(1) This Procedure outlines The University of Queensland’s (UQ) requirements for giving, receiving and reporting gifts and benefits. (2) This Procedure applies to all UQ staff and Senate Members, and should be read in conjunction with UQ’s Financial Reporting and Disclosure Policy, Staff Code of Conduct Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy. (3) UQ staff and Senate Members: (4) Gifts received by UQ staff and Senate Members remain the property of UQ unless approved or excluded in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure. (5) Gifts or benefits that are given on behalf of UQ to UQ staff or a Senate Member must be considered for fringe benefit tax implications. (6) UQ staff and Senate Members must not give or receive any gift or benefit (irrespective of its value) that may affect, or could be reasonably perceived to affect, the independent and impartial performance of their official UQ duties. (7) UQ staff and Senate Members must consider the following before giving or receiving any gift or benefit: (8) The ‘Decision Making Guide’ in the appendix of this Procedure will assist staff and Senate Members determine under which circumstances it is appropriate to give or receive a gift or benefit. (9) A reportable gift or benefit is: (10) UQ staff and Senate Members that give or receive a reportable gift or benefit must complete a: (11) The declaration must be provided to the Chief Financial Officer within 14 days of the gift or benefit being given or received. (12) In the case of a series of gifts or benefits, the declaration must be provided to the Chief Financial Officer within 14 days of giving or receiving the total value of the gift or benefit exceeding $250 (or foreign currency equivalent) within a calendar year. (13) Declarations to the Chief Financial Officer must be made in writing and sent to FBS_cf@uq.edu.au. (14) Any tangible gift received by UQ staff or Senate Members in their official UQ capacity is considered the property of UQ. (15) UQ staff and Senate Members may retain a tangible gift if the value of the gift: (16) An intangible gift may be accepted and retained by the recipient without reimbursement to UQ, subject to approval: (17) Gifts of cultural or historical significance remain the property of UQ regardless of their value. (18) Gifts and benefits given by UQ to UQ staff or Senate Members or their associates (e.g. spouse, partner, relative) may have fringe benefits tax (FBT) implications. The Taxes Procedure and Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Guide provide further information regarding the correct application of and compliance with FBT legislation. Contact the Taxation Unit in the Finance and Business Services Division for assistance with FBT implications (fbs-tax@uq.edu.au). (19) UQ staff and Senate Members are responsible for: (20) The Corporate Finance unit within the Finance and Business Services Division is responsible for receiving and maintaining records of reportable gift disclosures sent to the Chief Financial Officer. (21) The Corporate Finance unit will: (22) All reportable gift and benefits declarations made to the Chief Financial Officer will be recorded and held by Corporate Finance. (23) See attached 'Decision Making Guide' diagramReportable Gifts and Benefits Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Giving and Receiving Gifts or Benefits
Reportable Gifts and Benefits
Reportable Gift Declarations
Ownership of Gifts
Tangible Gifts
Intangible Gifts
Cultural and Historical Gifts
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
UQ Staff and Senate Members
Finance and Business Services Division
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Top of PageSection 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Decision Making Guide
Cultural and historical gift
May include artworks, rare books, artefacts, antiquities, scientific specimens and instruments.
Gift or benefit
An item given or received without expectation of payment or return (may be tangible or intangible).
Intangible gift or benefit
Non-physical items with no lasting value, including but not limited to:
• Tickets to events
• Transport and accommodation
• Conference fees.
Continuing, fixed-term, research (contingent funded) and casual staff members.
Tangible gift
Physical items with lasting value.
The assessed value of the gift based on its purchase price, market value or estimated value from a reputable source.
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• Entertainment and hospitality