(1) This Procedure supports the Admission Policy, and applies to applicants for: (2) Higher Doctorates, Professional Doctorates, and shorter form credentials are not covered by this Procedure. (3) The attached schedules are part of this Procedure. (4) Applications for admission undergo comprehensive assessment and evaluation following established processes. (5) For admission to a program, applicants must meet: (6) Specific admission application processes and requirements are available through the UQ Study website, and selection criteria are detailed in Schedule 1 for the Doctor of Medicine Program, and on the UQ Study website for other programs with limited places. (7) Admission to Commonwealth supported places is only available for domestic applicants. (8) Applicants for cross-institutional study must meet any course-specific prerequisites and should apply through the Cross-institutional Study website. (9) Applicants who have previously been excluded or had their enrolment cancelled at UQ or another tertiary institution must disclose the circumstances as part of their application for admission. (10) UQ may establish admissions schemes with additional or alternative admissions requirements, including adjustments, to admit applicants who have been educationally disadvantaged. (11) Admission schemes and their requirements are approved by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Academic Board. (12) Applicants not qualifying for direct admission may meet requirements by completing the preceding qualifications within the suite of programs. (13) Applications for non-award study are assessed against the following admission requirements: (14) Applicants for the Enhanced Studies Program must also meet the Enhanced Studies Program admission requirements available through the Enhanced Studies Program website. (15) The courses available for non-award study are determined by the Executive Dean. (16) Applicants must normally be 16 years of age at the commencement date of a program or course. (17) Applicants under 16 years of age at the commencement date of a program or course will be considered for admission under exceptional circumstances, and approved for admission by the Academic Registrar following consultation with the Associate Dean (Academic) of the Faculty where: (18) UQ reserves the right to set a program quota and/or sub-quota to limit the number of offers made based on strategic objectives and resource and funding availability. This includes determining how many international and domestic applicants will be selected and receive an offer for a program. (19) Applications for admission will be assessed against the published admission requirements. (20) In cases where demand exceeds the number of available places in a course or program, UQ may use selection criteria to rank applicants competitively based on academic achievement, English language proficiency, and educational disadvantage considerations. Eligible applicants may be ranked as detailed in Schedule 2. (21) An application for the Doctor of Medicine program will be assessed against the selection criteria set out in Schedule 3 (2024; 2025-). (22) An offer of admission may only be made to an applicant who has satisfied the admission requirements. (23) Offers of admission are extended through Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC), Graduate Entry Medical School Admissions System (GEMSAS), or directly by UQ through the Academic Registrar. (24) Only the Academic Registrar may authorise an offer of a fee-paying place. (25) All offers will specify the program or course, location, and commencement date. (26) Applicants must accept their offer by the date provided in the offer letter and enrol or defer in order to retain a place in a program. Otherwise their offer will lapse, and they must reapply for admission. (27) Requests for deferral must be submitted via the process outlined on the Deferring Studies website. (28) The Executive Dean decides which programs are available for deferral. (29) Unconditional offers for programs where deferral is available can be deferred for up to 12 months. Conditional offers cannot be deferred. (30) Preconditions may be placed on deferral approval and the applicant will be required to demonstrate currency of English language proficiency at the time of enrolment. (31) If a program offered for deferral is discontinued during the deferral period, applicants will be notified and may seek an alternate program provided they meet the admission requirements. (32) Deferral applications must be received within the timeframe specified in the offer letter. If no timeframe is specified in the offer letter, applications for deferral must be received by the census date of the approved semester of commencement of the program. (33) Approved deferrals lapse if applicants fail to enrol by the due date provided in their approval or fail to comply with specified deferral conditions. (34) Extension of deferral in extenuating circumstances may be considered. (35) Extension requests for deferrals must be submitted in writing to the relevant admissions area (Domestic or International) for consideration by the Senior Manager. (36) The Academic Registrar may, when appropriate, approve transfer from a fee-paying international place to a Commonwealth supported place. Applications should be submitted following the process available through the Changes to Residency, Visa or Citizenship Status website. (37) International applicants granted Australian permanent residency, humanitarian visas, or Australian/New Zealand citizenship may request a transfer to a domestic place. Details for eligible applicants seeking Commonwealth supported places are available on the What is a Commonwealth Supported Place? website. (38) After commencing in a program, international students undergoing a change in residence status can follow the process outlined in the Enrolment Procedure to apply to transfer to a domestic place. (39) Applications for program change are subject to the admission requirements for the new program. (40) Admission into programs may be competitive – satisfying minimum entry requirements does not guarantee admission. (41) Students applying for program change should follow the application processes and requirements for program change available through the Changing Programs website. (42) The Academic Registrar may refuse to make an offer or withdraw an offer: (43) The Academic Registrar may also refuse to make an offer or withdraw an offer: (44) In the first instance, an applicant may seek clarification or information regarding admissions decisions by contacting the Admissions team that managed their application. (45) A request can then be sent to the Academic Registrar’s office for reconsideration of the decision. Decisions must be considered by the Academic Registrar prior to the submission of an appeal. (46) An applicant may appeal an admission decision to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). (47) Appeals must be in writing and lodged using the Complaints Management System. (48) An applicant may only appeal if: (49) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will, within a reasonable time after considering the appeal; (50) The decision of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is final. (51) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) may authorise the offer of a place in a program arising from a successful admission appeal. (52) The Academic Registrar will periodically review the effectiveness of this Procedure. (53) Compliance with this Procedure is overseen by the Academic Registrar and the Academic Board's Committee for Academic Programs Policy, through its Coursework Admission Standards Sub-Committee. (54) In addition to the requirements of the Information Management Policy and Privacy Management Policy: (55) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure. (56) The following schedules and tables form part of this Procedure:Admission to Coursework Procedure
Section 1 - Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Part A - Admission
Admission Schemes
Master’s Programs
Non-award Study
Applicants Under the Age of 16
Part B - Offers
Issuing Offers
Part C - Acceptance of an Offer
Part D - Deferral of an Offer
Part E - Change of Residence Status
Part F - Program Change
Part G - Withdrawal of or Refusal to Make an Offer of Admission
Part H - Review of Decisions
Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Top of Page
• Approves entry scores and selection ranks used for the allocation of offers for select programs.
• Approves admission schemes for coursework programs.
• May waive the strict application of the Procedure, or direct that a manual offer be made in respect of a particular applicant, in exceptional circumstances subject to conditions.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
• Defines minimum academic requirements for non-award study.
• Is the decision-maker for formal appeal decisions
Executive Deans and Associate Deans (Academic)
• Reviews coursework program requirements, entry scores and selection criteria used for the allocation of offers for select programs (in accordance with the Academic Program Review Procedure) or as otherwise required.
• Determines whether a required award to satisfy the admission requirements for a program has been completed at the minimum level for entry as referenced by the Australian Qualifications Framework.
• Determines courses available for non-award study.
• Approves a particular program or intake to be exempt from the maximum deferral period.
• Approves a program change for a student enrolled at UQ in first semester to a program in second semester.
Academic Registrar
• Approves offers of admission to programs.
• Responsible for UQ’s admission processes and determining that applicants are qualified for admission.
• Authorises the offer of a Commonwealth supported place to an applicant nominated through an approved admission scheme.
• Makes offers of fee-paying places to international or domestic applicants.
• Authorises changes from fee-paying international places to domestic fee-paying or Commonwealth supported places.
• Approves applicants under 16 years of age for admission under exceptional circumstances.
• Refuses to make an offer or withdraws an offer in certain circumstances and determines the circumstances for future offers to an applicant who has [previously been refused an offer or had an offer withdrawn].
• Is the decision maker for formal admission complaints excepting appeals.
• May authorise the offer of a place in a program in exceptional circumstances arising from a successful admission appeal.
• Considers / reconsiders admission decisions prior to an appeal
• Is the decision-maker for:
– Decisions related to a refusal to make an offer or the withdrawal of an offer to an applicant due to a reason cited in clause 42 and 43; and
– Any future decision to issue an offer to the applicant; and
– Any related time periods and conditions related to an offer.
Senior Manager admission areas
• Approves requests for an extension of a deferral of an offer beyond one year.
Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 5 - Recording and Reporting
Top of PageSection 6 - Appendix
Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
A person applying to study at UQ.
Admission scheme
A scheme with alternative requirements for admission to a program which has been approved by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Academic Board.
Associate Dean (Academic)
The relevant Associate Dean (Academic) of the faculty administering the program, or in the instance of non-award study, the Associate Dean (Academic) of the faculty administering the course.
Census date
The final date to finalise enrolment for the study period as advised by the Academic Registrar.
Commonwealth supported place
A place at a university or higher education provider where the Australian government pays part of a domestic student’s fees. This part is a subsidy, not a loan, and doesn’t have to be paid back.
A distinct unit of study for which a grade is given. Each course is identified by its alphanumeric code, a title and a fixed unit value.
For a person who is offered a place, the postponement of the person’s admission to the place.
Domestic applicant/student
An applicant/student who is:
• an Australian citizen or dual citizen of Australia;
• a New Zealand citizen; or
• the holder of a permanent visa for Australia or a humanitarian visa.
Educational Disadvantage
Individuals that have experienced disadvantage in their ability to access or pursue education. This may include persons that:
• are from non-English speaking backgrounds;
• have a disability;
• are women in non-traditional areas;
• identify as Indigenous (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander);
• are from low SES (socioeconomic status) locations;
• are from regional and/or remote locations; and
• are on humanitarian visas.
Extenuating circumstances
When used for deferral applications, this includes evidence of severe medical conditions or disabilities, significant financial hardship, legal obligations such as military service, or other extraordinary situations that prevent a student from commencing or resuming their studies within the standard deferment period.
Fee-paying place
A place in a program that is not a Commonwealth supported place.
Executive Dean
The Executive Dean of the faculty administering the program, or in the instance of non-award study, the Executive Dean of the faculty administering the course.
The Graduate Entry Medical School Admissions System.
International applicant/student
An applicant/student who is not a domestic applicant/student; also called an overseas applicant/student.
Manual offer
An offer processed manually where such an offer has been approved in accordance with the approved admission schemes, admission appeals or where the provisions of this Procedure has been waived. Situations where a manual offer may be applicable include:
• alternative admission schemes;
• assessment error;
• successful appeal; and
• Performing Arts/Talent-based Course.
Non-award study
Where a person is enrolled as a UQ student to study one or more courses without being admitted to a UQ program. This includes enrolment in university experience programs and cross-institutional study.
Either a Commonwealth supported place or a fee-paying place in a program.
An approved sequence of study leading to the award of a UQ qualification such as an undergraduate degree or diploma, a postgraduate coursework qualification, or a higher degree by research.
Program requirements
The courses to be taken to complete the program and any other specific conditions of the program including admission, enrolment and progression requirements.
The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre.
The number of offers to be made.
Selection Criteria
The criteria used to assess an applicant’s competitiveness compared to others after accounting for all relevant adjustments.
Selection Rank
The admission score assigned to an applicant in accordance with Schedule 2.
A person enrolled at UQ.
Student visa
A student visa (such as subclass 500 or equivalent) which is a temporary visa that allows an international student to stay in Australia to study full-time in a recognised education institution.
Suite of programs
A multi-step progression of postgraduate programs offered under the same program title.
• Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
• Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
• Master of Business Administration
Suspend or suspended
Suspended from entering UQ’s land, sites or part of the land or sites or engaging in an activity as a student of UQ under a UQ policy or procedure applicable to students.
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