(1) This Policy outlines the conditions of conferral of the title ‘Emeritus Professor’. (2) This Policy applies to the conferral of the title ‘Emeritus Professor’ on outstanding professorial staff who have either retired or resigned from the University. (3) The title ‘Emeritus Professor’ is conferred on professorial staff who have served the University in an outstanding manner. The title should not be regarded as a normal expectation for professorial staff who leave or retire from the University. (4) Nothing in this Policy gives rise to an employment relationship between the Emeritus Professor and the University. (5) Conferral of the title of Emeritus Professor is for an unspecified period and may only be granted or withdrawn by the Vice-Chancellor. (6) The list of Emeritus Professors is provided in Workday. (7) In all documentation, including communications, conversations and salutations, the full title will be used. (8) The title of Emeritus Professor may be withdrawn at any time if the Vice-Chancellor considers that continuation is not in the best interests of the University. The Emeritus Professor will be informed of the withdrawal of the title in writing. There is no appeal process to a decision of the Vice-Chancellor. (9) Emeritus Professors may continue to contribute to the organisational unit in a voluntary capacity in such ways as are agreed with the relevant Executive Dean or Institute Director, in consultation with the relevant Head of School. Such contributions must be in accordance with the University’s protocols, policies and procedures, with particular reference to those policies and procedures pertaining to ethical conduct in the workplace (e.g. Staff Code of Conduct Policy) and workplace health and safety, and to the Intellectual Property Policy and Procedure). (10) Benefits to which Emeritus Professors are entitled include: (11) It is expected that Emeritus Professors will list UQ as an affiliation in the by-lines of publications. (12) While an Emeritus Professor's contributions to the University are in a voluntary capacity, reimbursement may be made for out of pocket expenses (for example travel and accommodation) while acting on behalf of the University. (13) An Emeritus Professor is not eligible for membership of the Academic Board. Eligibility for membership of other University committees or boards will be considered by the relevant Head of School or Executive Dean/Institute Director as appropriate. (14) Emeritus Professors are protected as volunteers for liability arising whilst undertaking activities for or on behalf of the University or an affiliate. Emeritus Professors are covered under the University’s Liability Protections including General and Products Liability, Professional Liability, Malpractice and General Clinical Trials. (15) As Emeritus Professors receive no remuneration from the University, they will not be covered by the University workers’ compensation insurance. Emeritus Professors have limited personal accident insurance.Emeritus Professor Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives
Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
Top of Page
Head of School or equivalent level
Section 3 - Policy Scope/Coverage
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Conditions of Conferral of Emeritus Professor Title
Period of Conferral
Withdrawal of Title
Section 6 - Conditions and Benefits of Continued Contributions to the University by Emeritus Professors
Use of the University Libraries
A free-of-charge parking permit (see Parking at UQ website for details)
A UQ email address
Standard quota for staff associates
Use of facilities and resources of the unit as appropriate
By arrangement with the Head of School and subject to approval by the Vice-Chancellor
Appointment to Higher Degree by Research student supervisory or advisory roles
Subject to normal approval processes
Access to administrative support for applications for grant funding, depending on the conditions of the relevant funding body, and access to internal research support
By negotiation or application and subject to approval by the Vice-Chancellor
Access to other research or teaching support and resources
As negotiated with the Head of School and subject to approval by the Vice-Chancellor
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This Policy is currently under review. For any questions, please email hrpolicyfeedback@uq.edu.au.