(1) The University seeks to ensure that teaching opportunities are made available to postgraduate research students. One mechanism of providing these opportunities is through the appointment of research students as Tutorial Assistants and Tutorial Fellows. This Policy outlines the conditions of appointment for Tutorial Assistants and Tutorial Fellows. (2) This Policy applies to the appointment of Tutorial Fellows and Tutorial Assistants at The University of Queensland. (3) Tutorial Fellows and Tutorial Assistants are fractional appointments that may be offered on a fixed-term basis. Tutorial Fellows must be graduates with an honours degree or equivalent and be enrolled for a higher degree, and Tutorial Assistants must have at least a pass degree when enrolled as a candidate for an honours, second degree or higher degree. (4) Tutorial Fellows and Tutorial Assistants are remunerated in accordance with “Schedule 2 – Academic Staff Salaries” of the Enterprise Agreement and work under the terms and conditions of their appointment. (5) Tutorial Fellows and Tutorial Assistants are not eligible for academic promotion. (6) A Tutorial Fellow must be a graduate with at least an honours degree or equivalent and will, as a condition of appointment, be a full-time enrolled candidate for a higher degree at The University of Queensland. (7) Tutorial Fellows are normally appointed for a 12 month period (one calendar year) and are required to provide 360 hours per year of such teaching and related duties as the Head of Organisational Unit may determine. A maximum of 18 hours of teaching and related duties in any one week must not be exceeded without the approval of the Executive Dean or Institute Director. (8) Tutorial Fellows appointed for less than one year will be responsible for a reduced number of hours of teaching and related duties that year. The number of such hours in these cases will be calculated at a pro-rata basis. (9) Under the supervision of a Lecturer or other senior member of staff, Tutorial Fellows will conduct tutorials and demonstrations, mark essays and assignments, be available for student consultation and assist as required. (10) Tutorial Fellows will not be required to deliver lectures, but a maximum of six one-hour lectures per year may be permitted. (11) In addition to teaching and related duties, the University expects Tutorial Fellows to pursue diligently the studies for which they are enrolled. (12) Full-time postgraduate students while enrolled for higher degree studies may be appointed on an annual basis up to a maximum of five years, subject to satisfactory performance in teaching and related duties, to satisfactory progress in degree studies and to the availability of funds. (13) The five year period is intended to allow completion of a higher degree including any qualifying periods. A limited extension may be approved by the Authorised Officer on recommendation of the Head of Organisational Unit to allow for completion of a second higher degree. (14) A Tutorial Assistant must be a graduate with at least a pass degree or equivalent and will, as a condition of appointment, be a full-time master's qualifying candidate, or a full-time candidate for an honours degree, a higher degree, a postgraduate diploma or an appropriate second degree, at The University of Queensland. (15) Tutorial Assistants are normally appointed for a 12 month period (one calendar year) and are required to provide 180 hours per year of such teaching and related duties as the Head of Organisational Unit may determine. A maximum of nine hours of teaching and related duties in any one week must not be exceeded, unless approved by the Executive Dean or Institute Director. (16) Tutorial Assistants appointed for less than one year will be responsible for a reduced number of hours of teaching and related duties that year. The number of such hours in these cases will be calculated at a pro-rata basis. (17) Under the supervision of a Lecturer or other senior member of staff, Tutorial Assistants will conduct tutorials and demonstrations, mark essays and assignments, be available for student consultation and assist as required. (18) Tutorial Assistants will not undertake lecturing duties. (19) In addition to teaching and related duties, the University expects Tutorial Assistants to pursue diligently the studies for which they are enrolled. (20) Appointments of Tutorial Assistants will be for 12 months, for honours and masters qualifying candidates. (21) Full-time postgraduate students enrolled for a higher degree may be appointed on an annual basis up to a maximum of five years, subject to satisfactory performance in teaching and related duties, to satisfactory progress in degree studies and to the availability of funds. (22) Appointments of Tutorial Fellows and Tutorial Assistants are fixed-term appointments and cease on the end date or event nominated in the contract. (23) Appointments of Tutorial Fellows and Tutorial Assistants may be terminated at any date prior to expiry of contract, by the appointee, subject to one months' notice in writing of such termination on the part of the appointee. (24) Where a Tutorial Fellow or Tutorial Assistant completes their studies prior to the cessation of the appointee's contract, the appointment may, on the recommendation of the Head of Organisational Unit, be continued under the terms of the current contract.Tutorial Fellows and Tutorial Assistants Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives
Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
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Authorised Officer
The officer authorised to exercise the relevant HR power or function in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules.
Enterprise Agreement
The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2021-2026, or as amended or replaced.
Section 3 - Policy Scope/Coverage
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Tutorial Fellow
Duties and responsibilities
Duration of Appointment
Section 6 - Tutorial Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities
Duration of Appointment
Section 7 - General Conditions
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