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Undergraduate, Doctor of Medicine, Non-Award and CSP Admissions Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) This Procedure enacts the admissions section of Coursework Admission and Enrolment Policy.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

Terms Definitions
Admission Appeal An appeal of an admission decision per section 14 of this Procedure.
Applicant A person applying for admission to a program.
Approved Admission Scheme An admission scheme, which has been approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on the recommendation of the Academic Board.
Associate Dean (Academic) The relevant Associate Dean (Academic) of the faculty administering the award. For non-award students, the Associate Dean (Academic) of the faculty administering the course.
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) A rank assigned to Australian school leavers by the relevant state authority which indicates a student's position relative to other students.
Bachelor's Degree A degree with learning outcomes at level 7 under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Census Date The final date for enrolment for the semester as advised by the Academic Registrar.
Deferment For a person who is offered a place, the postponement of the person’s admission to the place.
Dual Program A program leading to two degrees for which there is a single set of program rules.
Domestic Applicant/Student An applicant/student who is:
    1. an Australian citizen or dual citizen of Australia; or
    2. a New Zealand citizen; or
    3. the holder of a permanent visa for Australia; or
    4. a humanitarian visa.
Executive Dean The Executive Dean of the faculty administering the award. For non-award students, the Executive Dean of the faculty administering the course.
Fee Paying Place A place in a program that is not a quota place.
Full Year of Tertiary Study Means 16 units of tertiary study at a bachelor's degree level or higher or an amount the Academic Registrar considers equivalent.
Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) An international admissions test used for selection purposes to nominated programs.
GEMSAS The Graduate Entry Medical School Admissions System.
GPA – Grade point average (GPA) Is defined as the average of the grade of results obtained by the student in all courses in which the student is enrolled, weighted by the unit value of each course in accordance with the following formula:

GPA = ∑(GP)/∑(P)

    G = the grade of result in a course; and 
    P = the unit value of that course.

If a student is enrolled in a course but gets no result, G = 0.

The Assessment Procedure explains how a non-graded pass (P) and a non-graded fail (N) are considered. Where ignoring a non-graded pass (P) disadvantages a student, a result of P should be treated in accordance with the Assessment Procedure.
International Student A student who is not a domestic student; also called an overseas student.
International Students Admissions Test (ISAT) An international admissions test used for selection purposes to nominated programs.
Manual Offer An offer processed manually where such an offer has been approved pursuant to sections 13, 14 or 17 of this Procedure. Situations where a manual offer may be applicable include:

    1. Approved Admission Schemes;
    2. Assessment Error;
    3. Successful Appeal;
    4. Performing Arts/Talent-based Course.
Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) An international admissions test used for selection purposes to nominated programs.
Minimum Time  Refers to the minimum full-time equivalent duration of the first degree, as listed on the Programs and Courses website, and to the minimum time from a student’s commencement at UQ.
Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) Refers to multiple station interviews used for selection purposes to nominated programs.
Next available semester: - The current semester, if notified to the University before the census date; or

- the following semester, if notified to the University after the census date in the current semester.
Non-award student A student enrolled to study one or more courses without being admitted to a program which leads to an award of this University or to an award at another tertiary institution.
Online Application (OLA) UQ's online application platform.
Place  Either a quota place or a fee paying place in a program.
Program  A sequence of study leading to the award of a qualification such as an undergraduate degree or diploma and/or a postgraduate coursework qualification. 
Quota The number of offers to be made.
Quota Place Has the same meaning as ‘Commonwealth supported place’ in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth).
QTAC The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).
Selection Rank  The admission score assigned to an applicant in accordance with Schedule 1 and Schedule 2.
Situational Judgement Test Is an online test called CASper which applicants are required to sit for selected programs.
Sub-quota  Places reserved in a program. These places can be reserved for specific cohorts of applicants (e.g., rural applicants) or for specific offerings of the program (e.g., differing locations of delivery).
University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand (UCAT ANZ) An international admissions test used for selection purposes to nominated programs produced by Pearson Vue.
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Section 3 - Procedure Scope/Coverage

(2) This Procedure applies to all applicants seeking admission to:

  1. all programs listed in Table 1 and Schedule 3 (20242025-) ; and
  2. non-award programs and courses.

(3) For admission to shorter form credentials refer to Shorter Form Credentials Admission, Enrolment, Fees and Assessment Procedure

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Section 4 - Procedure Statement

(4) This Procedure describe how applicants seeking admission to specific categories of programs and courses are assessed and selected for the offer of a place at the University. Unless specified otherwise in Table 1 and Schedule 3 (2024; 2025-), this Procedure does not apply to students seeking admission to postgraduate coursework programs or shorter form credentials, and it does not apply to applicants for any higher degree by research programs.

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Section 5 - Admission to a Commonwealth Supported Place (Quota Place)


(5) The University sets the quota annually.

(6) The University may set a sub-quota annually for a program or a field within a program.

Application and Selection Procedures

(7) Only domestic students are eligible to hold a Commonwealth supported place (quota place).

(8) An application for a quota place must be made through QTAC or GEMSAS or direct to the University under an approved Admission Scheme as per section 13.

(9) A quota place is offered using the procedures set out in Schedule 1.

Program Change in Second Semester

(10) The Associate Dean (Academic) may approve a program change for a student enrolled at the University in first semester to a program in second semester which is available then for commencement, without requiring the student to be offered a quota place through QTAC, if, at the date of being offered a program change, the student satisfies the admission requirements for a quota place in the new program as they existed in first semester.

Undergraduate Diploma

(11) A student enrolled in an undergraduate program may enrol concurrently in an undergraduate diploma provided the student complies with:

  1. the admission requirements for undergraduate programs under this Procedure; and
  2. any specific requirements under the program rules for the undergraduate diploma.
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Section 6 - Admission to a Fee Paying Place

International Students

(12) The Executive Dean (or where not available or otherwise not reasonably practicable, a Head of School or and Associate Dean (Academic)) may provide advice to the University in relation to the maximum number of fee paying places for international students.

(13) The University, after considering any advice given by the Executive Dean, will determine annually the maximum number of fee paying places for international students.

(14) An international applicant must not be admitted to a Commonwealth Supported place.

(15) An application for admission will be assessed against:

  1. the selection criteria set out in Schedule 1Table 1 and Schedule 3 (2024; 2025-) for the relevant program; or
  2. for programs not listed in Schedule 1Table 1 and Schedule 3 (2024; 2025-), the criteria approved by the Executive Dean.

(16) An international student granted permanent residency may request a change to a domestic fee paying place. The University will convert the status of the student to a domestic fee paying place in the next available semester.

Domestic Students

(17) If an applicant has been offered a fee paying place in one part of a dual program and a quota place in the other part of a dual program, the applicant will be admitted to the entire dual program in a fee paying place.

(18) Except as specified in Schedule 1 and Schedule 3 (2024; 2025-), a student in a fee paying place may apply to QTAC to compete for a quota place in the next QTAC offer round in which the relevant program is offered.

Non-award Students

(19) A person applying to become a non-award student must apply via the Online Application (OLA). Applications are approved by the Associate Dean (Academic).

(20) An application will be assessed against selection criteria approved by the Executive Dean.

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Section 7 - Offers

(21) Any offer to an applicant who is under 16 years of age at term start date must be approved by the Executive Dean of the faculty and the Academic Registrar. Students who do not receive this approval may be offered a deferred place.

(22) An offer will be made through QTAC, GEMSAS or by the Academic Registrar.

(23) Only the Academic Registrar may make an offer of a fee paying place to an international or a domestic applicant.

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Section 8 - Deferment

(24) The application of these deferment procedures may be displaced by specific program criteria set out in Schedule 1Table 1 and Schedule 3 (2024; 2025-) relating to deferment.

(25) Where the offer of a quota place has been made, a deferment of up to one year may be granted to an applicant who requests deferment within the time specified for the receipt of a reply to that offer. Requests for an extension beyond one year must be submitted to the Academic Registrar for consideration only if exceptional circumstances apply.

(26) Where the offer of a fee-paying place has been made, a deferment of usually not more than one year may be granted to an applicant who applies within the timeframe specified in the offer letter.

(27) An approved deferment of a quota place lapses if the applicant:

  1. enrols in a tertiary institution during the deferment period; or
  2. fails to enrol in the deferred program by the enrolment due date specified in the approval of deferment advice from the University; or
  3. fails to comply with any requirements prescribed by the Academic Registrar.

(28) Where an offer of a place has been made and the program has been discontinued during the deferment period, the applicant may apply for an alternate program of study.

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Section 9 - Limitations on Enrolment

(29) An applicant may enrol in a program only if:

  1. both:
    1. the applicant has been offered a place in that program for that calendar year; and
    2. the applicant has accepted the offer within the time prescribed in the offer; or
  2. the applicant is enrolling in a deferred place as approved under section 8 of this Procedure.
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Section 10 - English Language Proficiency

(30) An international applicant or a domestic applicant from a non-English speaking background must satisfy the English language proficiency requirement for the program in which the applicant seeks to enrol, prior to an unconditional offer being made.

(31) For a domestic applicant from a non-English speaking background, this requirement may be satisfied concurrently with satisfaction of the English language prerequisite set out in Schedule 1 and Table 1. A domestic applicant will be informed by QTAC or GEMSAS if the English language proficiency requirement is not satisfied.

(32) For an international applicant, the English language proficiency requirement varies for each program, however, unless specified otherwise in the English Language Proficiency Admission Procedure, the University’s English language proficiency requirement is an IELTS score of 6.5 with a score of 6 in each sub-band (or equivalent).

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Section 11 - Dual Programs

(33) An applicant seeking to enrol in a dual program must meet the admission requirements for both parts of the dual program.

(34) An applicant must obtain entry to the program having the highest entry requirement.

(35) Where a student has already commenced a program that forms part of a dual program they must seek advice from their faculty and/or the Admissions Section about the viability of seeking a place in the dual program.

(36) Enrolment in a dual program must be approved by the Associate Dean (Academic).

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Section 12 - Retaining a Place in a Program

(37) To retain a place in a program in the calendar year following admission a student must:

  1. enrol in and gain credit for at least one course at the University in that program in the current calendar year; or
  2. satisfy the Associate Dean (Academic) that special circumstances exist which entitle the student to retain a place in the program.

(38) A student who holds a place in the Doctor of Medicine (provisional entry for school leavers) and who fails to (or is not expected to) complete their first degree in the minimum time required for that degree, may apply to the Associate Dean (Academic) to retain their provisional entry place providing they can demonstrate exceptional circumstances exist.

(39) In addition to clauses 37 and 38, a quota place in a program is subject to minimum pass rate requirements for continued access to Commonwealth support (see Section 36-13 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth)).

(40) A domestic student who fails to retain a quota place in a program in the year following admission must reapply for a place in the program through QTAC or GEMSAS.

(41) For the purpose of clause 37, a calendar year means the year of commencement for a student who has been approved for deferment under this Procedure.

(42) The Associate Dean (Academic) may set conditions on the enrolment of students who retain a place under clauses 37 or 38 of this Procedure.

(43) A place in a program may be terminated for a number of reasons including, but not limited to, failure to make satisfactory academic progress or being expelled from the University for misconduct.

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Section 13 - Approved Admission Schemes

(44) The Academic Registrar, after consultation with the Manager, Admissions and Associate Dean (Academic) (where appropriate), may authorise the offer of a quota place to an applicant nominated through an approved admission scheme.

(45) There is no appeal of a decision made under clause 44 of this Procedure.

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Section 14 - Admission Appeals

(46) Unless otherwise stated, admission appeals in relation to this Procedure, other than section 13, are determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

(47) An admission appeal must:

  1. be in writing;
  2. state an address to which notices under this Procedure may be sent to the applicant; and
  3. be made no later than one week before the commencement of semester for which the application relates.

(48) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) must, within a reasonable time after considering the appeal:

  1. make a decision on the appeal; and
  2. give the applicant written notice of the decision.

(49) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) may, in exceptional circumstances arising from a successful admission appeal, authorise the offer of a place in a program.

Exceptional circumstances might include remedying a situation where a student had acted on written advice from a UQ staff member to take a particular action in relation to their admission and that advice was incorrect and led to the student who would otherwise have been made an offer missing out on a place.
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Section 15 - Incomplete or Inaccurate Information

(50) Where an applicant has been offered a place and it is later found that incomplete or inaccurate information was provided by or on behalf of the applicant, the Academic Registrar may withdraw the offer or cancel the student’s enrolment or both.

(51) Appeals against the decision of the Academic Registrar are heard by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) in accordance with section 14.

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Section 16 - Applicants Subject to Suspension, Expulsion or Refusal of Enrolment

(52) Any applicant who, as a student of the University, has been suspended or denied permission to enrol following unsatisfactory academic progress will not be eligible for consideration for admission into a program unless the suspension is terminated or the student is given permission to re-enrol following cancellation of enrolment following unsatisfactory academic progress.

(53) An applicant whose results at another tertiary institution would have rendered them liable to show cause why enrolment should not be cancelled following unsatisfactory academic progress under Enrolment Procedure and Academic Progression Procedure if they had been obtained at the University, or who has been refused enrolment at another institution due to academic or non-academic reasons may be refused admission.

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Section 17 - Power to Waive Compliance

(54) The Vice-Chancellor, after consultation with the Executive Dean (not to be delegated) and the President of the Academic Board, may, under exceptional circumstances, direct that strict application of this Procedure should be waived or a manual offer made in respect of a particular applicant, subject to such conditions as the Vice-Chancellor may impose.

Exceptional circumstances might include consideration of an applicant presenting unusual but academically elite qualifications not readily assessed in these rules.
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Section 18 - Savings

(55) Nothing in this Procedure will:

  1. exempt a person from complying with any other provisions of this Procedure or any other rule or procedure of the University which specifies conditions for enrolment in the program; or
  2. limit the right of the University to refuse a person’s admission or enrolment.