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Communications and Public Comment Using The University of Queensland's Name Guideline

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) This Guideline outlines best media practice and supplements the policy and procedures on media comment, editorial standards and the use of the University’s name.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

(2) No entries for this document.

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Section 3 - Guideline Scope/Coverage

(3) This Guideline applies to people identifying themselves as UQ staff members producing editorial material for release in the public arena, and for people receiving requests for use of the University name.

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Section 4 - Guideline Statement

(4) This Guideline outlines the relevant standards that should apply to stories issued externally, published internally or uploaded to the UQ web, and to use of the University name.

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Section 5 - Editorial standards

Effective Communications

(5) All news material using the University’s logo or name should be of the highest editorial standards, reflecting the University’s good name and reputation.

Clarity of Writing

(6) When communicating with audiences via University publications or the mainstream media, language should be clear and simple when explaining complex issues or ideas, with the use of examples as necessary. Staff should avoid using excessively technical language. Opinions or comments should be attributed to named people.

(7) Staff should refer to the Australian Government Style Manual or the UQ Marketing and Communication Written Style Guide. Staff can also contact the University’s central Marketing and Communication (M&C) team, or their local/faculty M&C team, for advice or assistance.

Relevant Signoffs

(8) Stories for distribution on University letterhead should pass the University’s standard checking procedures, including story signoff by the person quoted and authorised officers (for example, Executive Deans), as well as quality proofing. In the case of higher degree students, permission will also be sought from the student’s supervisor, as well as the student.

Collaborative News Releases

(9) Staff approached by external organisations with whom they have been working (e.g. industry, governments, charitable organisations) to participate in joint news releases should contact the central M&C team or their faculty/institute M&C or engagement team.

(10) The University should be aware of such statements to ensure the University or the staff member is accurately represented, the University’s interests are safeguarded, and/or to ensure a University presence at any media event.

(11) If joint news or co-branded news releases need to be developed, they should be co-ordinated in consultation with M&C staff, who will liaise closely with staff and/or the organisational units involved.

News Conferences

(12) M&C should be advised when media conferences involving the University are scheduled, whether organised by a UQ unit or external organisation. This is to ensure that relevant journalists can be alerted and, if appropriate, a UQ presence can be guaranteed through the use of branded signage. M&C can also arrange car parking for media representatives if the event is held on campus.

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Section 6 - Use of the University’s name

Product Endorsement

(13) Staff should exercise caution if they receive requests for use of the University’s name to test or endorse products, and advice should be sought from the relevant University senior executive member or University technology transfer company.