(1) This Procedure applies to all students who have experienced, witnessed or otherwise been exposed to Sexual Misconduct. It outlines The University of Queensland’s (UQ or the University) processes and activities to promote and foster a University environment for students that is safe, respectful and free from all forms of Sexual Misconduct. (2) The complex nature of Sexual Misconduct means that there may be circumstances in individual cases where this Procedure is abridged, supplemented or changed to suit the circumstances of a particular case. In any such case, UQ will draw on the principles and key requirements outlined in its Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy (Policy) and advise the relevant parties about the procedures that will be adopted. (3) Nothing in this Procedure prevents students from accessing other policies or procedures available to them, including but not limited to the Student Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure, the Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Procedure, or the Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedure. (4) UQ will implement appropriate processes, systems and education programs to promote and foster a safe environment for the UQ Community, including for preventing and responding to Sexual Misconduct. (5) Students who have experienced, witnessed or otherwise been exposed to Sexual Misconduct may request or be offered Support from UQ and/or make a Formal Report to UQ. (6) The Policy and this Procedure do not govern disciplinary processes in relation to members of the UQ Community who are alleged to have engaged in Sexual Misconduct. Those processes are governed by the Disciplinary Framework. The Policy and this Procedure deal with UQ's prevention of and response to Sexual Misconduct outside the Disciplinary Framework. (7) Subject to clause 6, the provision of Support and responding to Formal Reports by students of Sexual Misconduct will be managed in accordance with this Procedure. Further information and/or advice for students is available from the Sexual Misconduct Support Unit. (8) All members of the UQ Community are required to take all reasonable steps to maintain a safe and respectful environment at or related to UQ. (9) UQ leaders (including student leaders) have particular responsibilities to promote and foster an environment that is free from all forms of Sexual Misconduct. (10) UQ provides a number of educational opportunities for the UQ Community to support the understanding of, prevention of and appropriate response to Sexual Misconduct. (11) The Human Resources Division and the Sexual Misconduct Support Unit will relevantly: (12) Support is available to students who have experienced, witnessed or otherwise been exposed to Sexual Misconduct. This includes students who may be supporting someone who has experienced, witnessed or otherwise been exposed to Sexual Misconduct. In an emergency, members of the UQ Community should contact emergency services by dialling triple zero (000). (13) Support is available from the following areas within UQ: (14) Support may include, but is not limited to: (15) Accessing Support does not preclude a student from also reporting Sexual Misconduct through any of the options listed under “Formal Reports of Sexual Misconduct” (clauses 20 to 31) of this Procedure. (16) UQ will take all reasonable steps to ensure that Support is provided to all students affected by Sexual Misconduct. This includes, but is not limited to, Complainants, Third Party Reporters, Respondents, and any witnesses. This may include facilitating access to one of the Support options outlined under clauses 12 to 15 above. (17) Students who are offered or who request Support can expect the person assisting them to: (18) An offer or request for Support in the context of this section does not itself initiate further action by UQ. A student requesting Support is not required to make a Formal Report, and a member of the UQ Community who receives a request for Support from a student is not required to make a Formal Report in relation to the matter as a Third Party Reporter. However, if the student offered or making the request for Support wants UQ to take further action, they must make a Formal Report. Support will remain available while any Formal Report is progressed. (19) There may be circumstances where UQ is required to take further action as a result of an offer of or request for Support even if the person offered or requesting Support does not elect to make a Formal Report – see clauses 32 to 35 of this Procedure. (20) Any member of the UQ Community may make a written or verbal Formal Report, including through: (21) UQ may make a report to the police or other relevant external agencies (see clauses 32 to 35 of this Procedure) and it will be considered a Formal Report under this Procedure if the matter is referred back to UQ by an external agency or separately notified to any of the UQ bodies referred to in clause 20 above. (22) In some cases, students may prefer to make a Formal Report without including names or other identifying details. (23) Students who witness or become aware of Sexual Misconduct may also make a Formal Report and are encouraged to do so. (24) UQ will, where possible, act on anonymous Formal Reports including reports from a Third Party Reporter. (25) Formal Reports that are anonymous and/or contain minimal information may limit UQ’s ability to take further action. (26) The person receiving a Formal Report will take each of the steps below as are appropriate in the circumstances: (27) A Formal Report will be provided to the following officer/s at UQ: (28) If the Respondent holds more than one status, the Formal Report may be provided to all relevant officers. For example, a Respondent who is both a student and a member of staff covered by the Enterprise Agreement (including a student enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research program who is also employed as a member of staff covered by the Enterprise Agreement) at the University may be subject to multiple disciplinary processes in relation to the same alleged conduct, if a Formal Report is made pursuant to both clauses 27(a) and 27(b). (29) If the Respondent holds none of the above statuses or the conduct is not covered by the Disciplinary Framework, the University may be unable to refer the Formal Report for further action within the University. (30) Once a Formal Report is provided to the relevant officer/s at UQ under clauses 27 to 29, further action including a disciplinary process may be taken by UQ pursuant to the Disciplinary Framework. (31) At the conclusion of any process for responding to a Formal Report, the Complainant will be provided with outcome advice as is relevant (to the extent outcomes are able to be disclosed), having regard to the welfare and safety of the persons involved and subject to UQ’s obligations. This advice will be provided in writing and the Complainant will be offered the opportunity to discuss the outcome advice in a face to face meeting (with a support person present) with the officer referred to under clauses 27 to 29 or their delegate. (32) UQ will offer Support to a student who wishes to report a matter to the police. (33) Two basic principles underpin UQ’s position on reporting Sexual Misconduct to the police or other external agency: (34) Offers or requests for Support and Formal Reports will not be reported by UQ to the police or other external agency without the consent of the Complainant, except where: (35) When reporting an offer or request for Support or a Formal Report to the police or other external agency, UQ will only provide as much information as is required by law, or as necessary for action to be taken having regard to the health, safety or wellbeing of members of the UQ Community. (36) UQ will not tolerate Victimisation of any member of the UQ Community involved in a Formal Report or an offer or request for Support, including the Complainant, the person/s who are the subject of the Formal Report or receiving Support and/or those involved in managing the matter. (37) Any student who feels that they are experiencing Victimisation should inform any of the following parties so the matter can be appropriately investigated: (38) Reasonable Measures may be used to prevent Victimisation of those involved in a Formal Report or receiving Support. (39) Students affected by Sexual Misconduct can make a request for Reasonable Measures or UQ may implement Reasonable Measures as are necessary or appropriate in the circumstances. Students affected by Sexual Misconduct include, but are not limited to, a Complainant, Third Party Reporters, Respondents, and any witnesses. (40) The implementation of Reasonable Measures for affected students will be determined by either Student Support and Wellbeing Services, Academic Services Division or Human Resources Division on a case-by-case basis, in recognition of the complexities and sensitivities associated with managing Sexual Misconduct, and in accordance with UQ policies and procedures, relevant contracts and the Enterprise Agreement if applicable. (41) Any Reasonable Measures implemented following an offer or request for Support or Formal Report, during an investigation, disciplinary process pursuant to the Disciplinary Framework, or investigation by the police or other external agency, do not amount to a determination as to whether Sexual Misconduct has occurred. (42) In implementing any Reasonable Measures, UQ will: (43) At times, meeting the expectations of all parties will be difficult. If an agreement cannot be reached between all parties about the Reasonable Measures, the following person will make a final decision having considered the position of all relevant parties: (44) Reasonable Measures for students will be implemented by the Sexual Misconduct Support Unit and may include, but are not limited to: (45) Students who are not satisfied with a decision made in relation to Reasonable Measures under clauses 39 to 44 of this Procedure have rights to appeal the decision under (as relevant) the Student Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure, or any other UQ policy, procedure or process applicable to the decision. (46) Words or phrases used in this Procedure and not otherwise defined in this document have the meaning they have in the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy.Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response for Students Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Prevention of Sexual Misconduct
Maintaining a Safe and Respectful Environment
Support for Students who have Experienced, Witnessed or otherwise been Exposed to Sexual Misconduct
Type of Support Available to UQ Community
Offer or Request for Support
Formal Reports of Sexual Misconduct
How to make a Formal Report
Anonymous Formal Reports and Formal Reports from a Third Party Reporter
What Happens when a Formal Report is Received?
Who Will a Formal Report be Provided To?
How Will a Formal Report be Progressed?
Reporting to the Police or other External Agency
Reasonable Measures
Section 4 - Appendix
First Responder Network
Can be contacted through the details outlined on www.respect.uq.edu.au. This is the group of individuals who are trained to assist members of the UQ Community who have experienced, witnessed or otherwise been exposed to Sexual Misconduct, including by assisting them to:
• request and access Support; and
• make Formal Reports.
Procedural Fairness
Is a principle that is applied by the University to ensure that decisions are made in accordance with the rule against bias and the hearing rule (i.e. a respondent is given an opportunity to present their case with knowledge of any prejudicial material that may be taken into account by the decision-maker).
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