(1) This Procedure has been developed to assist workers at The University of Queensland (UQ) to manage risks for safety associated with transportation of radioactive materials and provide information on legislative compliance as required by Queensland Radiation Health (QRH). (2) Transportation of radioactive materials includes between UQ buildings, UQ campuses, within Australia or overseas. The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (ARPANSA) provides clear detailed guidance for the safe transport of radioactive material in the Code for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (2019) (ARPANSA’s Code). (3) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the other UQ Radiation Safety procedures and guidelines. (4) Licences to possess radioactive substances are held by UQ under the Radiation Safety Act 1999 (the Act) and Radiation Safety Regulation 2021 (the Regulation). These licences allow the possession of various types of radiation sources used in radiation practices. Occasionally, radioactive materials may need to be transported between UQ campuses or consigned for shipment within Australia or overseas. Radiation Possession Licences have also been granted to UQ for the possession and use of sealed sources, some of which are incorporated in portable devices for which transport forms an integral part of their use. (5) Radiation is highly regulated and has licensing requirements for possession, use and transportation. As such the following key controls are required. (6) In Queensland, prescribed radioactive substances may only be transported by road or rail under the authority of a licence granted under the Act. Licences granted under the Act are conditional on the user complying with the relevant sections of ARPANSA’s Code which is published by the Commonwealth Government and has been adopted by all Australian States and Territories as the standard regulatory document. The Act provides for road transport, the person in charge of the vehicle must personally hold a licence issued by QRH authorising the transport. However, persons transporting excepted packages or certain devices such as soil moisture and density gauges, are exempted from the requirement to hold a transport licence provided the transport is compliant with ARPANSA’s Code. (7) For air transport, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) legislation, the Civil Aviation Act 1988, or the International Air Transport Association’s Dangerous Goods Regulation are applied as appropriate. (8) For marine transport outside Australian State and Territorial waters, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code must be followed. (9) Transport of radioactive materials via waterways under the jurisdiction of Australian States and Territories is covered by the ARPANSA Code for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (2019). Marine transport of dangerous goods is generally covered by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s (AMSA) Navigation Act 2012. (10) Most of the regulatory codes are derived originally from the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials. (11) The ARPANSA’s Code specifies general requirements for packaging and labelling: (12) More specific requirements about the package types are listed in the ARPANSA’s Code based on the radionuclide and the activity. Package labelling is determined by the external radiation levels at the surface and at one metre from the package. (13) There are essentially eight types of packages for the transport of radioactive material. The ARPANSA’s Code stipulates maximum levels of radiation and specific packaging requirements for each packaging as follows: (14) Frequently the packaging in which a source was originally shipped can be reused, provided it is undamaged and is appropriate for the material to be transported. Where there is any uncertainty as to the type of package required, the UQ RPC should be contacted for advice. (15) There are three categories of package labels. The appropriate label for each package can be determined by surface radiation level as shown in the following table: (16) The labels must be 10 cm on each side and must be completed with the name of the radionuclide and the activity using International System of Units i.e. Becquerel (Bq). Templates for Category I-WHITE, Category II-Yellow and Category III-Yellow labels are presented in Figure 2, 3 and 4 of the ARPANSA’s Code respectively. (17) With the Category II YELLOW and Category III YELLOW labels, the Transport Index must also be shown. (18) Additional important points include: (19) Licences which authorise the use of unsealed radioactive substances for research do not usually include a transport authority, unless transport is specifically authorised by the Use Licence (as with soil moisture gauges), only sub-licensable quantities may be transported. (20) Where the shipment is being consigned with a commercial carrier, a shipper’s declaration must be completed. Details of the information required in a declaration are given in ARPANSA’s Code applicable to the mode of transport. Declaration forms can be obtained from licenced carriers or airlines. (21) The Radiation Protection Consultant (RPC) must be consulted for advice on completing the form prior to finalisation. (22) A UQ vehicle should be used to transport dangerous goods and personal vehicles must not be used. (23) The package is to be secured in the vehicle at a distance from the driver consistent with minimising exposure to radiation. For example, an Excepted or Category I WHITE package will not require significant separation from the driver, but a package requiring Category II YELLOW or Category III YELLOW labelling must not be carried in the passenger compartment of a sedan or in the seating area of a station wagon. (24) For all packages, other than those classed as Excepted, the vehicle must carry a warning placard on the outside rear and on each side. The placards must be of the kind specified in ARPANSA’s Code as demonstrated in the image linked below. (25) Where the vehicle is carrying a soil moisture/density gauge or hydrology probe, the instrument must be carried in a specially designed transport case with the source secured in the off position (if applicable). The case must not be stowed in the passenger compartment or seating area of a station wagon and must be secured against movement - particularly important when carrying a gauge in the tray of a truck. Placarding as described above is required when transporting all soil moisture/density gauges and hydrology probes. (26) In general, packages containing radioactive materials must not be transported in the same vehicle with other dangerous goods, and never in food or drink containers. Exceptions to this rule are made in the case of non-flammable non-toxic gases (dangerous goods class 2.2), poisonous gases (class 2.3), poisonous substances (class 6) and miscellaneous dangerous goods (class 9). (27) In the event of a vehicle accident, the essential requirement is, except for actions necessary to save life or to give other necessary medical assistance, access to the vehicle and its immediate surroundings must be restricted until appropriately trained persons can reach the site. (28) UQ has been granted three Possession Licences for the radiation sources under the Act. The Possession Licensee is responsible for ensuring compliance with both the legislation and specific licence conditions. (29) The Possession Licensee can nominate a nominee to carry out activities on their behalf and this can be any senior executive member. To be nominated, the Senior Executive member must contact the HSW Division so the process can be completed and QRH be informed of the nomination. (30) The Nominee’s responsibilities, which can be delegated to Executive Deans, Institute Directors or Heads of School (HOS), are as follows: (31) The Act requires each Possession Licensee to appoint a qualified RSO. The RSO is required to: (32) The RPC provides overall guidance to all UQ workers on matters pertaining to radiation. The RPC monitors the implementation of UQ’s RSPPs as approved by the regulatory authority, provides support for radiation governance and compliance across UQ and monitors compliance with radiation safety legislation. (33) The RPC is the primary source of advice and expertise for: (34) In addition, the RPC provides reports regularly via the Director, Health Safety and Wellness, to Possession Licence nominees about any issues or changes that may affect the Possession Licence. (35) The primary responsibilities of a user are to: (36) To ensure that packages containing radioactive material are safe to handle under normal conditions, the consignor is responsible for: (37) Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division) is responsible for maintaining the required level of central oversight and assurance by: (38) This is a formal network of UQ Radiation Safety Officers. The forum allows the RPC and RSOs to consult on, and review regulatory, organisational and technical radiation matters at UQ. (39) The Radiation Safety Officers (RSO) Network meets four times a year and is chaired by the RPC. All participants are invited to contribute discussion and presentation items for the meeting. The RSO community provide secretariat duties as needed. All presentations and minutes are retained by HSW Division. (40) The RPC oversees radiation safety arrangement at UQ and reviews the specific aspects of radiation safety regularly. Local RSO communicate radiation safety issues to the RPC as required. (41) Radiation licences, RSPPs, approvals and compliance certificates are kept in UQSafe and reviewed regularly by RSOs to keep the documentation updated. Local RSOs are responsible for reporting any deficiency or non-compliance within the Organisational Unit to the Possession Licensee and RPC. All incidents must be submitted through UQSafe. (42) Personal radiation dose monitoring records are to be kept for the duration of the wearer’s working life. The records are to be kept until the later of the following days: not less than 30 years after the last exposure assessment, or at least until the person has reached the age of 75 years. (43) In practice, radiation monitoring records will continue to be kept by local RSO for the Possession Licensee. (44) The consignor must ensure that the transport record is kept and the information may be provided to the regulator for auditing purposes if required. (45) If a package containing radioactive material has been damaged and it is suspected that the damage may allow radiation leakage or spillage of the radioactive material, the carrier or other person dealing with the incident must:Transport of Radioactive Materials Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Types of Transport
Road and Rail Transport
Air and Maritime Transport
Packaging and Labelling Requirements
Types of Packages
Package Labels
Maximum Surface Radiation Level
Package Label Category
Not more than 5 µSv/h
Category I-WHITE
Between 5 µSv/h and 500 µSv/h
Category II-YELLOW
Between 500 µSv/h and 2000 µSv/h
Consigning Sources
Transport in Vehicles
Vehicle Accidents and Emergencies
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Possession Licensee
Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
Radiation Protection Consultant (RPC)
Health, Safety and Wellness Division
Radiation Safety Officers Network
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Record Keeping
Incident Procedures
Top of Page
Section 7 - Appendix
Any person or organization undertaking the carriage of radioactive material by any means of transport.
Competent Authorities
List of competent authorities can be found in Schedule B of ARPANSA’s Code.
Any person or organisation that prepares a package of radioactive material for transport.
Excepted Packages
A package if it meets one of the following conditions:
1. it is an empty package having contained radioactive material;
2. it contains instruments or articles not exceeding the activity limits specified in Table 4 in ARPANSA’s Code;
3. it contains articles manufactured of natural uranium, depleted uranium or natural thorium;
4. it contains radioactive material not exceeding the activity limits specified in Table 4 in ARPANSA’s Code;
5. it contains less than 0.1 kg of uranium hexafluoride not exceeding the activity limits specified in column 4 of Table 4 in ARPANSA’s Code.
an enclosure used by a single consignor to contain one or more packages, and to form one unit for convenience of handling and stowage during transport.
Radiation Protection Consultant (RPC)
A qualified expert appointed by the responsible person to supervise radiation safety activities and to ensure radiation safety. An RPC is deemed to have the authority to implement procedures and to intervene in situations where safety has been or is being compromised.
Radiation Safety and Protection Plan (RSPP)
Is the risk management plan for a particular type of radiation practice. The relevant RSPP must be complied with by all users and other persons involved in the practice.
Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
For a radiation practice, means a person who holds a relevant certificate issued under the Act and who the possession licensee nominee has appointed as the radiation safety officer for the particular practice.
Radioactive substances
Sealed: a radioactive substance sealed in a way that minimises the possibility of its escape or dispersion; and allows the emission or transmission of ionising radiation.
Unsealed: a radioactive substance that is not a sealed radioactive substance.
Transport Index (TI)
A number assigned to a package, overpack or freight container, or to unpackaged LSA-1 or SCO-1, to assist in providing control over radiation exposure. In general, the TI corresponds to the radiation level (in units of millisieverts per hour) at 1 metre from the surface of a package multiplied by 100.
UQ workers
For the purposes of this Procedure include:
• staff - continuing, fixed-term, research (contingent funded) and casual staff;
• visiting academics and researchers;
• academic title holders, visiting academics, Emeritus Professors, adjunct and honorary title-holders, Industry Fellows and conjoint appointments;
• Higher Degree by Research students; and
• volunteers and students undertaking work experience.
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See linked image: Templates for Category I-WHITE, Category II-Yellow and Category III-Yellow labels, from Figure 2, 3 and 4 of the ARPANSA’s Code
See linked image: Radioactive material placard as specified in ARPANSA’s Code.