(1) This Policy describes the purpose of the Special Studies Program (SSP) and the general criteria for approving a proposed program. (2) This Policy applies to academic staff across the four academic categories - Teaching and Research, Teaching Focused, Research Focused or Clinical Academic - who meet the eligibility criteria. (3) The Special Studies Program is highly valued for the benefit it provides to the University and its academic staff. Special Studies Program leave is provided to eligible academic staff to release them from regular duties to pursue key areas of academic activity and thereby enhance their contribution to their organisational unit and the University. (4) The purposes of SSP are to assist staff to maintain and improve teaching skills and scholarship, to undertake research, creative work or clinical innovation and to make the outcomes public, generally via peer-reviewed outlets. SSP must not be used for the purposes of completing a Higher Degree by Research. SSP is one of the privileges of employment as an academic staff member. (5) SSP is not a right to which an academic staff member is automatically entitled at the end of each qualifying period. (6) For approval to be given for a Special Studies Program, the onus is on the applicant to: (7) The Authorised Officer will approve applications for SSP only when: (8) The provision of SSP is a significant investment by the University in its staff and must therefore be used for purposes which are congruent with the University’s financial commitment. The number of SSP applications approved each year may be limited by staffing and budgetary constraints. (9) Applications will be considered on the merit of the project proposed, the capacity of the staff member to fulfil the aims of the project, their record of achievement (including outcomes from any previous SSP) and its relevance to University needs. (10) Detailed information about the benefits available, the application process, and the conditions applying to SSP is contained in the Special Studies Program Procedure. (11) The following staff are eligible to accrue SSP leave if they have full-time appointments or fractional appointments of at least 50%: (12) Normally, SSP cannot commence until the applicant has completed three years of continuous full-time service at this University, or the pro-rata equivalent, based on the fraction of the appointment. (13) SSP is not usually granted to a staff member during their probation. However, the Authorised Officer can approve periods of other forms of leave, or semesters with reduced or no teaching duties. (14) Probationary staff who have been formally notified that they have been confirmed in their continuing appointments are eligible for SSP at that point, subject to meeting the remaining eligibility criteria.Special Studies Program Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Objective
Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
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Authorised Officer
The officer authorised to exercise the relevant Human Resources (HR) power or function in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules
Chief Investigator
The investigator with overall responsibility for the research project or grant
SSP Leave
Leave provided to eligible staff to undertake an approved Special Studies Program
Key areas of academic activity
Research/creative work, clinical innovation, scholarship of teaching
Section 3 - Policy Scope/Coverage
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Criteria for Approval
Section 6 - Eligibility for SSP
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Please note: the Special Studies Program has been placed on hold. Please contact AskHR if you have any questions in relation to this – email askhr@uq.edu.au; telephone (07) 3365 2623.