(1) This Policy outlines the roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of higher degree by research (HDR) advisors at The University of Queensland (UQ or the University). This Policy applies to all advisors of UQ HDR candidates. (2) The appointment of appropriate advisors for HDR candidates is crucial for the successful completion of their program and underpins their research education and training. This Policy sets out the criteria and conditions for the appointment of HDR advisors. (3) An HDR candidate advisory team, consisting of at least two advisors, one of whom is the Principal Advisor, must be appointed upon admission. (4) All Principal Advisors must be registered on the UQ Principal Advisor Registry (further detail on the UQ Principal Advisor Registry can be found in the Eligibility and Role of Higher Degree by Research Advisors Procedure. (5) Principal Advisors take primary academic responsibility for the HDR candidate. (6) Advisors are appointed and continue in their role with the endorsement of the Head of the Academic Organisational Unit and approval of the Dean, Graduate School. (7) All staff members are required to avoid potential, perceived and actual conflicts of interest. Where potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest do arise, HDR advisors are required to declare and manage those conflicts appropriately in accordance with the University's Conflict of Interest Policy and Staff Code of Conduct Policy. (8) A person will be eligible to be appointed as a Principal Advisor when the following criteria are met: (9) Associate Advisors provide additional expertise related to the candidate's research and be available to provide advice throughout their candidature. (10) A person is eligible to be appointed as an Associate Advisor when the following criteria are met: (11) Any departure from the above criteria will only be permitted with the approval of the Dean, Graduate School. (12) An Associate Advisor is usually required to have completed a degree of a level equivalent to the one the candidate is undertaking but they can be appointed if they have: (13) The total HDR advisory load for a staff member should be considered in conjunction with workload responsibilities, their ability to provide sufficient resources to support candidates and their record in supporting HDR candidate progression and development. An advisor is normally permitted to have a Principal Advisory load of not more than 8 HDR candidates in total, which should be discussed in the academic annual performance and development process. For an advisor to supervise more than 8 HDR candidates, a recommendation must be made by the Head of AOU for the Dean's approval. (14) It is the responsibility of the Director of HDR to consider an advisor's overall HDR advisory load and, if necessary, consult the Head of AOU regarding academic workload before recommending the appointment of that person as an advisor of a candidate. (15) The distribution of advisory workload between members of the advisory team must be agreed upon between the team and the candidate, endorsed by the Director of HDR and approved by the Dean. (16) The AOU must report any change to advisory load or appointment details of the advisor within one month of the change taking place. (17) The Dean, Graduate School (or their delegate) is responsible for the governance of the HDR programs at UQ, including appropriate enrolment conditions for HDR candidates. (18) The Head of the enrolling AOU (Head of School, Institute Director, or equivalent), responsible for ensuring appropriate HDR resourcing, AOU research culture and environment and quality of HDR advisor performance. (19) The Director of HDR makes HDR program decisions on behalf of the Head of AOU, including decisions on the nomination of Principal and Associate Advisors. (20) Principal Advisors are approved UQ staff members who take primary academic responsibility for the candidate during their candidature. (21) The detailed academic role, accountabilities and eligibility for Principal Advisors are specified in the Eligibility and Role of Higher Degree by Research Advisors Procedure. (22) Advisors are suitably qualified persons who provide expertise related to the candidate’s research and are available to provide advice throughout candidature. (23) The detailed academic role, accountabilities and eligibility for advisors are specified in the Eligibility and Role of Higher Degree by Research Advisors Procedure. (24) Review of, and compliance with, this Policy is overseen by the Dean, Graduate School, and the University’s Higher Degree by Research Committee. (25) All HDR application and program enrolment transactions and activities are recorded within UQ systems, including advisory team members and advisory registry status. (26) All student records including final outcome, applications and University decisions are filed in the student’s personal record in UQ’s digital record system.Eligibility and Role of Higher Degree by Research Advisors Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements
Advisory Arrangements
Conflicts of Interest
Advisor Eligibility
Principal Advisor
Associate Advisors
Advisory Loads
Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Dean, Graduate School
Head of the Academic Organisational Unit
Director of Higher Degree Research
Principal Advisors
Associate Advisors
Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 5 - Recording and Reporting
Section 6 - Definitions, Terms, and Acronyms
Australian Qualifications Framework.
Dean, Graduate School or delegate.
Enrolling AOU
An Academic Organisational Unit of UQ that directly enrols HDR candidates.
Full-time equivalent.
Higher Degree by Research.
Master of Philosophy.
Doctor of Philosophy.
Professional Doctorate (research) (PDRes)
A professional doctorate administered by the UQ Graduate School where at least two thirds of the program is research.
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