(1) This Procedure outlines the minimum requirements the University expects organisational units to follow in relation to the recruitment and selection process for casual academics, including advertisement of vacancies, applications, selection and appointment. This Procedure also addresses minimum standards relating to induction, resources and facilities, and staff development for casual academic staff. (2) This Procedure supplements and applies in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement. (3) This Procedure applies to casual academic staff. (4) The University of Queensland is committed to an equitable and consistent approach to the recruitment, selection, employment and development of casual academic staff. Casual academic staff employment conditions are derived from the Enterprise Agreement. (5) Casual academic staff are normally employed to provide lecturing, tutoring and/or assessment support for UQ courses during a semester. A casual academic is employed at the prescribed hourly rate for a defined period of time, during which the duties are determined by the Head of Organisational Unit (or their approved delegate). A casual academic staff member is appointed to supplement the work of teaching staff. (6) Casual academic staff who provide limited or infrequent teaching, such as a single session or lecture, or assessment of a single item, are exempt from certain areas of the Procedure, specifically clauses 24, 29 and 30. (7) Generally, casual academic staff who are scholarship holders have employment restrictions, which may include a restriction on the number of paid hours worked. For further information on scholarships, refer to the UQ Graduate School website. (8) The University’s principles of recruitment and selection are outlined in the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy. (9) All stages of the recruitment and selection process must conform with the provisions of various Acts of Parliament. Information on these Acts is available from the Australian Human Rights Commission website and from the University’s Equity and Diversity web pages. (10) The stages of the University’s recruitment process are simplified for casual academic staff as follows but must not compromise the University’s principles of non-discrimination and appointment on the basis of merit. (11) Pool – Vacancies for casual academic staff may be filled from a ‘pool’ of people with indicated interest that organisational units may create for this purpose. A pool may be utilised for selection and appointment over more than one teaching semester. It is recommended that the pool be regularly reviewed and refreshed to ensure a diverse pool is always available. (12) Advertisement – Where a decision has been made to advertise for casual academic staff, vacancies should be advertised normally around six weeks prior to the start of each semester. This practice will allow adequate time for each appointed casual academic to receive appropriate induction prior to the start of the semester. (13) Vacancies may be advertised either internally or externally. However, casual employment opportunities must be made known to University postgraduate students, as a preferred source of candidates. (14) A Head of Organisational Unit (or their approved delegate) should ensure that all applicants are made aware of this Procedure. (15) A Head of Organisational Unit (or their approved delegate) should ensure that all applicants are fully briefed on the University’s work entitlements and conditions for casual academic staff, full details of which are included in the Enterprise Agreement at Schedule 3 ‘Duties and Pay Calculation of Casual Academic Staff’. This information should be provided to applicants in conjunction with the casual academic application form. (16) Casual academic staff should be selected on the basis of merit. (17) Selection is normally undertaken by a Program or Course Coordinator responsible for the employment and coordination of casual academic staff. (18) All selection decisions should be approved by the relevant Head of Organisational Unit or approved delegate. (19) Whenever possible, confirmation of appointment should be provided to all new casual academic staff well in advance of their commencement of employment. (20) The Program or Course Coordinator must develop a duty statement for the casual position, which sets out the type of work to be performed, the course and time involved, and provide this to the successful candidates. A copy of the duty statement and associated detail should be signed and retained by the appointee and the Head of Organisational Unit. (21) A Head of Organisational Unit (or their approved delegate) must approve the appointment. (22) Hiring Managers are required to complete a casual request framework in Workday for approval by the Authorised Officer. The Human Resources Division will facilitate the appointment process in accordance with this Procedure and the Enterprise Agreement. Casual appointees will be provided with an Offer of Appointment through Workday as their instruction of engagement. (23) Remuneration for casual academic staff is outlined in the Enterprise Agreement at Schedule 2 ‘Academic Staff Salaries’. A casual staff member will be paid within 22 days of submitting a completed valid claim for payment. (24) The University will provide appropriate resources and facilities to all casual academic staff. All casual academics, with the exception of those staff identified at clause 6, should be provided with access to office accommodation that includes desk and storage facilities. (25) Casual academic staff should normally have access to computer facilities including appropriate software. (26) Casual academic staff may obtain a University of Queensland staff Identification Card (see Identification Cards for University Staff and Associates Procedure). This card will enable library access. (27) The organisational unit should ensure that necessary technical support for casual academic work is available. It is recognised that the necessary level of support required will vary depending on the course. (28) Although the organisational unit may identify limits for the use of facilities, such as photocopying, printing, internet and telephone usage available for casual academic staff, access to these resources and facilities should normally be available and a reasonable limit set. (29) All casual academic staff, with the exception of staff identified at clause 6, must complete an induction program at the time of their first appointment. Full details of induction for casual academic staff are available on the New Staff Induction web page. (30) Casual academic staff, with the exception of staff identified at clause 6, will have access to nominated programs in the University’s staff development program. The University’s training strategy for casual or sessional academic staff is available on the UQ Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) tutoring website. Casual Academic Staff Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives
Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
Top of Page
Enterprise Agreement
The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2021-2026, or as amended or replaced.
Section 3 - Procedure Scope/Coverage
Section 4 - Procedure Statement
Section 5 - Recruitment and Selection
Stage 1 – Vacancy
Stage 2 - Applications
Stage 3 - Selection
Stage 4 – Appointment
Section 6 - Remuneration
Section 7 - Resources and Facilities
Section 8 - Induction
Section 9 - Staff Development
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