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Academic Titles for Health Professionals Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Procedure supports The University of Queensland’s (UQ or the University) Academic Titles for Health Professionals Policy and applies to all persons involved in the conferral and renewal process of academic titles for Health Professionals, including progression between academic levels.

(2) UQ academic, conjoint or seconded staff appointed under the Clinical Academic (CA) academic category, who hold a fractional appointment up to 0.3 FTE with the University, may seek promotion in accordance with this Procedure as an alternative to the Promotion of Academic Staff Procedure.

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Section 2 - Process and Key Controls

(3) Application for conferral of an academic title, as well as applications for academic progression within the Academic Levels by Academic Title Holders is assessed in accordance with the criteria outlined in section 3 of this Procedure. 

(4) Academic Title Holders can apply for conferral of the title of Associate Lecturer (Level A), Lecturer (Level B), Senior Lecturer (Level C) as outlined in clause 6 of this Procedure. They can apply for the conferral of an Associate Professor title (Level D) in accordance with clause 7-10 and conferral to the title of Professor (Level E) in accordance with clause 11-15 of this Procedure. 

(5) Clinical Academics appointed to UQ on a fractional appointment up to 0.3 FTE are eligible to apply for conferral of the titles Associate Lecturer (Level A), Lecturer (Level B), Senior Lecturer (Level C), Associate Professor (Level D) and Professor (Level E) as outlined through clauses 6-15 and assessed in accordance with section 3 of this Procedure. Alternatively, staff in this category can apply for academic promotion via the ordinary promotion process for academic staff outlined in the Promotion of Academic Staff Procedure.

Conferral of Title ‘Associate Lecturer’, ‘Lecturer’ and ‘Senior Lecturer’

(6) An applicant for the title of Associate Lecturer, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer must complete the online application through Workday. The application will be assessed in accordance with the criteria outlined in section 3 of this Procedure by the relevant Head and progressed to the Authorised Officer for approval. Applications can be submitted at any time throughout the year.

Conferral of Title ‘Associate Professor’

(7) An applicant for the title of Associate Professor must complete the online application through Workday.

(8) Applicants must address the criteria outlined in clauses 43-47 of this Procedure.

(9) Once submitted online, applications are endorsed by the Head and submitted to the Committee, in accordance with clauses 17-18 of this Procedure, for assessment. Interviews with applicants are undertaken by the Committee and the recommendation for conferral is sent to the Authorised Officer for approval. The Promotions Committee will generally assess applications for the conferral of an Associate Professor title three times throughout the year.

(10) The title will be conferred for up to five years and the applicant can apply for reappointment with the final approval being the responsibility of the Executive Dean, upon recommendations from relevant organisational heads. 

Conferral of Title ‘Professor’

Conferral of Title at time of Appointment to an External Service Provider

(11) A Professorial title may be considered for a health professional at the time of their initial appointment to an external service provider. Appropriate University representation will be made on the selection committee for the appointment and will include an Academic Board representative and the Executive Dean or Institute Director. A recommendation for conferral of title from the University representatives will be forwarded to the Authorised Officer for authorisation. 

Conferral of Professor Title to Existing Academic Title Holders

(12) There are two application pathways for conferral of the title of Professor to academic title holders:

  1. The academic pathway in accordance with the Promotion of Academic Staff Procedure; or
  2. The clinical pathway as detailed in clauses 14-15 of this Procedure.

(13) All applicants must meet with their relevant Head of School or equivalent and discuss which is the most appropriate pathway, prior to submitting an application.

Clinical Pathway for Conferral of Title of Professor to Academic Title Holders

(14) Applicants pursuing this pathway must address the criteria outlined in clauses 48-52 of this Procedure.

(15) Applications are made through the online system in Workday, endorsed by the Head of School and submitted to the Committee for assessment in accordance with clauses 19-20 of this Procedure. Interviews with applicants are undertaken by the Academic Title Holder Conferral and Promotions Committee and the recommendation for conferral is sent to the Authorised Officer for approval. The Committee will generally assess applications for the conferral of a Professorial title three times throughout the year.

Conferral of Title by Committee

(16) Conferral of Level D (Associate Professor) and Level E (Professor) academic titles are considered by an Academic Title Holder Conferral and Promotions Committee. The composition of the Committee should take into consideration the following:

  1. Balance of representation across faculty and cognate institute(s)
  2. Experience across clinical disciplines
  3. Gender balances
  4. Tenure of committee members and the need to retain ‘corporate history/knowledge’, i.e., balance between new and experienced members.

Level D Committee

(17) A quorum made up of the following members is required to be in attendance for a committee to proceed:

  1. President of the Academic Board or nominee
  2. Associate Dean from the applicant’s Faculty or nominee (Chair)
  3. Head of School or nominee from the applicant’s Faculty.

(18) In exceptional circumstances, the Authorised Officer may executively approve the conferral of title of Associate Professor on the recommendation of the Chair, with approval from the Provost.

Level E Committee

(19) A quorum made up of the following members is required to be in attendance for a committee to proceed:

  1. Provost or nominee (Chair)
  2. President of the Academic Board
  3. Executive Dean (or nominee)
  4. Associate Dean (as nominated by the Executive Dean from the applicant’s Faculty).

(20) In exceptional circumstances, the Provost may executively approve the conferral of title of Professor on the recommendation by the Executive Dean or Institute Director.

Renewal of an Academic Title

(21) In the final year of their term, academic title holders will be contacted by the Faculty or Institute to determine whether they wish to apply for renewal of their title.

Renewal of Titles ‘Associate Lecturer’, ‘Lecturer’ and ’Senior Lecturer’

(22) The renewal of the titles of Associate Lecturer, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer is undertaken in accordance with clause 6 of this Procedure.

Renewal of Title ‘Associate Professor’

(23) A person seeking to renew a title of Associate Professor must submit an online application through Workday. The application will be considered by the Authorised Officer, on the recommendation of the relevant Head.

Renewal of Title of ‘Professor’

(24) Renewal of the title of Professor is approved by the Authorised Officer on the recommendation of the Head. The Head nominating the applicant must provide a letter of recommendation with the applicant’s CV to the Authorised Officer. 


(25) Should any dispute arise as to the conditions, duties, or arrangements relating to the title, the aggrieved party will, in the first instance, raise the matter with the relevant Executive Dean or Institute Director. If the Executive Dean or Institute Director is involved in the dispute, the matter will be escalated to the Provost to determine the appropriate resolution. The decision of the Provost is final.

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Section 3 - Key Requirements

Criteria for Academic Performance

(26) An Academic Title Holder (ATH) will contribute to the University in clinical teaching, in an undergraduate, postgraduate and/or professional teaching setting and/or to clinical research. Contributions to engagement with the relevant clinical profession are also expected. 

(27) A dedicated pathway of academic progression for academic levels A – E is available to Academic Title Holders, where the conferral of the relevant University title is assessed in accordance with the criteria of academic performance outlined below. Performance expectations within the criteria of academic performance are categorised under four domains (below) and are based upon the University’s academic performance criteria and principles as outlined in the Criteria for Academic Performance Policy. The domains are:

  1. Teaching;
  2. Research;
  3. Supervision and Researcher Development; and
  4. Citizenship and Service.

Level A – Associate Lecturer

(28) A Level A ATH will make a commensurate contribution to the work and strategic advancement of the University and its students. They will be an effective clinical teacher, particularly at undergraduate or professional entry level, will develop skills in clinical research, manage patient case load and will be involved in activities that foster links with the relevant profession, recognising there may be higher contributions in some academic domains that compensate for lesser achievements in other areas.

(29) In the domain of teaching, a Level A ATH will undertake and develop expertise in clinical teaching and assessment with the guidance of more senior staff, and with an increasing degree of autonomy. They will seek and respond to feedback to enhance the quality of their teaching and the overall student experience.

(30) In the domain of research, a Level A ATH will be developing clinical research skills, best evidenced by undertaking or contributing to relevant research projects or programs with appropriate research outputs.

(31) In the domain of supervision and researcher development, a Level A ATH will be developing a track record of supervising more junior clinical staff and/or students, as well as contributing to the development of their supervisee’s skills and competencies.

(32) In the domain of citizenship and service, a Level A ATH will facilitate academic activities and be developing links with relevant professional organisations. They will demonstrate the UQ Values as well as contribute to service roles within the School and to relevant committees.

Level B – Lecturer

(33) A Level B ATH will make a commensurate contribution to the work and strategic advancement of the University and its students. In addition to the requirements at Level A, they will have a growing profile in the academic domains, recognising there may be higher contributions in some domains that compensate for lesser achievements in other areas. An advanced professional qualification or higher degree by research would be expected.

(34) In the domain of teaching, a Level B ATH will usually assume a variety of clinical teaching responsibilities at the undergraduate, postgraduate and/or professional level and take responsibility for the preparation and delivery of elements of course materials and related assessments as well as developing their own teaching practice.

(35) In the domain of research, a Level B ATH will undertake individual and/or collaborative research and contribute to funding and external support for research activities. The Level B ATH will have an emerging reputation generated by related research outputs.

(36) In the domain of supervision and researcher development, a Level B ATH will be developing a track record of supervising junior clinical staff and/or students as well as facilitating the development of their supervisee’s skills, competencies, and opportunities for engagement.

(37) In the domain of citizenship and service, a Level B ATH will have an emerging role in professional and external service activities and will demonstrate efficient management of allocated service roles. They will demonstrate the UQ Values and will have established links with professional bodies and meaningful collaborations related to their discipline.

Level C – Senior Lecturer

(38) A Level C ATH will make a commensurate contribution to the work and strategic advancement of the University and its students. In addition to the requirements at Level B, they will have an established record of achievement in the academic domains, recognising there may be higher contributions in some domains that compensate for lesser achievements in other areas. An advanced professional qualification or higher degree by research is expected. 

(39) In the domain of teaching, a Level C ATH will make a substantial senior contribution to clinical teaching across multiple professional levels. They will lead teaching activities relevant to their discipline and be committed to the development of their teaching practice to enhance the learning experience of their students and trainees.

(40) In the domain of research, a Level C ATH will be expected to undertake research activities, establish research collaborations, publish in peer-reviewed journals and/or contribute to State / National guidelines for clinical practice and contribute to successful applications for external research funding. 

(41) In the domain of supervision and researcher development, a Level C ATH will have an established track record of supervising clinical staff and/or students, including students in advanced or specialty training programs and/or students enrolled in higher degree by research programs, as well as actively facilitating the development of their supervisee’s skills, competencies and opportunities for engagement. 

(42) In the domain of citizenship and service, a Level C ATH will achieve leadership roles in the profession, at a local or State level. They will consistently demonstrate the UQ Values and will be actively engaged in professional associations related to their discipline and specialty.

Level D – Associate Professor

(43) The Associate Professor will have a significant reputation for excellence in their professional area and make a commensurate contribution to the work and strategic advancement of the University and its students. In addition to the requirements at Level C, they are expected to demonstrate leadership in fostering or facilitating clinical excellence in the academic domains, recognising there may be higher contributions in some domains that compensate for lesser achievements in other areas.

(44) In the domain of teaching, they will be recognised as excellent clinicians and teachers, leading advancements in clinical education in either their discipline, institution, specialist college or parts of the health industry. They will have a sustained record of successfully supervising junior doctors to completion within advanced or specialty training programs as Principal Supervisor and/or successfully supervising students formally enrolled in higher research degree programs. 

(45) In the domain of research, they will demonstrate evidence of quality and impact through publications in internationally recognised academic journals, by playing a leadership role in successful initiatives for research funding, and by developing collaborations with local and national partners. As a recognised authority in their profession, they will play an enabling role in supporting research that impacts on health outcomes and/or health systems.

(46) In the domain of supervision and researcher development, they will have a sustained track record of supervising trainees to completion of specialty training and/or supervision of higher degree by research students. They will lead the development of their supervisee’s skills, competencies and future career opportunities

(47) In the domain of citizenship and service to their discipline, the University and the community, they will be recognised at a State level and nationally for their contribution to the profession by way of membership of influential government committees or industry advisory panels, emerging leadership roles in professional societies and/or playing key roles in setting policy or professional practice standards. They will consistently embody the UQ Values and foster these values in others through effective supervision and mentoring.

Level E – Professor

(48) The Professor will have a significant reputation for outstanding achievement in their professional area. They will make a commensurate contribution to the work and strategic advancement of the University and its students. In addition to the requirements at Level D, they are expected to demonstrate outstanding leadership in fostering or facilitating clinical excellence in the academic performance domains, recognising that there may be higher contributions in some domains that compensate for lesser achievements in other areas.

(49) In the domain of teaching, they will have demonstrated exceptional and sustained performance in evidence-based clinical practice and clinical teaching. They will be recognised as outstanding clinicians and clinical teachers. They will have led the advancement and transformation of clinical education in their discipline, institution, relevant specialist college or the health industry. 

(50) In the domain of research, they will demonstrate their impact in/on research through fostering collaborations with local and international partners, and institutes / universities to deliver advancements in health. As a recognised leading authority in their profession, they will use their influence to create, enable and support high impact research that produces evidence-based change in health outcomes and systems.

(51) In the domain of supervision and researcher development, they will have an outstanding track record of supervising trainees to completion of specialty training, attracting fellows into advanced specialty training roles and/or supervision of higher degree by research students. They will lead the development of their supervisee’s skills and competencies, and future career opportunities

(52) In the domain of citizenship and service to their discipline, the University and the community, they will be recognised nationally or internationally. Consistently demonstrating the UQ Values and fostering these values in others, they will be recognised as a thought leader, setting policy or professional practice standards in or beyond their discipline. They will demonstrate their clinical expertise and leadership through their outstanding contribution to high impact influential government, professional or industry advisory committees or the community equivalent.

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Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Academic Title Holder (ATH) Conferral and Promotions Committee

(53) The relevant Academic Title Holder Conferral and Promotions Committee is responsible for considering conferrals and promotion application to Level D and E and making recommendations to the Authorised Officer for approval. 

(54) Composition of these committees is outlined in clauses 16-20 of this Procedure.


(55) The Provost (or nominee) is required to:

  1. Approve committee recommendations for Professorial Academic Title Holder appointments and Promotions (Level E).
  2. Chair the ATH Professorial Conferral and Promotions Committee.
  3. Ensure constructive and developmental feedback is provided to applicants as appropriate.
  4. Consider and determine appeals (Level A – D).

Executive Dean/Institute Director

(56) The Executive Dean/Institute Director (or nominee) is required to:

  1. Review and approve applications for Academic Titles at Level A – C.
  2. Review and approve renewal requests for Academic Titles at Level D and E.
  3. Chair the ATH Conferral and Promotions Committee.
  4. Assess whether any conflict of interest may exist between themselves and an applicant for promotion. If so, discuss the conflict with the Provost, and if so directed, remove themselves from any involvement in the applicant’s application for promotion.
  5. Advise the applicant of the outcome of a promotion application, on recommendation from the ATH Level D Promotions Committee.
  6. Ensure constructive and developmental feedback is provided to applicants as appropriate.

Head of School/Faculty Centre Director

(57) The Head of School/Faculty Centre Director is required to:

  1. Review and endorse conferral nominations before submission to the relevant ATH Conferral and Promotions Committee.
  2. Seek feedback from the academic Supervisor and other relevant staff as appropriate (Level A-E).
  3. Formally meet with each promotion applicant to discuss their application and provide an assessment and recommendation to the applicant at least two weeks from the submission closing date (Level E).
  4. Provide input to Committee deliberations as requested. The Head would be expected to clarify points of fact and provide other relevant information, noting that this information must be consistent with written reports (Level D and E).

Academic Title Holders and Relevant Clinical Academic Staff

(58) Academic Title Holders and relevant Clinical Academic Staff are required to:

  1. Meet with their Supervisors to discuss readiness to submit an application for promotion (Level D, E).
  2. Ensure all required documentation is factually correct and submitted via the online system by the due date.
  3. Submit a brief update (optional) up to one week prior to committee interview on any substantial new achievements since submission of the application.
  4. Seek assistance if support is required throughout the promotion process.

Committee Secretariat

(59) The Committee Secretariat is required to:

  1. Assist the Committee and applicants where required.
  2. Ensure promotion application outcomes are recorded in Workday.
  3. Advise Executive Deans/Institute Directors of outcomes for their respective areas.
  4. In conjunction with the Committee Chair, ensure that applicants are advised of outcomes in writing as soon as reasonably practicable.
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Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(60) The Chief Human Resources Officer (or delegated authority) has responsibility for ensuring compliance with this Procedure and ensuring it is monitored and reviewed appropriately.

(61) Academic Title Holders and eligible Clinical Academic University staff can seek guidance on the conferral of academic titles and on the progression between academic levels through the UQ Health Website in the first instance.

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Section 6 - Recording and Reporting

(62) All documentation associated with the conferral and renewal of academic titles will be retained in Workday