(1) This Policy outlines the support provided to students to assist them to successfully complete the courses and programs in which they are enrolled. (2) This Policy applies to all students enrolled at The University of Queensland. (3) This Policy is a requirement of the Higher Education Support Act 2003. (4) The University is committed to ensuring that all students are given appropriate academic and non-academic support. (5) The University is committed to supporting students from diverse backgrounds per the Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Behaviours Policy. (6) The University seeks to proactively identify students’ needs for academic and non-academic support. (7) Students who are identified as requiring support will be guided to suitable services. (8) Support measures will be customised to suit the student’s circumstances as necessary. (9) The University will manage all personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Privacy Management Policy. (10) Academic support services for all students include: (11) Academic support services for students with non-academic issues that put them at risk of not successfully completing their studies include: (12) In addition to the services in clause 10 and 11, academic support will be provided for: (13) Non-academic support services provided by the University include: (14) Tailored non-academic support is provided to students as necessary. (15) The University provides crisis and critical harm response arrangements for: (16) Disruptive incidents are managed in accordance with the Enterprise Risk Management Framework Policy and supporting Critical Incident Management Plan (staff login required, via the Enterprise Risk website). (17) The University engages other providers for specific non-academic support for students. These include: (18) All staff at the University have an obligation to familiarise themselves with how to access guidance to support students directly or through referral to specialist services. (19) The Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee (TLSEC) is accountable for the compliance and review aspects associated with this Policy. (20) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) portfolio is responsible for reporting to the Australian Government annually on the effectiveness of the support provided to students. (21) All reporting in relation to this Policy will be based on aggregated deidentified data to ensure the privacy of individuals and their circumstances. (22) Reports to Government will be developed annually for the review of the TLSEC and noting by Academic Board. (23) This Policy will be reviewed annually, including the resources associated with providing the services identified, to ensure that the needs of students are adequately being met. (24) Students can raise concerns or provide feedback regarding the University services they have received through the University Complaints Management System.Support for Students Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements
Academic Support Services
Non-academic Support Services
Top of PageSection 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
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