(1) This Procedure outlines the requirements for acquiring and using software at The University of Queensland (UQ or the University) and applies to all UQ consumers as defined in the UQ Information and Communication Technology Policy. (2) Note that this Procedure also applies to software (including cloud software) that is free. (3) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with other UQ policies and procedures, including: (4) Before purchasing or acquiring any new software (including cloud/Software as a Service applications and free software), UQ consumers must refer to UQ’s Standard Software Catalogue, which lists software available for academic, research and administrative use. (5) To purchase or request new software, UQ consumers must follow the processes listed via the Purchasing or requesting software page. (6) UQ consumers must review software terms (using the low-risk licence review checklist) to ensure they are fit for purpose at UQ and do not contain any unacceptable legal risks. (7) Software terms are ICT Contracts and can only be accepted for UQ by a Contract delegate or Sub-Delegate with the appropriate delegation. (8) UQ consumers that acquire and use software must comply with all usage restrictions, licence conditions, purchasing and installation requirements. (9) The Standard Software Catalogue lists all software that UQ consumers can install on UQ-owned computers and use for UQ purposes (academic, research or administrative use). In some cases, software can also be installed on personal devices for personal or UQ purposes. The Standard Software Catalogue also provides licensing, purchasing, usage, and installation information for each software product. (10) The following conditions apply when using UQ-licensed software: (11) In addition to the Standard Software Catalogue, the Free Student Software for Personal Use page lists software available for students to use on their personal computers for the duration of their studies at UQ. This page also lists specialist software available to students to support remote study. Note that for certain software, eligibility criteria may apply, and students must comply with all usage and access requirements as specified on the web page. (12) UQ staff and students can access certain software (for teaching and learning) via UQ’s computer labs or personal and work devices by using the UQ Digital Workspace. View the list of software available via the UQ Digital Workspace. (13) Staff and students can request access to existing software and request new software for the UQ Digital Workspace by completing the relevant request form: (14) If requesting new software, UQ staff and students must comply with any relevant requirements stated in clauses 15-31 below. (15) If the required software is not available via the Standard Software Catalogue, UQ consumers must follow the requirements below, based on the type of software. This is required even if the software is free. (16) Procurement of new software at UQ must comply with UQ’s Procurement Policy and Procurement Procedure, the ICT Procurement Framework and UQ’s Financial and Contract Sub-delegations Procedure. Visit the ICT Procurement web page for additional information and relevant forms, templates and guidelines. (17) If UQ consumers acquire new software, ITS Customer Support Services (or local IT support) will not be able to provide user support (e.g. how to use the software) unless this is agreed and resourced during the procurement process. (18) UQ consumers should visit the Purchasing or Requesting Software web page for more information, and guidance. UQ staff should also visit the External Learning Tools web page for guidance if they are acquiring new software for teaching and learning. (19) If a UQ consumer is considering entering into a software agreement, they must also: (20) Where software must be registered with the publisher(s) or vendor(s) of the software, “The University of Queensland” must be used as the licensee name. (21) If software can only be purchased with a UQ credit card (not preferred), UQ consumers must record the relevant software details (listed on the Purchasing and requesting software page) when reconciling the credit card transaction in the expense management system. (22) If UQ consumers require software for widespread use (e.g. UQ-wide, all professional staff, or all students) they must visit the Projects with IT Requirements web page for information, guidance and assistance completing an IT project proposal. (23) Individually licensed software includes software that is: (24) To acquire new software licences, UQ consumers must: (25) If UQ consumers cannot acquire the necessary software via UQ’s preferred suppliers, they must visit the Projects with IT Requirements web page for information, guidance and assistance completing an IT project proposal. (26) Software as a Service (SaaS) or cloud applications are software and services that are hosted via remote external servers and accessed through a web browser, instead of locally on a computer. These are also known as web-based applications. (27) To acquire new SaaS software (even if there is no cost) for use at UQ, consumers must visit the Projects with IT Requirements web page for information, guidance and assistance completing an IT project proposal. (28) When acquiring new SaaS software, the Procurement Coordinator (the UQ consumer acquiring the software) must consider UQ’s information security and cyber security, even if there is no cost to UQ. (29) The Procurement Coordinator must classify the information to be stored in or accessed by the software, in accordance with the Information Security Classification Procedure. Procurement Coordinators must also consider whether any personally identifiable information will be stored in or accessed by the software. (30) Based on the information security classification (and whether the software will store/access personally identifiable information), certain security controls will apply and this may mean that certain well known, low-cost SaaS software solutions are not appropriate for use. (31) The Procurement Coordinator must contact the relevant IT support team (listed on the Projects with IT Requirements page) for support classifying information and completing the cloud services cyber security checklist, to ensure that the SaaS solution meets UQ’s security standards. (32) UQ consumers are responsible for: (33) UQ consumers who are Procurement Coordinators (the individual responsible for undertaking a specific procurement activity) are responsible for: (34) ITS Customer Support Services and local IT support teams are responsible for the following (for the business units they support): (35) Additional software asset management responsibilities are defined in the IT Software Asset Management Local Standard Operating Procedure (LSOP). (36) The Licensing Sub-Category Manager is responsible for maintaining this Procedure, including providing assurance and ensuring compliance. (37) As the ICT Category Owner, the Chief Information Officer is accountable for software asset management. (38) ICT Contract Sub-delegates (and their delegation limits) are defined in the Schedule of Contract Delegations and Sub-Delegations. (39) ICT Contract Sub-delegates are responsible for: (40) The Licensing Sub-Category Manager will review this Procedure as required to ensure its currency and relevance. (41) ITS also undertakes software asset management activities and software audits to monitor licence compliance, consumption and usage. These processes are outlined in detail in the IT Software Asset Management Local Standard Operating Procedure. (42) In compliance with the ICT Contract and Supplier Management Procedure, ICT Procurement will store all software contracts in UQ’s record keeping system, and ensure additional information is logged in the ICT contracts register. (43) In compliance with the IT Software Asset Management Local Standard Operating Procedure (IT staff only):Software Acquisition and Use Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Accessing and Using UQ-licensed Software
Student-licensed Software
Computer Labs and the UQ Digital Workspace
Acquiring New Software
Software for Widespread Use
Individually Licensed Software
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or Cloud Software
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
UQ Consumers
ITS Customer Support Services and Local IT Support
Licensing Sub-Category Manager
Chief Information Officer
ICT Contract Sub-delegates
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Top of PageSection 7 - Appendix
UQ consumer
UQ students, staff, contractors and consultants, visitors, affiliates and third parties.
UQ-licensed software
Software available to UQ consumers for use for UQ purposes (academic, research or administrative use).
Individually licensed software
Software that is installed locally on a device, or linked to a UQ consumer.
SaaS/Cloud software
Software and services that are hosted via remote external servers and accessed through a web browser, instead of locally on a computer.
ICT Contract Delegate or Sub-Delegate
Individuals who have authority to accept ICT contract terms on behalf of UQ, as specified in the Financial and Contract Sub-delegations Procedure (and associated supporting documentation).
Procurement Coordinator
The UQ consumer responsible for undertaking a specific procurement activity.
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