(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to outline the steps Sub-delegates must take when exercising Financial or Contract Sub-delegations. (2) This Procedure applies to all Staff. Boards of controlled entities must implement their own devolutions of authority, consistent with their constitutions. (3) The Delegations Policy sets out the principles applicable to the University’s delegations and sub-delegations and summarises the applicable regulatory framework for Staff. (4) When exercising Financial or Contract Sub-delegations, Sub-delegates must comply with: (5) This Procedure must be read in conjunction with: (6) Where there is an inconsistency between a Sub-delegations Instrument and this Procedure or another University policy or procedure, the Sub-delegations Instrument has precedence. (7) A breach of the provisions of this Procedure: (8) Sub-delegates must: (9) In addition to the requirements in Part A (‘General Requirements for Sub-delegations’), Sub-delegates must, when exercising a Financial Sub-delegation: (10) Where Expenditure under a Financial Sub-delegation is made in discharge of a Contractual obligation, Sub-delegates should also consider and apply the relevant parts of Part C ‘Requirements for Contract Sub-delegations’ below. (11) Part C ‘Requirements for Contract Sub-delegations’ does not apply to transactions which are not contractual in nature such as payment of government taxes, rates or duties or the write off of assets, or waiving parking fines. (12) Part C ‘Requirements for Contract Sub-delegations’ does not apply to repayment of Treasury loans. (13) To determine the applicable financial limit for a Sub-delegation, the financial value of the Expenditure or transaction will: (14) Before committing to, or signing a Contract, Sub-delegates must: (15) Before a Sub-delegate binds the University in a Contract, the Sub-delegate must conduct an appropriate level of Due Diligence. (16) Due Diligence protects the University’s commercial, legal, financial interests and reputation. (17) The requisite level of due diligence is determined by the nature, value, and significance of the Contract and reputational risk for the University. (18) Due Diligence must be tailored to the particular circumstances of the proposed Contract. In some circumstances, Due Diligence enquiries may be conducted to confirm that the other party is: (19) For Contracts to buy an asset, the asset: (20) The ‘Additional Due Diligence Considerations’ provisions in the Appendix of this Procedure provides more detail about Due Diligence investigations and enquiries that may be undertaken, depending on the materiality and risk of the proposed Contract. (21) When determining the applicable financial limit for the exercise of a Contract Sub-delegation, the Consideration or Contract value, will be assessed in the manner described in the ‘Calculating Total Expenditure’ provisions (clause 13). (22) Prior to the commencement of negotiations with external entities about Contract terms and conditions, Sub-delegates should: (23) Sub-delegates should ensure the Contract contains: (24) Some Contracts (such as consultancies and service agreements where the University is the buyer) should preferably confer on the University rights to terminate for convenience and suspend the Contract without penalty. (25) Unacceptable Legal Risks and Contracts which are Unlawful: (26) The University allocates responsibility for certain Contracts according to the nature or subject matter of the Contract. (27) The Vice-Chancellor can, subject to the respective Financial Limits, sign all Contracts. (28) The Provost and the Chief Operating Officer can, subject to their respective Financial Limits, sign all Contracts pertaining to their Organisational Area. (29) However, in the ordinary course of University business, specific types of Contracts should only be signed and administered by Sub-delegates within Organisational Areas specified in the table below: (30) If delegated to do so, before Sub-delegates sign complex, high risk or high value ($5M or above): (31) Subject to applicable financial limits in the Sub-delegations Instrument, Standard Contracts must be signed by Sub-delegates from the appropriate Organisational Area. (32) Sub-delegates must also comply with any Guidelines that accompany the relevant Standard Contract. (33) Sub-delegates are encouraged to seek Legal Advice in relation to any proposed material changes to the Standard Contracts. (34) Sub-delegates must not sign and Administer Contracts for the construction or Major Alteration of University Buildings and Facilities except with the prior approval of the: (35) Sub-delegates must properly administer Contracts in accordance with the contract terms and conditions. (36) After signing a Contract, Sub-delegates must where relevant to the subject Contract: (37) Where relevant to Contracts they have signed, Sub-delegates should ensure proper monitoring of and compliance with: (38) If the University and the other party intend to negotiate a renewal of an existing, executed Non-Standard Contract, Sub-delegates should where relevant: (39) The Sub-delegate can sign a renewal of the Non-Standard Contract if: (40) Other than the Provost and the Chief Operating Officer, Sub-delegates must not commence or prosecute Legal Proceedings involving the University, or sign deeds of settlement or release resulting from Legal Proceedings. The Provost and Chief Operating Officer must report any signed deeds of settlement or release above $500,000 to the Vice-Chancellor. (41) If Legal Proceedings are threatened or commenced against the University, Sub-delegates must seek Legal Advice from or through the University’s Legal Services, immediately after they become aware of such Legal Proceedings being threatened or commenced against the University. (42) Under no circumstances should any liability be admitted or agreement made with a third party. Staff must not discuss, negotiate or sign any agreement in the form or nature of, a release, discharge or settlement of liability without specific advice from UQ Legal Services or lawyers appointed by UQ's insurers. (43) Details of financial and contract Sub-delegations are provided in the Sub-delegations Schedules. (44) The Schedules also specify any conditions or restrictions associated with a specific delegation. (45) The Vice-Chancellor remains responsible for the actions of Sub-delegates when exercising their Sub-delegations. (46) The Vice-Chancellor's Risk and Compliance Committee is responsible for monitoring the operation of the Sub-delegations and such other functions as the Vice-Chancellor may require. (47) Sub-delegates responsibilities are itemised in this Procedure. (48) The Manager of Enterprise Governance is responsible for maintaining the delegations schedule to reflect the Vice-Chancellor's sub-delegations from time to time. (49) The Chief Financial Officer is required to monitor the application of financial Sub-delegations and review the schedule of financial Sub-delegations on an annual basis. (50) The Director, Governance and Risk is required to monitor the application of contract Sub-delegations and review the schedule of contract Sub-delegations on an annual basis. (51) In relation to contract sub-delegations, Sub-delegates are required to keep records of all contracts executed in accordance with this Procedure. Where a contract relates to a procurement of goods and services under the UQ Procurement Policy, the records maintained under that policy will satisfy the records obligations under this Procedure. (52) When required, Sub-delegates must provide reports to the Vice-Chancellor on the exercise of Sub-delegations. (53) The Provost and Chief Operating Officer must report any signed deeds of settlement or release above $500,000 to the Vice-Chancellor. (54) The definitions in the Vice-Chancellor's Sub-delegations Instruments and the definitions below, apply to this Procedure. (55) Where the other party is a corporation undertake ASIC searches and Business names enquiries. Ascertain the key details about the company, including: (56) Review the financial records of the other party and determine if they have sufficient assets. If the other party is a company, obtain and review the company's financial statements for the most recent, three financial years. (57) Solvency and credit reference checks on the other party (e.g. conducting commercial profile checks through Dun & Bradstreet). (58) Court proceedings searches to determine if the other party is or has been, a party to legal proceedings and if so, the nature and relevance to the proposed Expenditure or Contract. (59) Reference checks on the other party with other customers, banks or third parties. (60) Searches of the Office of Fair Trading including for Public Warnings. (61) Enquiries about the reputation standing and public record of the other party; (62) Copies of the other party’s current insurance policies required by the proposed Contract, especially public liability, product liability, professional indemnity insurances and workers compensation insurance (as the case may be). (63) Patents circuit layouts; registered designs, trademark and other intellectual property searches and enquires (as the case may be). (64) Personal Property Securities Register searches if the Expenditure or Contract involves the University acquiring personal Property (that is, any asset, equipment or plant other than land). (65) Reviews of any transferrable warranties or product guarantees. (66) Before the University purchases or leases any land, real property searches to confirm legal, registered, interests in land (there is an extensive set of real property searches, which should be undertaken with Legal Advice). (67) If a tender process has been undertaken prior to the Contract, confirm that the Contract accords with the tender requirements and that any departures are acceptable to the University. (68) Confirm that the other party has in place appropriate procedures to comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Complete checks for the quality and safety of plant and equipment and other WHSA investigations. (69) Complete testing of materials and products to confirm: (70) Other Due Diligence enquiries as may be appropriate for the nature of the proposed Contract.Financial and Contract Sub-delegations Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Part A - General Requirements for Sub-delegations
Accountability and Probity
• Only incur Expenditure or sign Contracts within the financial limit for their Office, specified in the Sub-delegations Instrument.
• Ensure the University has Budgeted for any proposed Expenditure or Contract imposed financial obligation or liability on the University.
• Observe Accountability and Probity requirements as detailed in the ‘Accountability and Probity’ provisions in section 3 of this Procedure.
Over Budget Expenditure Requires Approval
• If proposed Expenditure or a Contract obligation exceeds the Budgeted funds, sub-delegates must request approval for an increase in the Budgeted funds from the next higher level relevant budget holder.
• For example, if the sub-delegate is a Head of School, approval must be sought from the relevant Executive Dean, or if the sub-delegate is a Director of a central services unit, approval must be sought from the Chief Operating Officer.
Pre-Contract Due Diligence
• Ensure an appropriate level of pre-Contract Due Diligence is conducted.
• Apply any relevant Due Diligence measures as detailed in the ‘Pre-Contract Due Diligence’ provisions in section 3 of this Procedure.
Reservation of University Rights Pre-Contract Negotiations
• Protect the University’s legal and financial position during Contract negotiations.
• Apply any relevant pre-Contract measures in the ‘Pre-Contract Negotiations’ provisions in section 3 of this Procedure.
Protect the University’s Intellectual Property
• Comply with the University’s Intellectual Property Policy, including requirements regarding restraints.
• Ensure the proposed Contract does not contain any inappropriate or unauthorised assignment, licence detailing with or disposal of, the University’s Intellectual Property.
• Where necessary obtain Legal Advice about the proposed Contract’s effect on the University’s Intellectual Property.Part B - Requirements for Financial Sub-delegations
Calculating Total Expenditure
Part C - Requirements for Contract Sub-delegation
Accountability and Probity
Pre-Contract Due Diligence
For example, a Contract to purchase a high value asset from an overseas supplier with whom the University has no transactional experience requires more due diligence than a Contract to buy low value consumables from a reputable, local supplier with whom the University has a long standing and satisfactory, customer-supplier relationship.
Calculating Expenditure or Consideration of a Contract
Pre-Contract Negotiations
The statutes which are relevant will depend on the nature and terms of the Contract. Examples could include:
Execution of Contracts
Administrative Allocation of Contracts
Contract Type
Who Signs and Administers the Contract?
Research Agreements
Sub-delegates within the Research areas of the University specified in the Contract Sub-delegations Instrument
International Agreements
Sub-delegates within the International areas of the University specified in the Contract Sub-delegations Instrument after satisfying the requirements of the International Agreements Procedure
Construction Contracts
Sub-delegates within the Property and Facilities Division of the University specified in the Contract Sub-delegations Instrument
Information Technology Services Contracts
Sub-delegates within the ITS Division of the University specified in the Contract Sub-delegations Instrument
Contracts that:
• are not Construction Contracts, Research Contracts, ITS Contracts; or
• do not involve International activities.Sub-delegates specified in the Contract Sub-delegations Instrument.
Execution of Complex Non-Standard Contracts
Sub-delegates must seek Legal Advice in relation to the draft Contract.Execution of Standard Contracts
Restriction on Execution of certain Construction Contracts
as required, and with prior confirmation that Construction Funding is available.Contract Administration
Binding Options in Contracts
For example, leases of land may have options exercisable by written notice from the tenant to the landlord, given anywhere between 9 and 3 months before expiry of the then current, lease Term.Negotiated Renewals of Non-Standard Contracts
Legal Proceedings
Part D - Sub-delegations Schedule
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Vice-Chancellor's Risk and Compliance Committee
Manager, Enterprise Governance
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Includes doing an act to administer, enforce, manage or perform a Contract for and on behalf of the University, in accordance with the Contract’s terms including:
a. giving and receiving valid receipts, discharges and notices;
b. making and receiving payments;
c. receiving or transferring rights and title in Property;
d. representing the University in Dispute Resolution processes; and
e. amending or varying the Contract.
Means in respect of any Expenditure or Contract, which contains or imposes on the University a financial obligation or liability, for which the University has:
a. budgeted; or
b. funds available and dedicated; or
c. otherwise made adequate provision, for that Expenditure or Contract liability.
Has the meaning as defined under the Schedule of Contract Delegations and Sub-delegations.
Delegations Policy
Means the Delegations Policy approved by the Senate.
Means the payment on behalf of the University of cash or cash-equivalent for, goods or services, or a charge against available funds in settlement of an obligation as evidenced by an invoice, Contract or in the discharge of any other contractual legal obligation of the University.
Legal Advice
Means, legal advice by:
a. a lawyer from the University’s Legal Services; or
b. an external lawyer, retained in consultation with the University’s Legal Services.
Major Alteration
Means building and construction works to University Buildings and Facilities including alterations, renovations, repair or replacement with a consideration or value exceeding $5 million.
Means academic and other staff of the University.
Means a Staff member to whom a Sub-delegation has been made.
Means a conferral by the Vice-Chancellor on a Staff member, of a delegated power to exercise a Senate function or power.
Additional Due Diligence Considerations
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take the following actions before exercising a relevant Sub-delegation:
Contracts with foreign entities,