(1) This Procedure outlines requirements for the provision and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at The University of Queensland (UQ) and applies to all UQ workers whose workplace activities require the use of PPE to mitigate risk of injury or illness. The use of PPE should not be relied upon as the only source of risk control and should be used to compliment higher order controls such as substitution or engineering. (2) For the purposes of this Procedure, the definition of UQ workers is broad and is intended to ensure UQ meets its responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. The definition of UQ workers is provided in Section 6, ‘Appendix’. (3) UQ is legally obliged under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation) to implement appropriate control measures in the workplace (e.g. mandatory use of PPE) if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate a health and safety risk. (4) Organisational Units must undertake risk assessments of hazards present in the workplace, proportionate and relevant to the activities being undertaken, and taking into account the duties and work of the group as a whole. (5) According to the hierarchy of risk control, the use of PPE should always be considered in combination with more effective, higher order controls (see How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks Code of Practice 2021). (6) Where PPE is determined to be an appropriate control measure, either in combination with other controls or as a stand-alone measure, through the risk assessment process or where stated in regulations: (7) Organisational Units must conduct risk assessments in accordance with the Health and Safety Risk Assessment Procedure to determine the necessity for the use of PPE for specific tasks. Risk assessments should be proportionate and relevant to the activities being regularly undertaken in their workplace. (8) Further information and guidance on risk management is available from local health and safety staff, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, and the UQ Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division). (9) Facilities certified by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) or the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) may have specific PPE requirements, which must be adhered to by UQ workers. These requirements are detailed in OGTR and DAFF guidelines and/or facility certification documentation (refer to UQ’s Biosafety Policy and procedures). (10) It may be possible to remove the need for certain PPE under specific conditions. In such cases, the UQ worker must submit a request to the Biosafety Advisors in the UQ HSW Division outlining the proposal and include a documented, approved risk assessment. Work must not be undertaken with the modified PPE requirements before approval from the Biosafety Advisors is provided. (11) Organisational Units must establish PPE standards in the workplace. UQ workers must comply with these standards and supervisors must enforce compliance. (12) The supervisor must exclude the worker from the work area until they are able to comply with the PPE requirements. (13) Organisational Units are responsible for ensuring that all necessary PPE required for a task is available to UQ workers. It will remain the property of UQ except in certain circumstances – e.g., prescription safety eyewear which may be provided or subsidised by the Organisational Unit. (14) Undergraduate students are expected to provide their own laboratory coats and safety glasses that must comply with the relevant Australian Standard for their on campus laboratory practicals. For further information on eye protection see the Eye Protection Guideline. (15) Where the PPE is not supplied by UQ, work must not commence until the appropriate PPE is made available. Privately purchased PPE must be fit for purpose, compliant with the relevant Australian Standards and comply with this Procedure. Any queries for the provision of PPE within the Organisational Unit are to be discussed with the relevant supervisor and with reference to the relevant risk assessment(s). (16) If PPE is required, it should be stated in the workplace’s local area Safe Work Method Statement, Standard Operating Procedure, risk assessment or other local protocol. (17) Where PPE is to be used or worn in the workplace, it must be: (18) Executive Deans and Institute Directors are responsible for ensuring that strategic planning and budgeting provides for a safe working environment that minimises or eliminates risk to a point where lower order controls (such as PPE) are not solely relied upon in the workplace. Specifically, budget allocation should be provided to ensure that infrastructure is upgraded and maintained as required to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, and that higher order controls are in place where reasonably practicable. (19) Heads of Organisational Units must ensure: (20) Supervisors (including academic supervisors of Higher Degree by Research students) are responsible for: (21) Supervisors of undergraduate students are responsible for overseeing the health and safety of students in teaching and learning activities. Refer to the Occupational Health and Safety in the Laboratory Guideline. (22) HSW Managers and WHSCs are responsible for: (23) UQ workers are responsible for: (24) Heads of Organisational Units and supervisors should regularly review the effectiveness of PPE particularly following incidents and near misses and after changes to processes, procedures, personnel, storage systems and physical changes to PPE products. (25) The HSW Division will review this Procedure as required to ensure its accuracy and relevance, and will conduct periodic audits of Organisational Units’ compliance with this Procedure, which may include: (26) Local health, safety and wellness managers and coordinators will conduct regular inspections (at least annually) to review appropriate risk controls, including the appropriate use of PPE. (27) Supervisors and/or Health, Safety and Wellness Managers and WHSCs will report in UQSafe non-compliance with PPE requirements or improper use of PPE in the workplace.Personal Protective Equipment Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Workplace Risk Assessment
Certified Spaces – Biosafety and Biosecurity
PPE Standards in the Workplace
Provision of PPE
Use of PPE
Top of Page
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Executive Deans and Institute Directors
Heads of Organisational Units
Health, Safety and Wellness Managers (HSW Managers) and local Work Health and Safety Coordinators (WHSCs)
UQ Workers
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Appendix
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Clothing or equipment designed to be worn by someone to protect them from the risk of injury or illness.
UQ Workers
For the purposes of this Procedure includes:
• staff - continuing, fixed-term, research (contingent funded) and casual staff;
• contractors, subcontractors and consultants;
• visiting academics and researchers;
• affiliates - academic title holders, visiting academics, emeritus professors, adjunct and honorary title holders, industry fellows, and conjoint appointments;
• Higher Degree by Research students; and
• volunteers and students undertaking work experience.
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