(1) The University of Queensland Act 1998 (UQ Act) requires The University of Queensland (UQ or the University) to provide facilities and resources for study and research and for the wellbeing of UQ’s staff, students and other persons undertaking courses at UQ. (2) This Procedure outlines the Capital Planning and Approvals Framework for planning, approving and governing capital projects within the University. This generally includes new construction, renovations, maintenance, enterprise systems, and virtual capital projects. (3) The objectives of this framework are to enable due diligence and informed decision making and provide assurance to Senate and the University that the capital program is governed appropriately and aligns with UQ’s strategic objectives. (4) The Strategic Plan maps UQ’s vision and sets priorities for operationalisation, including the development intentions of the Master Plan, and the principles outlined in the Use and Management of UQ Land, Buildings and Facilities Policy and the Information and Communication Technology Policy. (5) The Capital Planning and Approvals Framework supports strategic assessment of capital proposals and informs capital planning and budgeting. (6) The Capital Planning and Approvals Framework is implemented in accordance with relevant UQ policies including the Delegations Policy and Schedule of Financial Sub-delegations, and the Investment Policy, specifically the ‘Capital Investments’ provisions. (7) The Capital Management Group (CMG), Chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, reviews all capital proposals that require Vice-Chancellor or Senate approval, using criteria based on the key requirements and principles under UQ’s Project Governance and Management Framework. (8) The Campus Infrastructure Committee (CIC), a Senate Committee, supports and advises Senate in exercising its oversight in relation to the matters set out in the CIC terms of reference. The establishment of this Committee does not relieve Senate of its responsibility for these matters. (9) An equitable, whole of university picture of capital priorities is enabled via a start of year annual round for new capital requests above $300,000. In exceptional circumstances, new capital requests may be reviewed outside of the annual round. (10) Capital proposals are submitted using templates with predefined criteria based on the key requirements and principles under UQ’s Project Governance and Management Framework. (11) Recommended processes¹ for consideration of capital proposal requests are outlined in the table below: (12) Senate (or relevant committee) is responsible for: (13) USET, chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, plays an active role in the University’s Strategic planning processes, including its capital priorities and will have input and visibility of capital projects and programs. (14) The CMG, chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, is responsible for: (15) The CIC advises Senate on Senate's approval of the University’s capital expenditure program, advises Senate on property and physical infrastructure strategies for each campus, and provides oversight, on behalf of Senate, of the implementation of those strategies and the stewardship of the University’s major property and physical infrastructure assets. (16) In fulfilling its remit, the CIC will have particular regard to protecting and preserving the physical qualities that are the hallmarks of UQ and promoting environmentally sustainable campuses. (17) Preparatory support for the annual EOI round for new capital requests, is provided by the Capital Plan Working Team (CPWT), coordinated by Director, Office of the Provost, and comprising representation from Research and Academic portfolios, and functional experts from Finance and Business Services (FBS), P&F and ITS, and the Project Governance Office (PGO). (18) Capital requests will be reviewed by ITS (for virtual) or P&F (for built) Project Advisory Boards (PAB) prior to submission to CPWT or CMG. (19) Project Sponsors have authority to sign off on project proposals and are responsible for reviewing and endorsing capital proposals before submission to CMG. (20) Proposals under $5 million can be sponsored by a member of USET or a Director of a Major Research Institute (IMB, QBI, SMI, AIBN, and QAAFI), or the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure). (21) Proposals over $5 million must be sponsored by Provost, Chief Operating Officer (COO) or one of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors (DVCs). (22) Governance Groups for Approved Capital Projects include but are not limited to: (23) CMG will nominate the Governance Group for Approved Capital Projects as part of the approval process. Governance Groups for Approved Capital Projects are responsible for: (24) Further details on the roles and remit of Governance Groups for Approved Capital Projects are outlined in UQ’s Project Governance and Management Framework. (25) Governance Groups for Approved Capital Projects are responsible for reporting outcomes to CMG and other relevant committees on project/program implementation and realisation of planned benefits. (26) Reports or requests from Project Governance Groups to Senate or Senate committees will be progressed via endorsement by CMG. (27) Approved Capital Projects will be included in the University’s Capital Plan for consideration and endorsement by Senate. (28) The approved Capital Plan will be available to University Staff. (29) Committee terms of reference:Capital Planning and Approvals Framework Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Top of Page
Ultimate Approver
Approval and Implementation process
Works under $300,000 and Maintenance
Work with Property and Facilities Division (P&F) and/or Information Technology Services (ITS) to progress implementation.
New capital proposals from $300k-$30M
Submit proposal via annual Expression of Interest (EOI) program (Process and deadline signalled at start of each year).
Proposals identified by CMG as suitable for progression may be approved for direct implementation or allocated funding to develop a Business Case. CMG will decide on next steps depending on the overall cost and complexity of the project.
New capital proposals above $30M
Senate (via CMG)
Submit proposal via annual Expression of Interest (EOI) program (Process and deadline signalled at start of each year). CMG endorsed projects may receive funding to develop a Business Case. Completed Business Cases should be submitted to CMG for endorsement to Senate.
Existing (already approved) Project requests for:
- Scope Changes
- Additional funding
- Repurposing underspends
- Contingency above 10%CMG
Submit to any CMG meeting for consideration and approval.
Urgent/Unforeseen requests above $300k
Submit to any CMG meeting for consideration and approval.
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
University Senior Executive Team (USET)
Capital Management Group (CMG)
Campus Infrastructure Committee (CIC)
Capital Plan Working Team
Project Sponsors
Governance Groups for Approved Capital Projects
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Workflow for Capital Approvals
Related information
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See linked image: UQ Strategic Objective.
Top of PageSee linked diagram: Workflow for Capital Approvals.
[1] Exclusions from this process may include works in pre-approved P&F/ITS contingency or asset management budgets, some Research Infrastructure, and projects with both:
[2] CMG's approval of certain proposals may be conditional on endorsement from the Campus Infrastructure Committee (CIC).