS will work with Organisational Units to ensure that the following emergency and evacuation information is current and displayed where appropriate: (27) To prepare for emergencies, UQ staff are strongly advised to download, print and complete the relevant Emergency Procedure Card for their area. Copies are available on UQ’s Emergencies website. During an emergency or evacuation, UQ staff must follow the instructions of Emergency Wardens. (28) UQ entities in non-UQ Buildings must ensure they complete the training required for that building. They can request the evacuation plan for said building from building management. (29) UQ staff supervising students or visitors are responsible for informing them of building emergency exits, evacuation procedures and emergency assembly points. During an emergency or evacuation, UQ students and visitors must follow the instructions of Emergency Wardens and/or UQ staff. (30) UQ staff and students that are mobility impaired persons or persons with special needs should have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) prepared in consultation with their supervisor, Emergency Wardens and the FSS. (31) A copy of the completed PEEP should be provided to those involved in its development, the building’s Chief Warden and the Emergency Warden responsible for the area where the person usually works. (32) UQ staff in laboratories, workshops and other specialised areas must maintain their current emergency contact details in ARCHIBUS to facilitate emergency response for the area with the Chief Warden, Deputy Chief Warden and Emergency Wardens, the Property and Facilities Division and emergency services. (33) UQ is required to conduct annual fire evacuation drills in each building on its campuses and sites. During a fire evacuation drill, all building occupants must follow the instructions of the Wardens. The planning, scheduling and implementation of fire evacuation drills is managed by UQ’s FSS. (34) An Emergency Evacuation Practice Report to evaluate the drill will be completed by the FSS or a person authorised by the FSS. (35) All ECO members who participate in the evacuation drill must attend the fire panel at the conclusion of the practice for a debrief and ensure they sign the attendance register. (36) The Chief Property Officer is responsible for overseeing UQ’s fire safety compliance obligations and emergency response procedures. (37) The Senior Manager, Security coordinates UQ’s actions and is the primary contact point with emergency services (e.g. Police, Fire and Ambulance). During an emergency, the Senior Manager, Security is responsible for communicating with the FSS and Chief Wardens for the affected building to ensure that designated duties are correctly and promptly carried out by appropriate personnel. (38) The Senior Manager, Security is UQ’s Emergency Coordinator. (39) The Fire Safety Supervisor (FSS) supports the Chief Property Officer in overseeing and managing UQ’s fire safety compliance, and is responsible for: (40) The FSS is UQ’s Deputy Emergency Coordinator and will act as the Emergency Coordinator in the absence of the Senior Manager, Security or at their direction. (41) The Fire Safety Coordinator supports the FSS in the day to day performance of their duties, and will act in their place if the FSS is absent. (42) UQ Security will respond and assist during an emergency in the absence of a building’s Emergency Wardens. During an emergency, the UQ responding Security Officer may be required to: (43) In the absence of the FSS and the Senior Manager, Security, the Security Officer on duty will act as the Emergency Coordinator until relieved by the Security Shift Supervisor or an appropriately qualified person (e.g. an emergency services officer). (44) The Security Shift Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator until relieved by an appropriately qualified person (e.g. an emergency services officer). (45) Chief Wardens are responsible for the following activities in their building: (46) Deputy Chief Wardens are responsible for the following activities in their building: (47) Emergency Wardens are responsible for supporting Chief Wardens and Deputy Chief Wardens for the fire safety management and evacuation of a designated floor or area of a building. Emergency Wardens are responsible for: (48) During a fire emergency, Emergency Wardens may be required to: (49) Heads of Organisational Units are responsible for: (50) UQ staff are responsible for: (51) UQ staff supervising students and visitors are responsible for informing them of building emergency exits, evacuation procedures and emergency assembly points. (52) The FSS will review this Procedure periodically to ensure its currency and relevance to the management of fire safety and evacuation at UQ. (53) The FSS will report all fire emergency incidents to the Senior Manager, Security. (54) The Senior Manager, Security will report all fire emergency incidents to the Director, Campus Operations, Property and Facilities Division, and to the Director, Health Safety and Wellness Division.Fire Safety Management and Evacuation Plan Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives
Top of PageSection 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Risk Assessment and Management
Fire Safety Equipment
Fire Safety Training
UQ Staff
UQ Students
Appointment of Wardens
Warden Training
Emergency and Evacuation Information
Supervision of Students and Visitors
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
Specialised Area Emergency Contacts
Fire Evacuation Drills
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Chief Property Officer
Senior Manager, Security
Fire Safety Supervisor (FSS)
Fire Safety Coordinator (FSC)
UQ Security
Chief Wardens
Deputy Chief Wardens
Emergency Wardens
Heads of Organisational Units
UQ Staff
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Emergency Control Organisation.
Fire Panel
The detection and warning system to communicate warning and evacuation directions to building occupants upon the detection of a fire.
UQ Staff
Continuing, fixed-term, research (contingent funded) and casual staff members.
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