(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to outline the requirements for the investigation of health and safety incidents at The University of Queensland (UQ) and applies to UQ Supervisors, Managers or others that are required to undertake workplace incident investigations. It is applicable to all incidents where UQ work activities are undertaken at UQ workplaces and external work environments. This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Incident Investigation Guideline. (2) The purpose of an incident investigation is not to assign blame – incidents occur for a variety of reasons. The main aim is to establish what the contributing factors are and to put measures in place to prevent a recurrence. (3) Whenever a worker or other person is involved in a UQ related incident, it must be reported, investigated and corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence. Workers or other persons may be required to take part in the investigation. (4) The processes outlined in this Procedure align with: (5) UQ is legally obliged under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 to comply with duties to provide, as far as reasonably practicable, a safe workplace. It is also obliged to manage risks to an acceptable level to prevent harm. (6) The objective of an incident investigation is to determine the contributing factors and identify appropriate controls to prevent a recurrence. Incident investigations should result in enhanced health and safety management systems. (7) The process involves systematically collecting evidence, assessing data, reporting outcomes and implementing corrective actions. Key controls supporting effective incident investigation include: (8) The severity of the incident or potential severity, may assist in determining the objectives of the investigation. Consideration should be given to the legal, insurance, human resource, enterprise compliance and third-party aspects, and will also determine whether one or multiple investigations are required. (9) Clarity about what is included and excluded from the investigation scope will drive the objectives. (10) Incidents will be investigated proportionately in order to produce appropriate corrective actions to minimise the risk of repeat incidents. The depth of investigation and nature of tools used to complete an investigation are dependent on the incident risk rating (at the time of the incident) and level determined on UQSafe, in consultation with the local Work Health and Safety Coordinator (WHSC) or Health, Safety and Wellness Manager (HSW Manager). An incident marked as a “HiPO” in UQSafe may require a fuller investigation and this can be completed using the “basic” investigation within UQSafe. (11) While it is appropriate to have a number of people involved in investigations: (12) If there is a Health and Safety Representative (HSR) that represents the workgroup involved, they should be offered the opportunity to be included in all investigations, with permission from injured worker, if applicable. (13) It is important to determine who the audience of the investigation report will be, considering confidentiality and sensitivity. The expectations of the reporting deadlines must be considered in conjunction with the scheduling of evidence gathering. (14) The recording of evidence must be systematic and catalogued to ensure integrity. This is especially critical for Level 3 investigations. (15) Evidence used to support an incident investigation must be based in fact. Opinions, hypotheses, hearsay and conjecture are not considered as evidence and should not be used except where further inquiries lead to actual evidence supporting them. Interpretation of data may be considered to be evidentiary, if the person conducting the interpretation is qualified to do so, such as an engineer interpreting data relating to load bearing issues. (16) There are two main types of evidence, perishable and non-perishable. Perishable evidence after an incident can change swiftly, e.g., memory, incident site, real-time recordings. Non-perishable evidence is that which does not change over time and can include items such as documentation and training records. (17) Evidence can be collected from the site through a site inspection. Photographs of the site should be taken as soon as practical, and capture any items left on site. (18) Interviews form part of the key evidence in investigations and should be conducted as soon as possible after the incident as memory declines rapidly. Interviews should be scheduled with: (19) Witnesses cannot be forced to providing an interview – it is a voluntary process. (20) Refer to the Incident Investigation Guideline for further details on planning for and conducting interviews. (21) As documents and records are non-perishable, these can be collected at a later stage. Documents and records collected will depend on the incident, but can include things such as risk assessments, safe operating procedures, training records, induction processes, etc. (22) Managing the evidence must be controlled and it must remain secure. Evidence should be catalogued and managed by a person so the chain of evidence remains intact. All items should be catalogued with a date and time as to when the evidence was obtained or collected. (23) Level 1 investigations are for low and medium risk rating incidents, including near misses, and are completed in UQSafe by the Supervisor of the injured person and verified by the WHSC or local HSW Manager. (24) Incidents having a high risk rating require Level 2 investigation, be completed in UQSafe, and involve the local WHSC or HSW Manager and Health and Safety Representative (HSR) for the workgroup if there is one. The HSW Manager or the HSW Division (as appropriate) should review details to: (25) Incidents requiring Level 3 investigations are notifiable to a Regulator (or had a high likelihood of being notifiable) or have an ‘extreme’ risk rating. This type of investigation requires a formal report and a planned and methodical investigation process conducted by an investigation team. The investigation report must be uploaded to UQSafe as an attachment to the incident report at the conclusion of the investigation. The attachment should be marked as ‘confidential’, which only allows the WHSC, HSW Manager and selected people in the HSW Division to view the investigation report. A Lead Investigator will lead the team. If there is a HSR for the workgroup, they must be offered the opportunity to be included in the investigation team. (26) Analysis is the methodical and logical link between the fact-finding process (collection of evidence) and the development of conclusions. UQ uses the ICAM (Incident Cause Analysis Method) for investigations and is supported by several templates. This method allows investigations to extend beyond intentional and unintentional actions of human error (active failures) to identify the underlying factors that contributed to those actions and the context (latent conditions). It allows for the investigation into contributing factors that may have influenced the individual to make choices that led to an incident, for example, organisational factors, task/environmental conditions, individual/team actions, absent/failed defences (e.g., supervision, guards, etc.). (27) Further information can be found in the Incident Investigation Guideline. (28) The conclusions will be based on facts and the analysis of the facts. These will be substantiated by the physical evidence, interviews and analysis tools. (29) The recommendations will flow from the causal factors and will directly tie back to the evidence collected. (30) Where system deficiencies have been identified through the investigation process, recommendations for corrective action must be made to reduce future risk and improve health and safety performance. Action plans must be created in UQSafe within three weeks of the incident occurring and allocated to a person responsible for actioning. These recommendations must be linked to the evidence collected. (31) A deadline for implementation of corrective actions must be set, and monitoring processes in place to ensure actions are addressed satisfactorily. Follow up to evaluate the effectiveness of the corrective actions is required by the Supervisor, and adjustments made as needed for continual improvement. (32) Once the report has been completed, a meeting with relevant Managers and Supervisors will be organised to review the report and discuss the findings. This allows for the agreement of the action plan and ensures the correct person is allocated against each corrective action along with the agreed timeframe for implementation. (33) Heads of Organisational Units are responsible for: (34) Supervisors, within their areas of responsibility, are responsible for: (35) The Lead Investigator: (36) The HSW Manager and WHSC are responsible for: (37) Workers are responsible for: (38) The HSW Division is responsible for: (39) The HSW Division will review the effectiveness of this Procedure and update it to reflect contemporary investigation processes as required. Investigation processes are monitored through the Division and investigation reports and outcomes reported to the Vice-Chancellor's Risk and Compliance Committee as required. (40) UQSafe has automatic workflow properties that notifies various roles in UQ if action plans are not completed. HSW Managers will follow up with the Supervisor responsible for the action plans. (41) The HSW Manager or the HSW Division (as appropriate) reviews the report to: (42) The HSW Manager and/or HSW Division review these reports for clarity, factual evidence and clear recommendations. The tone of the report needs to be approved by the Director, HSW (or other senior member of the HSW Division) who will forward to the Regulator if required. In some circumstances, other senior members of UQ may receive the report. This will be determined by the Director, HSW. (43) All investigations are recorded and reported using UQSafe. UQSafe include automatic workflows which escalates to the next level of management when actions fall past their due date. The HSW Division reports on outstanding actions as part of monthly reporting. (44) All investigation reports relating to notifiable incidents must be retained as per the requirements of the Queensland State Archives - General Retention and Disposal Schedule (GRDS), which may be up to 80 years. (45) Regulator notification occurs in accordance with Health and Safety Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure. (46) When an inspection is conducted on UQ premises by a regulatory authority, the following will occur as a minimum: (47) It is important to be cognisant that some incidents requiring investigation could potentially be contentious, of interest to media, and pose other enterprise risks to UQ e.g. reputational and potentially significant legal risks. In these cases, timely advice should be sought firstly from the HSW Division who may engage the advice of UQ Legal Services with respect to the direction of the incident investigation. (48) Information related to these investigations must not be circulated within UQ or given to a third party without permission from the Director, HSW or relevant Head of Organisational Unit.Incident Investigation Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Scoping an Incident Investigation
Investigation Objectives
Determine Investigation Level
Preparation Activities
Investigation Team
Report Requirements
Evidence Collection and Recording
Recording of Evidence
Evidence Collection
Documentation and Records
Chain of Evidence
Conducting the Investigation
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Analysis of Evidence
Conclusions and Recommendations
Report and Action Plan
Investigation Close-out Meeting
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Head of Organisational Unit
Lead Investigator
Health, Safety and Wellness Manager (HSW Manager) / Work Health and Safety Coordinator (WHSC)
Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division)
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring and Review
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Regulator Notification and Inspection
Contentious Investigations
Section 7 - Appendix
Action Plans
Includes corrective actions which are improvements to rectify and preventative actions which are improvements to address the potential of a non-conformity or other undesirable situation which caused an incident.
High-potential Incident (HiPo)
Is an incident or near-miss that, could have under other circumstances, caused a serious injury and/or a notifiable incident.
Any occurrence that leads to, or might have led to, injury or illness to people, danger to health and/or damage to property or the environment. For the purpose of this Procedure, the term "incident" is used as an inclusive term for injuries/illnesses, accidents, near misses, non-conformance and notifiable incident.
Near Miss
An unplanned event that has the potential to cause, but does not actually result in human injury, environment or equipment damage.
Incident or breach that may be reportable under specific legislation e.g. breaches relating to genetically modified organisms, chemical imports, boating or diving incidents.
Notifiable Incident
A serious incidents (serious injury / illness or dangerous events) which, in accordance with legislative obligations, are required to be reported to a regulator. For a full definition – refer to Health and Safety Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure.
Organisational Units
UQ faculties, schools, institutes, directorates, administrative and management divisions.
UQ workers
For the purposes of this Procedure, ‘worker’ includes:
- UQ staff, including continuing, fixed-term and casual staff;
- contractors, subcontractors and consultants;
- Higher Degree by Research students;
- visiting academics and researchers;
- visiting research students; and
- volunteers engaged by UQ.Investigation Level
Investigation Level
Managed Risk Level
Reporting Tools
Investigation Team
Level 1 Investigation (including near miss incidents)
Low or Medium
UQSafe Action plan
Supervisor (with oversight by the local WHSC / HSW Manager)
Level 2 Investigation (including near miss incidents)
UQSafe Action plan
Level 2
InvestigationSupervisor (with support by the local from the HSW Division if required)
WHSC / HSW Manager.
Level 3 Investigation
Extreme, notifiable incidents or
had a high likelihood
of being notifiableUQSafe Action plan
Formal InvestigationSupervisor (with support from the HSW Division if required)
Formal investigation team.
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