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Industry Appointment Guideline

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Guideline has been developed to support the employment of Industry Professors and Industry Associates at the University of Queensland (UQ) and provide a set of guiding principles around the recruitment, criteria, and engagement for these types of appointments. For the purposes of this Guideline, Industry Professor and Industry Associate positions will be referred to collectively as Industry Appointments.

(2) These appointments are separate and distinct from the unpaid ‘Industry Fellow’ title process articulated in the Industry Fellow Policy.

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Section 2 - Background

(3) The introduction of Industry Appointments is an important step in developing impactful and meaningful connections between industry and UQ. These appointments have been designed in response to UQ’s strategic plan to support education and research translation and to develop stronger industry links, while continuing to drive business development. They are intended to facilitate and enable both:

  1. the University’s engagement in formal government initiatives such as Trailblazer and the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industry Fellowships that are specifically designed to connect universities externally; and
  2. other projects, initiatives, or opportunities contributing to directly to the academic endeavour which would benefit from the appointment of an individual with industry expertise.

(4) To support these objectives, Industry Appointments are intended to provide a mechanism to appoint highly distinguished industry experts who don’t have an academic background (for example a PhD or lengthy publication record), noting that the academic appointment and performance processes are orientated towards traditional academic roles.

(5) Appointments of this nature may be offered to individuals making valuable contributions in the areas of industry, business, government, and the not-for-profit sector. Where possible, appointments should be structured to allow other areas of the University to benefit from the distinct knowledge, skills and relationships that these individuals will bring to UQ.

(6) Given the nature of the impetus for Industry Appointments, these appointments are not intended as a pathway for progression for existing staff. To that end, current UQ employees will only be considered for an Industry Professor or Industry Associate position under exceptional circumstances.

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Section 3 - Selection and Appointment

Appointment Criteria

(7) To ensure flexibility in each engagement and contribution to UQ, each appointment will require an individual statement of duties that clearly sets out the expected output of the incumbent while in the position. These outputs will be based on the skillset of the individual and strategic advantage to the broader academic purpose of the University, noting this contribution may be broad or limited to one specific academic domain.

(8) Following the appointment of an individual to an Industry Appointment, key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives consistent with the duty statement will be agreed between the staff member and the manager. For clarity, Industry Professor and Associate appointments are not a mechanism to appoint staff to provide professional or consulting services.

(9) In conjunction with the position description, the below criteria should be used to assess the level that the incumbent will be appointed to.

Industry Professor

(10) At Industry Professor level, the incumbent will typically demonstrate:

  1. exceptional eminence and thought leadership in their field, evidenced by significant influence in the external sector.
  2. outstanding impact and accomplishments in their field, resulting in wide-spread recognition as an industry expert.
  3. expertise in a body of knowledge and/or skillset in an area of strategic importance at UQ, with the ability to transfer this into meaningful educational experience, research outputs, industry engagement and/or business development.
  4. behaviour that demonstrates alignment to UQ’s values.

Industry Associate

(11) An Industry Associate will be required to exhibit similar attributes to those set out for an Industry Professor, but with a focus on exceptional skill and expertise within their field rather than leadership. To this end, it would be expected that an Industry Associate would likely not have achieved the same level of impact or eminence as an Industry Professor.

Appointment Details

(12) Industry Professors and Industry Associates will be employed by UQ on fixed-term contracts, that are typically for a period of 3 years. Candidates can be considered for re-appointment at the conclusion of a fixed-term appointment. While it is generally expected that these positions will be full-time, fractional appointments may also be offered where doing so provides a demonstrable strategic advantage or is mutually beneficial. Where a fractional appointment is proposed in order to allow the candidate to continue employment elsewhere, consideration should be given to the Consultancy, Secondary Employment and Internal Work PolicyConflict of Interest Policy, and the Intellectual Property Policy.

(13) Consistent with the process for identifying the appointment criteria identified in clauses 7-11, consideration should also be given to the mechanism for appointment. Two appointment pathways are available – non-traditional and traditional.

Non-traditional Pathway

(14) As Industry Appointments would not ordinarily be expected to meet the breadth of the Criteria for Academic Performance, would not be eligible for the Promotion process and not be subject to the academic probationary processes due to the fixed-term nature of these roles, Industry Appointments would primarily be aligned with the framework of HEW 10 appointments.

(15) The level of appointment and remuneration is expected to be commensurate with their industry experience and impact as outlined in the appointment criteria set out in clauses 7-11.

Traditional Pathway

(16) There may be some circumstances where it may be more appropriate for an Industry Appointment to be made under the ordinary academic scale – for example, appointments made under the ARC Industry Fellowship scheme, when the appointee has a PhD and/or academic history prior to their industry experience, or when the expected contribution covers the majority of the Criteria for Academic Performance.

Appointment Process

(17) In considering the requirements of the role, it may be determined than an open recruitment process including advertisement using a generalised statement of duties is appropriate. However, where appropriate due to specific requirements having been identified, or where an appropriately eminent industry practitioner is identified, a targeted activity via an ‘appointment by invitation’ approach may be used. This determination shall be made by the relevant Authorised Officer, relevant to the appointment level and classification.

(18) In the case of an invitation to interview, the following documents should be provided to the Authorised Officer:

  1. current curriculum vitae;
  2. statement of duties clearly outlining the expected outputs for the incumbent; and
  3. a written statement of endorsement from the Executive Dean/Institute Director providing a justification for the creation of an Industry Appointment position.

Renewal process

(19) Upon completion of a fixed-term contract, the relevant Executive Dean/Institute Director, in consultation with the relevant Head of School/Centre Director, will assess if the re-appointment of the individual is appropriate, noting the strategic objectives of the initial appointment and if the key measures or indicators of success were achieved.

(20) If the incumbent was initially appointed as an Industry Associate and a significant achievement in eminence, thought leadership or equivalent since the initial appointment can be demonstrated, the area will be permitted to submit a request to appoint the person at Industry Professor level via an Invitation to Interview process. UQ’s standard recruitment procedures will be followed to assess if the individual meets the criteria set at the Industry Professor level.

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Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Staff Member

(21) Staff members appointed as Industry Appointments are expected to adhere to all of UQ’s policy and procedures, alongside all directives provided to them by their managers, Heads of Organisational Units and/or Executive Deans/Industry Directors.


(22) Managers are responsible for ensuring they provide the incumbent with appropriate resources, support, and a collegial environment as required for success in an academic setting.

Executive Dean/Institute Director

(23) Executive Deans and Institute Directors are responsible for ensuring the appointment and any re- appointments are made appropriately.


(24) The Provost is responsible for ensuring the number of Industry Appointments made by UQ as a whole are appropriate and commensurate with the distinction of the title and UQ’s strategic objectives.