(1) This Procedure sets requirements for responding to cyber security incidents and aligns with the preparedness, response and recovery phases described in the Critical Incident Management Plan (staff login required, via the Enterprise Risk website). (2) This Procedure aims to: (3) This Procedure applies to UQ staff, contractors, title holders and third parties. It applies in a limited capacity to students (see ‘Incident Reporting’ provisions in section 2). (4) Cyber security incident response at UQ is primarily managed and coordinated by teams within the Information Technology Services (ITS) division but relies on collaboration with multiple other organisational units and functions across UQ. Clause 24 (‘Incident Response Team’ provisions) and section 4 of this Procedure outline the various units and functions involved in UQ’s cyber security incident response, and their responsibilities. (5) Cyber security at UQ is everyone’s responsibility. All staff and students are responsible for reporting potential cyber security concerns or incidents, including accidental incidents such as a lost device, to IT Support. UQ staff are further responsible for supporting incident response activities as requested. (6) Staff and students must report any suspicious activity they observe, and any cyber security events impacting them via the cyber security website. (7) If IT staff receive reports of activity that could be related to a cyber security incident, they must escalate these to the Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC). (8) External parties should report security incidents impacting UQ data using the cyber security incident reporting form. (9) Cyber security incident response and recovery consists of five phases occurring in the following sequence. (10) Some phases may need to be returned to as new information and impacts are discovered or occur. The Appendix lists activities that typically occur during each phase of incident handling. (11) Incident notification is performed to minimise harm and satisfy regulatory and legal requirements. This includes (but is not limited to): (12) Notification requirements must be identified as early as possible. Notifications must be prioritised to meet obligations and allow third parties to respond quickly to minimise potential impacts. (13) The Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Director, Cyber Security must ensure that: (14) The CSOC and IT managers must ensure staff involved in cyber security incident response receive sufficient training to enable them to follow this Procedure. (15) The CSOC Manager is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with government agencies, industry peers and security service providers to improve cyber security incident response. (16) The CSOC Manager must ensure that suitable mechanisms are in place for reporting cyber security incidents or suspicious activity. (17) The Chief Information Officer (CIO) must ensure that resilient mechanisms are in place to enable communications during an incident that disrupts normal IT services. (18) The Security Architect is responsible for developing and maintaining cyber security incident response plans for significant types of incidents in consultation with key stakeholders which are approved by the Cyber Security Risk and Compliance Committee (CSRCC). These plans are stored in the IT Procedures, Frameworks and Standards and must include: (19) Technical procedures for handling specific aspects of an incident are maintained by the Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) and IT teams. (20) Cyber security tabletop exercises simulate cyber security incidents to train participants, validate response plans and investigate dilemmas arising from particular scenarios. Members of the University Incident Management Team (UIMT) and Crisis Management Team (CMT) must participate in annual cyber security tabletop exercises coordinated by the Cyber Security Improvements Manager. Actions resulting from tabletop exercises are added to the IT Outstanding Actions Register for tracking. (21) Once an incident is identified, the CSOC (with support from relevant staff) will assess the potential impact of the incident based on what has already occurred, and what could reasonably be expected to occur. A consequence rating is assigned based on UQ’s risk matrix. (22) Incidents with a large or complex scope may be difficult to assess accurately, and other phases such as containment may need to proceed first. Throughout the incident response process, the Cyber Security Incident Manager must revise incident assessments as new information is received and escalate (or deescalate) accordingly. (23) Response activities must be prioritised to minimise the following impacts (listed in order of importance): (24) The following table indicates the makeup of the incident response team, based on the potential impact rating. (25) The Cyber Security Incident Manager is responsible for coordinating incident response activities according to this Procedure, directing teams and staff members as required, and for effective coordination between the technical and general response teams. The Cyber Security Incident Manager will activate support arrangements with external security service providers when needed and ensure that the required incident notifications occur. (26) Incidents of a particular type may be handled by an IT support team by prior agreement with the CSOC. In these instances, the team manager acts as the Cyber Security Incident Manager, who must inform the CSOC about the incident. (27) The Cyber Security Incident Manager has the CIO’s authority to direct actions to remedy impacted IT services. (28) Incidents are escalated to UQ’s incident response teams when the potential impact of the incident is Major or Critical. (29) Escalation is initiated by the CSOC Manager. They escalate to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Director, Cyber Security who escalates to the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and the Crisis and Resilience Manager. (30) The Crisis and Resilience Manager activates the University Incident Management Team (UIMT) and Crisis Management Team (CMT). (31) The CSOC Manager will alert the Crisis and Resilience Manager if a Minor or Moderate (Tier 1) incident occurs in case further escalation is required. (32) Cyber security incident response may require a broad cross-section of skills and knowledge beyond cyber security and IT. Additional teams may support the general response depending on the scope of the incident, including (but not limited to): (33) If feasible, The CSOC should generate and distribute timely threat intelligence during or after an incident to help prevent similar attacks on other organisations. Threat intelligence must be sanitised to deidentify any third party as the victim of the attack and the University itself when appropriate. Threat intelligence must only be provided to the approved threat intelligence sharing networks listed in Appendix, ‘Approved Threat Intelligence Networks’ provisions. (34) Members of the incident response team must document events, actions and key discoveries as they occur to improve decision-making during the response process and for post-incident analysis. Records should be kept in a single location where they are visible to all incident responders. The cyber security incident manager must ensure that minutes are taken for meetings held to facilitate incident handling including a record of decisions. In cases that may involve legal proceedings, responders must consult the UQ Integrity Unit for advice regarding note taking, evidence collection and safe storage. (35) The timing and quality of communications is critical to minimising harm to individuals and reducing the reputational impact of significant incidents. Communication must be timely and accurate and should convey empathy with impacted persons and demonstrate action. (36) All communications to parties outside the incident response team must be strictly controlled by the internal and external communications leads (see Table 1), with the exception of incident notification requirements defined in the ‘Incident Notification’ provisions in section 2 and in specific incident response plans. (37) Where possible, a thorough understanding of the incident's possible impacts should be determined before communications are released. However, communications should consider the impact on individuals and potential reputation damage caused by delays while waiting for more accurate information. (38) The ITS Cyber Security Team are responsible for ensuring communication plans and templates are produced and approved in advance to facilitate a more rapid response. Plans should take into account that some channels may not be available during a severe incident. (39) All communications must comply with the Communications and Public Comment Using The University of Queensland's Name Policy and the ITS Communications Local Standard Operating Procedure. Legal Services must review communications to third parties and the general public. (40) During incident containment it may be necessary to fully or partially disable IT services at short notice to avoid significantly increased impacts. It may not be feasible to consult the key stakeholders generally required to approve such changes. Instead, incident responders may obtain timely approval from anyone listed below (in preferential order). Incident responders should seek approval from the person with the highest preference that is available within the required timeframe, while also ensuring to follow the IT Change Management Procedure: (41) The Cyber Security Incident Manager is responsible for deciding when eradication activities can be terminated, and recovery activities can commence. (42) Activity to restore damaged services must align with the IT Incident Management Procedure. The Cyber Security Incident Manager directs IT staff and IT Major Incident Managers to ensure restoration activities do not conflict with cyber security incident handling. When applicable, IT service disaster recovery procedures should be enacted during this phase to facilitate rapid restoration and return to business-as-usual operations. (43) For complex incidents, the CSOC will perform a root cause analysis during the lessons learned phase to identify vulnerabilities and control weaknesses that contributed to the incident. (44) For incidents that caused a Moderate or higher impact, the Cyber Security Incident Manager must organise a post-incident review meeting within 10 business days of incident closure. After the review they must distribute and an incident report within 20 business days. The incident report must include key events and timings, decisions, root-cause analysis, and improvement actions. (45) The post-incident review meeting should include members of the incident response team and the ITS Security Architect. The objectives of the review meeting are to: (46) Proposed improvement actions must be approved by relevant managers, assigned to responsible staff, and added to the IT Outstanding Actions Register for tracking. (47) The Cyber Security Incident Manager is responsible for: (48) The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for chairing the Crisis Management Team (CMT) and making key decisions regarding Critical (Tier 3) cyber security incidents. (49) The COO is responsible for chairing the University Incident Management Team (UIMT) and key decisions regarding Major (Tier 2) cyber security incidents. (50) The CIO is responsible for resourcing the technical cyber security incident response capability and associated IT functions. The CIO is also part of the UIMT and CMT when required. (51) The Director, Cyber Security is accountable for cyber security incident management. They are responsible for: (52) The Director, Cyber Security is also part of the UIMT and CMT when required. (53) The CMT provides executive leadership for critical cyber security incidents. (54) The UIMT provides control and coordination of incident resolution actions across multiple UQ functions for Major (Tier 2) cyber security incidents and support to the CMT for Critical (Tier 3). It reports to the CMT as required. (55) The Manager, CSOC is responsible for: (56) The CSOC is responsible for technical cyber security incident response processes including the initial assessment of incidents. (57) The Cyber Security Change and Communications Officer is responsible for: (58) IT Managers are responsible for: (59) The Business Resilience Manager is responsible for: (60) The Business Resilience Manager is also a single point of contact for mobilising incident response resources in the Governance and Risk Division. (61) The Security Architect is responsible for: (62) The Cyber Security Improvements Manager is responsible for: (63) The Senior Manager, Internal Communication is responsible for communications to the UQ community that occur during Major (Tier 2) and Critical (Tier 3) incidents. (64) The Senior Manager, Corporate Communication is responsible for communications to parties outside UQ during incidents. (65) IT support teams are responsible for triaging reports of potential cyber security incidents and escalating to the CSOC as required. (66) The Right to Information and Privacy Office are responsible for notifying external regulators of privacy breaches. (67) The Integrity Unit is responsible for providing advice and assistance with incidents involving internal staff actors and liaising with law enforcement agencies if required. (68) The Student Complaints and Grievance Resolution team is responsible for providing advice and assistance with incidents involving internal student actors. (69) Information Domain Custodians (see Information Governance and Management Framework for details) are responsible for key decisions impacting their information domains. (70) Service providers engaged by UQ are responsible for: (71) The Security Architect will: (72) Cyber Security Incident Managers will report any significant deficiencies or deviations from this Procedure (identified as part of the lessons learned phase) to the CSRCC. (73) For the purposes of reporting, the scope of an incident will include all the events within a single campaign. A campaign is a series of actions taken by the same threat actor within a specific time period. The CSOC will record the following information for each incident: (74) Incident statistics and summaries of significant incidents are included in quarterly cyber security reports to the IT Policy, Risk and Assurance Committee (IT PRAC), the University Senior Executive Team (USET), and the Senate Risk and Audit Committee (SRAC). (75) Cyber security incident reports are stored in the cyber security incident report register. All incident reports must be distributed to the CSRCC and SRAC. Incident reports are distributed to USET as required. (76) Tabletop exercises are recorded in the cyber security training register. Summary reports of tabletop exercises must be distributed to attendees and USET if required. (77) Actions from tabletop exercises and improvement actions from post-incident reviews are recorded in the IT Outstanding Actions Register for tracking. (78) Under the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018, UQ has a responsibility to report cyber security incidents that impact its critical infrastructure assets. (79) The CSOC will report all cyber security incidents with an impact rating (see risk matrix) of Minor and above to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC). The following specifications apply: (80) The following table lists activities that typically occur during incident handling processes. (81) The following table lists approved threat intelligence networks: (82) Key contacts include: (83) The following table defines ratings for the degree of effort required to resolve an incident.Cyber Security Incident Response Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Incident Reporting
Incident Handling
Incident Notification
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Part A - Preparedness
Incident Response Capability
Incident Communication Mechanisms
Cyber Security Incident Plans and Procedures
Cyber Security Tabletop Exercises
Part B - Identification
Incident Assessment
Part C - Response
Response Priorities
Incident Response Team
Potential impact (response tier)
Key decisions
Cyber Security Incident Manager
Technical response
General response
Communications LeadExternal
Communications Lead
Tier 1)CSOC Manager
CSOC staff/IT Manager
CSOC/IT teams
As required
Cyber Security Incident Manager
(Tier 1)CSOC Manager
CSOC Manager
CSOC, IT teams
As required
Cyber Security Change and Communications
(Tier 1)Director, Cyber Security
CSOC Manager/ Director, Cyber Security
CSOC, IT teams, external services as required
As required
Cyber Security Change and Communications Senior Manager, Internal Communication (informed)
Senior Manager, Corporate Communication
(Tier 2)Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Director, Cyber Security
CSOC, IT Teams, external services as required
University Incident Management Team (UIMT)
Senior Manager, Internal Communication
Senior Manager, Corporate Communication
(Tier 3)Vice-Chancellor (VC)
Director, Cyber Security
CSOC, IT Teams, external services as required
UIMT, Crisis Management Team (CMT)
CMCO (CMT) Senior Manager, Internal Communication
Senior Manager, Corporate Communication
Cyber Security Incident Manager
Incident Escalation
Additional support
Threat Intelligence Sharing
Part D - Containment
Authority to Disable and Modify IT Services
Part E - Eradication
Part F - Recovery
Part G - Lessons Learned
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Cyber Security Incident Manager
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Director, Cyber Security, ITS
University Crisis Management Team (CMT)
University Incident Management Team (UIMT)
Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) Manager, ITS
Cyber Security Operation Centre
Cyber Security Change and Communications Officer, ITS
IT Managers
Business Resilience Manager, Governance and Risk Division
Security Architect, ITS
Cyber Security Improvements Manager, ITS
Senior Manager, Internal Communication, Marketing and Communication
Senior Manager, Corporate Communication, Marketing and Communication
IT support teams
Right to Information and Privacy Office
Integrity Unit
Student Complaints and Grievance Resolution
Information Domain Custodians
External service providers
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Incident Notification – Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018
Incident Handling Activities
• Monitoring threat intelligence for active threats.
• Reviewing reports from UQ consumers, IT staff, external service providers and security researchers.
• Collecting specific data related to the incident.
• Correlating separate data sources.
• Performing research into similar incidents.
• Establishing additional monitoring specific to the incident.
• Tuning or developing scripts to process the available data to see high-level patterns.
• Disconnecting systems from the network.
• Disabling or resetting system components.
• Blocking network traffic.
• Backing up threatened data.
• Removing malicious email messages from inboxes.
• Disabling user accounts.
• Deleting malicious code or software
• Resetting passwords on compromised accounts.
• Mitigating vulnerabilities exploited in the incident.
• Identifying and removing persistent access.
• System restoration.
• System testing.
• Remediation of vulnerabilities exploited in the incident.
• Adjusting relevant controls.
• Adjusting logging and monitoring systems.
Lessons learned
• Post-incident review meeting.
• Determining the root cause of the incident.
• Producing an incident report.
• Estimating financial impact for medium and high-impact incidents.
• Identifying required updates to response plans and procedures, the cyber security risk register and cyber security standards.
• Identifying control improvements.
• Debrief staff involved in the incident response, ensuring personal impacts are addressed.Approved Threat Intelligence Networks
Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
Key Contacts
Degree of Effort
Effort Rating
Total Time Expended
Up to 1 FTE day
Between 1 FTE day and 1 FTE week
More than 1 FTE week
View current
This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above. To view historical versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
This Procedure is under review to align with the new Critical Incident Management Plan (staff login required, via the Enterprise Risk website).
See linked Figure 1: Cyber Security Incident Handling.
Table 1: Incident Response Team Makeup
Table 2: Incident Handling Activities
Table 3: Threat Intelligence Networks
Table 4: Degree of effort