(1) This Procedure supports The University of Queensland’s Brand Policy and outlines requirements in place to protect and promote the UQ brand, ensure consistency in the application of the UQ brand, and minimise risk from misuse. (2) The UQ brand is UQ’s distinctive identity, which is conveyed to stakeholders and other audiences. The UQ brand includes the name (The University of Queensland or UQ), the logo, tagline, tone of voice and visual identity. (3) This Procedure applies to all UQ staff, students and controlled entities and should be read in conjunction with: (4) Marketing and Communication (M&C) has central management and oversight of the UQ brand. Applications and proposals for external use of the UQ brand must be sent to brand@uq.edu.au for approval. (5) All internal and external use of the UQ brand must: (6) UQ staff and students (including student clubs and associations) are not permitted to use the UQ brand for non UQ-related business or for any purpose that has not been approved by M&C or is inconsistent with the UQ Brand Guidelines. (7) UQ sub-brands must not be created without prior approval from M&C. For direction, refer to the brand decision table in the UQ Brand Guidelines. (8) Independently developed logos and/or other brand elements must not be used to represent: (9) All communication and engagement activities with external parties (including emails) must use brand compliant templates sourced from the UQ DAM. (10) Other than when using approved templates downloaded from the DAM, use of the UQ logo is restricted and permission must be obtained from M&C. All variations of the UQ logo are available to view in the DAM, with downloads subject to an approval workflow. To ensure logo download requests are actioned, a reason must be provided that includes the following information: (11) This information ensures the correct version and file format are released for the intended purpose. (12) An external party’s use of the UQ logo is permitted to promote UQ partnerships and sponsorships if a written agreement is in place and has the approval of M&C. (13) Unless formalised through a written agreement and approved by M&C, the UQ logo must not be used to advertise, or to imply UQ’s endorsement of, an external company, product or service. (14) All proposals and requests for an external party’s use of the UQ logo must be submitted to M&C (brand@uq.edu.au) and include the following information: (15) Applications to use the logo will usually be responded to within two working days of the request being received by M&C. If approved, use of the logo is limited to the use proposed in the original application and all artwork must be sighted by M&C for final approval before being dispatched to the external party. (16) UQ clubs and associations (including student and sports clubs) must not use the UQ logo for non UQ-related business or for any purpose that has not been described in an affiliation agreement, approved by M&C or is inconsistent with the UQ Brand Guidelines. (17) All proposals and requests for club and association use of the UQ logo for non UQ-related business must be submitted to M&C (brand@uq.edu.au) and include the following information: (18) M&C will contact any person or group using the UQ logo inappropriately, without authorisation or inconsistent with the UQ Brand Guidelines to resolve non-compliance issues. If non-compliance is not resolved within a reasonable timeframe, the matter will be referred to: (19) UQ controlled entity brands (logo and visual identity) must be developed as a sub-brand of UQ that is complementary to and compliant with UQ Brand Guidelines. All sub-brands, logos and visual identities must have prior approval and be developed in consultation with M&C with final approval from the CMCO and the Vice-Chancellor. (20) UQ controlled entities may be considered for special branding requirements and requests on submission of a formal business case to M&C. Controlled entities should contact M&C to discuss their brand requirements or proposals (brand@uq.edu.au). Approval will only be considered for exceptional cases. (21) Products, services or companies that have been commercialised through a UQ controlled entity must use unique, non-UQ logos and branding developed in accordance with their own specific marketing requirements. If appropriate, UQ may be acknowledged and UQ logo used, subject to M&C approval. (22) Co-branding options may be developed where required with approval from M&C. (23) Names used in conjunction and/or co-branded with the UQ name (The University of Queensland or UQ) for products, services, initiatives and places should support UQ’s brand architecture and be consistent with the UQ Brand Guidelines. (24) Staff must seek prior approval from M&C for the development of names used in conjunction with the UQ name. (25) The naming of physical and non-physical UQ assets must also comply with UQ’s Naming Policy. (26) Registration of a trademark on behalf of UQ requires the approval of the Vice-Chancellor. (27) Organisational Units seeking to apply for trademark registration must work closely with Legal Services and M&C to manage this process. (28) M&C will work collaboratively with UQ staff, students and controlled entities in managing and overseeing the use and application of the UQ brand. M&C is responsible for: (29) UQ staff and students, including student clubs and associations, are responsible for: (30) UQ controlled entities are responsible for: (31) M&C will assess compliance with this Procedure via a range of mechanisms including: (32) M&C will review this Procedure periodically to ensure that it is current and relevant, and that it provides for efficient and effective management of the UQ brand. (33) M&C will maintain records of UQ brand related activities in the M&C workflow, planning and collaboration tool. (34) M&C will manage and maintain the Digital Asset Manager (DAM) system to ensure consistency of the UQ brand and to reduce the duplication of digital asset files across the university.Brand Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Use of the UQ Logo
Staff and Students
External Parties
Clubs and Associations
Inappropriate or Unauthorised Use of the UQ Logo
Controlled Entity Branding
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Marketing and Communication
UQ Staff and Students
UQ Controlled Entities
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Definitions, terms and acronyms
UQ’s distinctive identity, which is conveyed to stakeholders and other audiences through the UQ name (The University of Queensland or UQ), logo, tagline, tone of voice and visual identity.
Brand Guidelines
The standard requirements for use of UQ’s brand identity, determined by Marketing and Communication (M&C).
Digital Asset Manager (DAM)
A cloud-based system that facilitates the creation, management, organisation, production and distribution of UQ brand-compliant digital assets.
The primary graphic device used to visually identify UQ.
Groups or individuals with an interest and concern in UQ’s operations and strategic direction. UQ has defined its key stakeholders into eight key groups: future students, current students, alumni, staff, donors, research, corporate and community.
A subsidiary or extension brand that is tied to the UQ brand, but carries its own name, visual communication and market strategy.
Tone of voice
Refers to the personality and emotion used in UQ’s communication, encompassing everything from the words and language used, to the personality and image UQ aims to invoke.
Visual identity
UQ’s visual brand elements, which include the logo, colour palette, fonts, graphic devices and photographic and design style in both print and digital assets.
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