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Academic Progression Procedure

This is not the document currently in effect. To view the current approved version, refer to the Current Version tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope


(1) This Procedure gives effect to the academic progression requirements of the Admission Policy and aims to ensure students who are not maintaining a satisfactory level of academic progress in their studies are identified and provided supportive intervention to assist them in achieving academic success. It outlines the requirements for the management of students’ academic progress and sets out clear responsibilities for academic progression decisions and processes.


(2) This Procedure supports compliance with the:

  1. Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth);
  2. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS); and
  3. National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.


(3) This Procedure applies to all students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs of study at The University of Queensland (UQ or the University).

(4) This Procedure does not apply to candidates enrolled in Higher Degree by Research programs, including candidates enrolled in coursework components of the program. Refer to the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression Policy.

(5) This Procedure does not apply to secondary students enrolled in the Enhanced Studies Program.

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Section 2 - Process and Key Controls

(6) All coursework students are expected to maintain a satisfactory level of academic progress in their studies.

(7) A student’s academic progress will be monitored periodically across all coursework programs of study, including when the student transitions between coursework programs of study.

(8) Students who do not meet the required levels of academic progress will be identified and offered support, and may be required to demonstrate why they should be allowed to continue in their studies. Students may have conditions imposed on enrolment or be refused further enrolment.

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Section 3 - Key Requirements

Determining and Monitoring Academic Progression

(9) Academic Standing describes the state of a student’s academic progress in their studies.

(10) Each student will have their academic progress reviewed and Academic Standing determined at the end of each Study Review Period.

(11) The University has five levels of Academic Standing:

  1. None
  2. Satisfactory
  3. Progression Alert (see clauses 20-21)
  4. Progression Intervention (see clauses 22-35)
  5. Improved Progress.

(12) Students commencing coursework studies at the University will have their Academic Standing recorded as None.

(13) The Academic Standing for continuing students will be based on the student’s previous Academic Standing and the student’s academic performance in all courses (including year-long courses) for which the student received a finalised grade or withdrew (without academic penalty) after census date from all enrolled courses in the current Study Review Period.

(14) Any student who:

  1. Fails at least 50% of the total unit value in courses for which the student received a final grade in the current Study Review Period (not including grades of W, withdrawal without academic penalty); or
  2. Has withdrawn (without academic penalty) after census date in accordance with the deadline(s) set in the Enrolment Procedure and Assessment Procedure, from all enrolled courses in the current Study Review Period; or
  3. Fails, in the current Study Review Period, one or more courses that the student has previously failed in the current or any prior Study Review Period(s) within the same or different program of study 

    will be assigned an Academic Standing of:
    1. Progression Alert, if their previous Academic Standing was None or Satisfactory; or
    2. Progression Intervention in all other cases.

(15) Any student who is not covered under clauses 13(a), 13(b) or 13(c) will be assigned an Academic Standing of:

  1. Improved Progress, if their previous Academic Standing was Progression Intervention; or
  2. Satisfactory in all other cases.

(16) A student whose Academic Standing is Progression Alert or Progression Intervention will need to take further steps, as outlined in clauses 20-35.

Determining and Monitoring Program-Specific Academic Progression

(17) Program-specific academic progression requirements are approved by the Vice-Chancellor, following referral through the program approval process.

(18) Where a student is enrolled in a Schedule A program, they may be identified as not meeting academic progression requirements under clauses 8-15 or Schedule A, or both.

(19) Where a student is enrolled in a Schedule B program, they will only be identified as not meeting academic progression requirements under Schedule B.

(20) Where a student has been identified under one of the following, the faculty will initiate a progression intervention process in accordance with clauses 20-35:

  1. under Schedule A; or
  2. under both clauses 8-15 and Schedule A; or
  3. under Schedule B.

Progression Alert

(21) A student whose Academic Standing is Progression Alert:

  1. will be notified by the Academic Registrar to take steps to improve their academic progress, which may include seeking academic advice (including counselling on their suitability for the program of study), learning assistance, and/or medical or other personal support; and
  2. may be required, at the direction of the Associate Dean (Academic), to attend an interview and/or negotiate an agreed learning plan.

(22) A student’s failure to act on any notification may be taken into account should further unsatisfactory progress occur.

Progression Intervention

Part A – Progression Intervention Notice

(23) A student whose Academic Standing is Progression Intervention will be notified by the Academic Registrar that that they must submit a Progression Improvement Plan to the Associate Dean (Academic) demonstrating why they should be permitted to remain enrolled at this time.

(24) A student who does not meet program-specific academic progression requirements listed in Schedule A or Schedule B will be notified by the Associate Dean (Academic) when they must submit a Progression Improvement Plan to demonstrate why they should be permitted to remain enrolled in their program at this time.

Part B – Student Application (Progression Improvement Plan)

(25) The Progression Improvement Plan must:

  1. be lodged in the approved way, no later than 20 business days from the date the notice is issued; and
  2. clearly explain the circumstances contributing to the student’s poor academic progress; and
  3. identify the steps already taken, and those that are planned, to improve the student’s academic progress.

(26) A student enrolled in a dual degree program may, in their Progression Improvement Plan, seek permission to remain enrolled in the dual degree program or change their enrolment to one of the individual programs contributing to the dual degree program.

(27) A student’s enrolment will be cancelled if the student fails to lodge a Progression Improvement Plan by the date specified by the Academic Registrar.

(28) In order to be considered for re-enrolment in a future study period, the student must submit a Progression Improvement Plan by the date specified by the Academic Registrar.

Part C - Progression Improvement Plan Submitted Outside the Required Timeframe

(29) A student may submit a Progression Improvement Plan outside the timeframe specified in clause 24a, if they can demonstrate with supporting documentation that: 

  1. it was not possible for them to submit their Progression Improvement Plan within the required timeframe due to circumstances beyond their control; and
  2. they submitted their Progression Improvement Plan as soon as possible after resolution of those circumstances.

(30) The Deputy Director, Academic Services Division or an Associate Director or a Senior Manager in Academic Services Division will make a decision on whether the late Progression Improvement Plan will be accepted.

Part D – Consideration and Decision of Associate Dean (Academic)

(31) The Progression Improvement Plan will be assessed by the Associate Dean (Academic) who will take the following into consideration:

  1. the circumstances contributing to the student’s unsatisfactory academic progress;
  2. the steps taken by the student to improve their academic progress in any previous Study Review Period, including compliance with conditions that may have been previously imposed on the student’s enrolment;
  3. other factors that are relevant in assessing the likelihood that the student will improve their academic progress.

(32) The Associate Dean (Academic) may require the student to attend an interview with relevant University staff to discuss the student’s past academic progress and the steps intended to be taken to assist them towards academic success.

(33) When a student is enrolled in a dual program across two Faculties, where both faculties agree for a particular dual, the Progression Improvement Plan may be considered by the Associate Dean (Academic) of one of the two faculties. In all other instances, the Progression Improvement Plan will be considered by the Associate Dean (Academic) in both faculties.

(34) After considering the Progression Improvement Plan and any other relevant matters, the Associate Dean (Academic) may decide to:

  1. approve enrolment (with or without conditions); or
  2. refuse enrolment (with or without conditions), which means the student’s enrolment in all coursework studies will be cancelled, and the student will not be able to apply to re-enrol for a period of time up to a maximum of 12 months (if no duration is specified then the period is for 12 months). 

(35) The Associate Dean (Academic) will advise the student in writing of the decision and any conditions imposed with respect to academic rehabilitation or other conditions deemed necessary in the circumstances, which may be in the form of an agreed learning plan. The decision notice must specify a time within which, and/or a duration during which, the student must comply with the conditions.

(36) A student whose enrolment is refused under clause 33(b) will be required to lodge an updated Progression Improvement Plan in order to be considered for permission to re-enrol after the relevant period of time.

Appeals to Decisions

(37) A student may appeal a decision of the Associate Dean (Academic) in accordance with the Academic Administrative Appeals by Students Policy by giving notice within 10 business days of receipt of the decision of the Associate Dean (Academic).

(38) Where a decision to refuse enrolment is appealed, the student may maintain provisional enrolment until the appeals process is complete.

(39) A student may appeal a decision of the Deputy Director, Academic Services Division or an Associate Director or a Senior Manager in Academic Services Division, to not accept a late Progression Improvement Plan, by giving notice within 20 business days of receipt of the decision in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure.

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Section 4 - Transitional

(40) This Procedure applies to enrolment from Summer Semester 2021/2022.

(41) For enrolment prior to Summer Semester 2021/2022, please refer to the Academic Progression Procedure in effect for that period.

(42) From 29 June 2022, the following will apply:

  1. for the purpose of these Procedures, a student whose enrolment was refused under previous academic progression rules or policies will be required to lodge a Progression Improvement Plan in accordance with clauses 22-35 in order to be considered for permission to re-enrol; and
  2. a student’s Academic Standing will have the following equivalency in respect of previous Academic Standing levels:
Previous Academic Standing Level Current Academic Standing Level
None None
Good Satisfactory
Warning Progression Alert
Show Cause Progression Intervention
Satisfactory Progress following Show Cause Improved Progress

(43) Retrospective Academic Standing changes will continue to be applied as per the procedure in effect at the time of the change.

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Section 5 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities


(44) Students are responsible for:

  1. managing their own enrolment and for ensuring adherence to UQ’s Policies, Procedures and Program Rules;
  2. taking appropriate action in line with instructions provided as part of a Progression Alert or Progression Intervention, including adherence with any conditions imposed on enrolment.

(45) International students are required to complete their program of study within the time period specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment and must comply with all conditions of their student visa.

Academic Registrar

(46) The Academic Registrar is responsible for:

  1. monitoring the academic progress of all coursework students enrolled at UQ; and
  2. identifying and notifying those students whose Academic Standing is Progression Alert or Progression Intervention.

Associate Dean (Academic)

(47) The Associate Dean (Academic) is responsible for:

  1. providing guidance and support to students;
  2. permitting or denying the continued enrolment of students who submit a Progression Improvement Plan, including specifying any conditions;
  3. monitoring and notifying students who have been identified as not meeting satisfactory academic progress under clauses 16-19.

Student Academic Administrative Appeals Committee (SAAAC)

(48) The SAAAC considers appeals to decisions made with regards to refusal of enrolment or enrolment conditions.

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Section 6 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(49) The effectiveness of this Procedure is reviewed by the Academic Board through the Committee for Academic Programs Policy.

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Section 7 - Recording and Reporting


(50) The records relating to the academic progression of students, including any conditions imposed on enrolment, will be maintained in individual student files by the faculty in accordance with the University’s record keeping practices.


(51) The Academic Registrar will, when required, provide reports to the Committee for Academic Programs Policy.

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Section 8 - Appendix


Term Definition
Academic Progress Means a student’s progress towards successful completion of the academic requirements of their program of study.
Academic Standing Is a mechanism for determining and recording a student’s academic progress. Academic standing will be assessed as being one of None, Satisfactory, Progression Alert, Progression Intervention or Improved Progress.
Associate Dean (Academic) The relevant Associate Dean (Academic) of the faculty administering the program.
Enrolment Enrolment in courses or programs approved by an authorised officer and after fees and charges have been paid.
Study Period Means a semester, trimester or teaching period.
Study Review Period Means the combination of one or more defined Study Periods, at the end of which a student’s academic progression is reviewed for the purposes of determining the student’s Academic Standing. There are two Study Review Periods in a calendar year, one ending when grades are finalised for Semester 1 (based on an aggregation of all enrolled units during Summer Semester, Semester 1 and Trimester 1), and the other ending when grades are finalised for Semester 2 (based on an aggregation of all enrolled units during Semester 2, Trimester 2 and Trimester 3).