(1) This Procedure outlines record keeping requirements at The University of Queensland (UQ) and supports UQ’s Information Management Policy and Information Governance and Management Framework. This Procedure applies to all UQ staff that create or receive records in the course of their work at UQ. (2) For the purposes of this Procedure: (3) Examples of UQ records to be kept and approved UQ record keeping systems are outlined in the Appendix. (4) As a public university, UQ is required to comply with legislative obligations under the Public Records Act 2002 (the Act). Records also are managed under standardised retention and disposal processes issued by Queensland State Archives. Details of these approved retention schedules are provided in section 3. (5) Vital, high-risk, high-value and permanent records must be kept in an approved UQ record keeping system. (6) Records must be retained in accordance with the relevant retention and disposal schedule. (7) Records will only be disposed, destroyed, or deleted with the approval of the Senior Manager, Data Strategy and Management, who is the designated authorised officer. (8) Vital, high-risk, high-value and permanent records must be kept in an approved record keeping system to ensure the record is discoverable, accessible, and managed throughout their lifecycle. The primary approved record keeping systems at UQ are provided in the ‘Approved Record Keeping Systems’ provisions of this Procedure. (9) For the purposes of vital, high-risk, high-value and permanent records, the following are not approved UQ record keeping systems: (10) Records that are not vital, high-risk, high-value or permanent may be stored in the above systems. (11) All records must be kept and retained in accordance with the following schedules: (12) Records retention requirements vary in order to support accountability, and for legal, knowledge and historical reasons. Management of records within a business context and/or system, and the resources needed for their retention, needs to be prioritised based on risks to UQ if the record was unable to be located or authenticated as accurate. (13) Physical records must be stored: (14) Before any record is stored with an external storage provider, the Data Strategy and Governance Unit must be provided with a catalogue of the records to be stored with the provider. The relevant Organisational Unit is responsible for any costs associated with records storage with external storage providers. (15) UQ staff must not dispose of records without authorisation in accordance with the Act. The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for authorising the disposal of records and has delegated this responsibility to the Senior Manager, Data Strategy and Management. (16) The processes and key controls for determining the eligibility of records for disposal apply equally to both physical and digital records. (17) Disposal encompasses two contexts: (18) The destruction of physical and digital records is covered under UQ’s Destruction of Records Procedure. Under the Public Records Act 2002, records destruction must take place under a process of authorisation delegated by the Vice-Chancellor, and evidence of following the correct process and controls needs to be recorded in UQ’s central records management system (Content Manager). (19) The Data Strategy and Governance Unit is responsible for: (20) In accordance with section 28.2 of the Public Records Act 2002, the Queensland State Archives (the agency) has permitted UQ to create its own permanent archives and store these public records rather than transfer them to Queensland State Archives. (21) Heads of Organisational Units, Managers and Project Managers are responsible for: (22) UQ staff are responsible for: (23) The Data Strategy and Governance Unit will: (24) To support UQ’s record keeping obligations, the Data Strategy and Governance Unit, The University of Queensland Archives and IT Governance will record the existence of vital, high-risk, high-value records (which includes those that need to be retained permanently), within an Information Asset Register, a resource that itemises details of all key UQ business activities/processes, entities that own the system/s and the nature of the records and data within. (25) Evidence of authorised records destruction will be recorded and captured in UQ’s records management system (Content Manager). (26) Evidence of records held with third-party service providers, is detailed and available for reference through UQ’s records management system (Content Manager). (27) The table below has broad examples of common records to be kept and managed. (28) The retention and disposal schedules listed under the ‘Retention and Storage of Records’ provisions (in section 3) provide further descriptions of records needed in various business contexts. (29) The Data Strategy and Governance Unit assist staff in translating these schedules to UQ organisational areas and operational contexts. (30) Content Manager (TRIM) is proprietary software designed with full record keeping compliance functionality. It is the university’s central record keeping system, a digital repository that accepts records through automated processes, system integration, or through manual means, such as individuals interacting directly in the system day to day. It also tracks the existence and management of physical record collections. Content Manager is suitable for all record types. (31) The table below outlines the approved record keeping systems and the records for which the system is approved to keep.Keeping Records at UQ Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Legislative Context
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Record Keeping Obligations for Staff
Retention and Storage of Records
Physical Storage of Records
Records Destruction Process
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Data Strategy and Governance Unit
The University of Queensland Archives
Heads of Organisational Units, Managers and Project Managers
UQ Staff
Top of PageSection 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Top of Page
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Approved Record Keeping System
A system approved by the Data Strategy and Governance Unit as a record keeping system, or a system that integrates with Content Manager (TRIM) for management of records. The primary approved record keeping systems at UQ are listed in the ‘Approved Record Keeping Systems’ provisions below.
Archives/Archival Records
The non-current records of the University that are a direct result of administrative or organisational activity and hold permanent status in a current and authorised retention schedule or have continuing or permanent value.
Disposal (of records)
Defined under the Act as:
- destroying or damaging a record, or part of it; or
- abandoning, transferring, donating, giving away or selling the record, or part of it.
High-risk Record
A record which, if it can’t be found, will create an operational, legal, financial or reputational risk for an organisation.
High-value Record
This type of record may not be far from being vital or high-risk. These refer to records that have intrinsic value to an organisation, and if they were not findable or protected, it would be difficult to continue a seamless relationship with students, staff, industry, community, and state, federal and global jurisdictions. These records help the University to maintain its reputational relationships, preserve specialist knowledge, or could be of historical significance.
Permanent Record
A record of this type is a Public Record of enduring value to Queensland and the university. Records that fall into this category are described in the approved retention schedules. They are artefacts that are historical and/or culturally significant to the Queensland public.
Defined under the Act as any recorded information created or received by an organisation in the course of their business or conduct of their affairs. A record provides evidence of activities. This is irrespective of the technology or medium used to generate, capture, manage, preserve and access those records.
Continuing, fixed-term, research (contingent funded) and casual staff members.
Vital Record
Defined by the Queensland State Archives as records that an agency could not continue to operate without and which would be needed to re-establish the agency in the event of a disaster and satisfy ongoing core business responsibilities. These records are essential to an organisation being able to function.
Examples of Records to Keep
Broad examples of common records to be kept and managed
Assets – infrastructure and equipment controls, registers, maintenance, warranties, security
Academic program – development and management over life of program
Approval, decision or advisory correspondence
Audits – any records that are part of an auditable process, internal due diligence, or as required under legislation or legally binding standards
Clinical records – administrative, case records and data
Committee papers – final agendas, meeting papers and approved minutes
Contracts – includes agreements and memoranda of understanding, licenses to operate, and any documented legally binding arrangements
Copyright – administrative activities associated with the university publishing original literature, including agreements associated with joint ventures
Data – core financial, student and staff data
Decision making data – evidence informing official finding, decision, approval
Delegations of authority
Disaster management and business continuity – plans, manuals, debriefs
Donors, gifts and bequests – correspondence, arrangements
Engagement, Marketing – campaigns and materials
Ethical Clearances – legal obligations for research and training activities involving human and animal research, and genetic manipulation
Export Controls – licensing, permits required legally for arrangements when exporting products/materials as part of research activities
Grants, scholarships and sponsorships – case files and arrangements
Incidents and near misses – occupational health and safety reported matters and supporting data and documentation and actioning
Industrial relations matters
Insurance – case files
Insurance – certificates, product disclosure materials
Intellectual property – agreements, arrangements
Legal matters – case files
Newsletters – UQ community - staff, student, alumni official communications
Operational health, safety and environmental – administrative matters, arrangements and training
Patents, Trademarks
Policies, procedures and operational standards (UQ) – published
Procurement activities
Project management – case files
Property and Facilities – as constructed drawings including refurbishment drawings, manuals, maintenance, statutory inspections
Publications – distributed to community, students and staff
Reporting – statutory and external requirements, internal accountability, investigations, etc.
Research – administrative matters, case records and data
Senate and Academic Board records
Strategic plans and reports
Staff records – including inductions, training records, misconduct issues, etc.
Student records – including academic transcripts, misconduct issues, etc.
Teaching and learning – examination scripts, assessment, etc.
Teaching and learning – UQ’s teaching and learning arrangements and activities
Records of significant UQ events – announcements, speeches, innovations, knowledge leadership recognition, research accomplishments and historically significant matters attached to cultural change or remediation events; e.g. first nations, gender equity; vulnerable persons, etc.
Permanent retention information – any records that are required to be kept forever or need to be kept for a very long time as described in the approved retention and disposal schedules
Approved Record Keeping Systems
Business Category
Approved Systems
Administrative day to day
Content Manager (TRIM)
Digital Asset Manager (DAM)
Service CRM Oracle Service Cloud
Communications, Community and Global Enrichment
Raisers Edge
Content Manager (TRIM)
Clinical and Research Data, and Analysis
Content Manager (TRIM) Contract eVaults
RDM Research Data Manager
Collaboration and knowledge sharing
(NOTE: Exceptions – any Permanent value records will need to be migrated to an approved archival system after collaboration ceases)Confluence
Website Drupal
Contracts, Agreements, Permits, Certifications
(NOTE: For final executed; legally binding documents; licences to operate)Content Manager (TRIM) Contract eVaults
Environment, Emissions, Sustainability
Chemwatch Gold FX
Content Manager (TRIM)
Financial, Budgeting, Accounts and Payroll
Expense Management System (EMS)
My Balance (Reporting)
Governance, Compliance, Duty of Care
Content Manager (TRIM)
cGov Misconduct Grievance System
Historically, Culturally Significant
UQ Archives
Content Manager (TRIM)
Legal Matters
Practice Evolve (Legal Case Management)
Content Manager (TRIM)
Project Management and Case Files
Content Manager (TRIM)
MS Project
Property, Facilities, Security, and Infrastructure
CCTV Recording Systems
Student Support and Wellbeing Services
Content Manager (TRIM)
Teaching and Learning
Jac Curriculum Management
Content Manager (TRIM)
Workforce Management
Content Manager (TRIM)
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