(1) This Procedure provides The University of Queensland (UQ) workers with information in minimising the impact of incidents involving spills of radionuclides in liquid form and is applicable to all UQ workers who work with radioactive material. (2) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the other UQ radiation safety procedures and guidelines. (3) Key controls include: (4) The treatment of injured persons must be dealt with immediately by activating the UQ emergency procedures. Depending on the severity of the injury, either emergency services must be called first by dialling 000 for an ambulance then security on phone 3365 3333 and describe the situation, or by calling UQ Security first. A copy of the Radiation Safety Data Sheet must go with the injured person to the medical practitioner. (5) Where a person has been contaminated, contaminated clothing must be removed any affected area of skin decontaminated (see clauses 17-20). (6) Any spill must be notified to the local RSO as soon as practicable after the spill who will then assess the incident and determine the response required. Local RSO contact details are listed on the Health, Safety and Wellness webpage: UQ Safety Network Contacts. (7) The Radioisotope Fact Sheet must be provided to the RSO for the spilled material prior to any clean-up or decontamination commencing. (8) For all contamination incidents, access to the area must be controlled by the RSO, or someone designated by the RSO for this task. Where there is contamination of persons, the RSO will ask all non-essential personnel to leave the area. (9) A control point must be established immediately outside the laboratory where personnel can be checked for radioactive contamination as they leave the area. The local RSO may call on the assistance of other UQ RSOs or the Radiation Protection Consultant (RPC) to assist with this process. (10) All appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must be donned before any attempt to clean up the spill. (11) Absorbent paper or absorbent pads should be dropped onto the spill and the remaining material wiped up. Wiping must be inward, i.e., towards the centre of the spill to prevent the spread of contamination. (12) After the spill has been contained and mopped up with absorbent material, the extent of any remaining contamination must to be determined. A careful survey is to be performed using a meter with an appropriate response to the radiation emitted by the contaminant. (13) From the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) which outlines the radiation emitted, the half-life and chemical properties of the contaminant, the RSO can determine the best course of action to allow the area to be released from further control. Two risk-informed courses of action may be considered either: (14) The latter option is the most desirable in terms of limiting occupational exposure and the production of radioactive waste. This may not be reasonably practicable in all circumstances and the RPC should be consulted. (15) Decontamination should be carried out in a planned and logical manner by the worker causing the contamination. Assistance from the local RSO is available if required. Laboratories in which radioactive materials are used must maintain a decontamination kit so that the necessary materials are always at hand. (16) The following materials[1] will be required for decontamination operations: (17) The gentlest methods for personal decontamination must be tried first. (18) The person who is undertaking the decontamination must be wearing the following PPE: laboratory coat, double gloves, safety glasses and overshoes. The contaminated person’s body surface and clothing is to be carefully monitored to localise contaminated areas. If possible, without spreading the contamination, the clothing must be carefully removed and placed in a labelled plastic bag or container. (19) Removing contamination from around the nose, mouth and other body openings as a first priority. The mouth can be washed with dilute hydrogen peroxide solution (dilute hydrogen peroxide from 3% to 1% by mixing two parts water with one part hydrogen peroxide – this gives a 1% concentration) and the eyes with tap water or 1% saline. Skin is best treated initially with mild soap and water; if this fails to remove contamination, Radiacwash towelettes can be used provided the affected area is not near the eyes. (20) The contaminated person must be assessed for other minor wounds or abrasions, and if visible, covered with waterproof adhesive coverings to prevent activity entering the body. If open wounds are contaminated with radioactive material or the person received a penetrating injury with radioactive material they must be washed first under running water (or sterile saline if available) and gentle bleeding encouraged for approximately one minute. A sterile dressing should then be applied. (21) The person undertaking the decontamination must wear the following PPE: laboratory coat, double gloves, safety glasses and overshoes. The RSO will direct the team to decontaminate the area and equipment to ensure that all material continues to be contained. (22) To prevent the production of respirable dust, only wet decontamination methods must be used. The removal of contamination should be done with the minimum of rubbing and the swabs should be frequently discarded as radioactive waste in the appropriate waste container for radioactive substances. Frequent radiation level monitoring must be performed to assess progress. (23) Where contamination appears fixed after initial tests with simple wet wipes, further washing with a complexing agent such as Decon 90 or Radiacwash will be required. The decontaminating solution should be left on the contaminated surface as long as possible to allow the chemical reaction at the surface to assist the decontamination. If decontamination is unsuccessful, treatment with an abrasive material may be required. This should only be done under wet conditions. (24) In some cases, it may be advisable to remove the equipment or section of bench for storage, either permanently as contaminated waste, or temporarily, until the contaminant has decayed sufficiently. In exceptional cases it might be necessary to seal in the contamination with concrete or paint. The advice of RPC must be obtained before sealing in any radioactive contamination or for approval to consign a contaminated item to the local storage room. (25) When decontamination is complete, the RSO must investigate the incident and determine whether there are any deficiencies in procedures or if personnel need additional training. The RSO must report the incident in UQSafe and investigation completed as outlined in the Health and Safety Incident Investigation Procedure. The relevant Radiation Safety Protection Plan (RSPP) and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) should be reviewed after any incident to identify any areas for improvement, and corrections or updates made as required to prevent a recurrence. The RPC must be listed as a specialist advisor on any incident report that involves radioactive contamination. (26) UQ has been granted three Possession Licences for the radiation sources under the Radiation Safety Act 1999 (the Act). The Possession Licensee is responsible for ensuring compliance with both the legislation and specific licence conditions. (27) The Possession Licensee can nominate a nominee to carry out activities on their behalf and this can be any senior executive member. To be nominated, the Senior Executive member must contact the HSW Division so the process can be completed and QRH be informed of the nomination. (28) The Nominee’s responsibilities, which can be delegated to Executive Deans, Institute Directors or Heads of School, are as follows: (29) The Act requires each Possession Licensee to appoint a qualified RSO. The RSO is required to: (30) The RPC provides overall guidance to all UQ workers on matters pertaining to radiation. The RPC monitors the implementation of UQ’s RSPPs as approved by the regulatory authority, provides support for radiation governance and compliance across UQ and monitors compliance with radiation safety legislation. (31) The RPC is the primary source of advice and expertise for: (32) In addition, the RPC provides reports regularly via the Director of the HSW Division, to Possession Licence nominees about any issues or changes that may affect the Possession Licence. (33) The primary responsibilities of a user are to: (34) Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division) is responsible for maintaining the required level of central oversight and assurance by: (35) This is a formal network of UQ RSOs. The forum allows the RPC and RSOs to consult on, and review regulatory, organisational and technical radiation matters at UQ. (36) The RSO Network meets four times a year and is chaired by the RPC. All participants are invited to contribute discussion and presentation items for the meeting. The RSO community provide secretariat duties as needed. All presentations and minutes are retained by HSW Division. (37) The RPC oversees radiation safety arrangement at UQ and reviews the specific aspects of radiation safety regularly. Local RSOs communicate radiation safety issues to the RPC as required. (38) All incidents involving a radioactive spill must be reported in UQSafe by the worker or local RSO, and the RPC must also be notified in a timely manner. (39) This report must contain information on the following: (40) In some circumstances, it may be necessary to make a report to the statutory authority; this will be coordinated by the RPC and the Health, Safety and Wellness Division.Emergency Response Plan for Radioactive Liquid Spills Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements: Sequence of Emergency Procedures
Treatment of Injured Person
Notify the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and Other Persons Working in the Area of the Spill
Contain the Spill and Monitor for Contamination
Radiotoxicity Group
Maximum level within laboratory (Bq/cm2)
Maximum level within on skin or items leaving laboratory (Bq/cm2)
α emitters
non-α emitters
α emitters
non-α emitters
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Decontamination of Workers
Decontamination of Work Areas and Equipment
Reporting and Incident Investigation
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Possession Licensee
Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
Radiation Protection Consultant (RPC)
Health, Safety and Wellness Division
Radiation Safety Officer Network
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
The expected value of the number of nuclear transformations occurring in a given quantity of material per unit time. The SI unit of activity is per second (s-1) and its special name is the Becquerel (Bq).
Becquerel (Bq)
Is the special name for the SI unit of activity.
Curie (Ci)
Is the old unit of activity 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq.
Radiation Protection Consultant (RPC)
A qualified expert appointed by the responsible person to supervise radiation safety activities and to ensure radiation safety. An RPC is deemed to have the authority to implement procedures and to intervene in situations where safety has been or is being compromised.
Radiation Safety and Protection Plan (RSPP)
Is the risk management plan for a particular type of radiation practice. The relevant RSPP must be complied with by all users and other persons involved in the practice.
Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
For a radiation practice, means a person who holds a relevant certificate issued under Radiation Safety Act 1999 and who the possession licensee nominee has appointed as the radiation safety officer for the particular practice.
UQ Workers
For the purposes of this Procedure includes:
• staff - continuing, fixed-term, research (contingent funded) and casual staff;
• contractors, subcontractors and consultants;
• visiting academics and researchers;
• academic title holders, visiting academics, Emeritus Professors, adjunct and honorary title-holders, Industry Fellows and conjoint appointments;
• Higher Degree by Research students; and
• volunteers and students undertaking work experience.
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[1] Kit containing these decontamination materials must be readily available within each relevant work area.
Table 1 - Derived Workings Surface Contamination (Non-fixed)