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Staff Movement Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Procedure describes the options and associated approval processes at The University of Queensland (UQ) for staff movement for UQ academic and/or professional staff within and external to UQ, namely:

  1. Internal appointment of staff
  2. Higher Duties for Professional staff HEW 1-9.
  3. Secondments:
    1. Internal Secondments - where a UQ staff member is seconded to another position at UQ
    2. Job Exchange – secondment of two UQ staff members to each other’s respective position
    3. External Secondments:
      1. where a UQ staff member is seconded to an external organisation, or
      2. where a staff member from an external organisation is seconded to UQ.
  4. Pre-retirement contracts for Academic and Professional staff.
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Section 2 - Process and Key Controls

(2) Staff movement at UQ will be undertaken in accordance with:

  1. the Staff Movement Policy and this Procedure;
  2. the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedure, and the Attendance, Hours of Work and Overtime (Professional Employee) Procedure; and
  3. relevant Enterprise Agreement provisions.
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Section 3 - Key Requirements

(3) The Organisational Unit in which the staff member is working will normally meet the UQ staff member’s remuneration for internal staff movement arrangements.

(4) Where a staff member wishes to return to their substantive position earlier than anticipated, they must discuss and negotiate this where possible with their placement supervisor and supervisor of their substantive position.

Internal Appointment

Temporary Transfer

(5) A UQ staff member can be appointed directly to a vacant position on a temporary basis (less than 12 months) if the position is of the same classification as the staff member’s substantive position. The Authorised Officer is encouraged to offer such temporary transfers via a short Expression of Interest Process.

Permanent Transfer

(6) A UQ professional staff member can be appointed continually, or for a fixed-term period of 12 months or more, to a position classified at the same level as the staff member's substantive classification, provided:

  1. the staff member has performed the duties of that position satisfactorily for a period of at least six months on a temporary appointment, or the staff member has completed a period of probation at that classification in a similar position at UQ; and
  2. the position requires specific skills which are possessed only by a limited number of staff within UQ; and
  3. the appointment is endorsed by the Hiring Manager; and
  4. the appointment is approved by the Authorised Officer; and
  5. the staff member has previously been appointed to UQ through a merit process in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure.

Higher Duties for Professional Staff HEW 1-9

(7) Full-time and part-time professional staff can be required to temporarily perform duties normally undertaken by a staff member on a higher classification level.

(8) Higher duties should not be used in lieu of filling a substantive position and may be due to:

  1. the absence of a staff member on leave or internal appointment;
  2. a delay in commencing a new appointee after the resignation of a staff member;
  3. the extended absence of a staff member due to illness; or
  4. a project or planned staff development exercise.

(9) The professional staff member will be:

  1. required to perform the full duties of the role for a minimum of 5 working days and a maximum of a 6 week continuous period; and
  2. paid at the minimum rate prescribed for the higher position, provided that the amount is no less than their existing rate of pay.

(10) Ordinarily higher duties are paid to one person to perform the full range of duties of a role. In limited exceptional circumstances, the Authorised Officer has the discretion to offer one person a partial duties payment.

(11) Professional staff required to perform the full duties of a higher position for more than a 6 week continuous period must be placed on internal secondment at the higher level in accordance with clauses 17 to 23 of this Procedure.

(12) Staff required to perform the full duties of a higher position for more than ten (10) working days (consecutive or non-consecutive) within a six (6) month period, may apply to the Authorised Officer for consideration of a higher duties payment.

(13) Payment for performing the full duties of a higher classification in a temporary appointment is only made during periods of recreation leave when the replacement staff member has undertaken the higher duties immediately prior to the commencement of such leave.

Higher Duties Increments 

(14) If a professional staff member in a higher duties arrangement is subsequently permanently appointed to a position classified at the same level, the period of higher duties service will be taken into account in determining the new salary increment date.

Salary Increments

(15) Service in a temporary placement at the higher level is cumulative for the purpose of calculating salary increments on higher duties payments. In determining higher duties increments, all payments for higher duties in temporary appointments during the last two years will be recognised. After one year's cumulative higher duties service during this time, a staff member’s higher duties payment in a temporary appointment will progress to the next point of the salary scale.

(16) If a professional staff member in a temporary appointment at a higher level is subsequently permanently appointed to a position classified at the same level as the temporary appointment, the periods of higher duties service in temporary appointments will be taken into account in determining the new salary increment date.


Internal Secondments

(17) Continuing and fixed-term academic and professional staff can apply for internal secondment opportunities.

(18) Secondment opportunities:

  1. often become available throughout UQ when an Organisational Unit cannot fill a temporary vacancy, for example when:
    1. staff take extended leave
    2. staff are temporarily employed elsewhere
    3. staff are given other duties to be performed elsewhere, such as project work, or
    4. an Organisational Unit may need a project or task to be completed;
  2. are normally for a period of up to 12 months;
  3. can be filled by direct appointment for up to 12 months with the agreement of the relevant Authorised Officer/s;
  4. can be advertised through HCMS;
  5. can only be extended beyond 12 months in extenuating circumstances for up to a second period of 12 months provided the Head of the Organisational Unit in which the staff member holds a substantive position agrees and with written approval from the Authorised Officer;
  6. must not extend beyond the secondee’s contractual period of employment; and
  7. vacancies to be filled for longer than 12 months should not be offered as a secondment. Such vacancies should be advertised in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedure.

(19) Staff who are seconded internally within UQ:

  1. will return to their substantive position within UQ at the completion of the secondment period; and
  2. will not be eligible to undertake another secondment within 12 months of completing a previous secondment.

(20) Staff applying for a vacant position of a duration in excess of 12 months would normally be expected to resign from their substantive position. 

(21) The Authorised Officer or receiving supervisor are to interview short-listed UQ staff who meet the secondment position’s selection criteria.

(22) The Authorised Officer will:

  1. negotiate a secondment release date with the Head of the staff member’s current work area;
  2. advise the staff member of the secondment arrangements; and
  3. complete the relevant documentation for the secondment arrangement.

(23) If the Authorised Officer wishes the seconded staff member to take up a continuing appointment in the position without advertising, then clause 6 of this Procedure applies.

Job Exchange

(24) Job exchange is where two UQ staff whose substantive positions are at the same classification level temporarily exchange jobs for a period normally up to 12 months.

(25) Staff who wish to temporarily exchange jobs at the same classification level must submit a written proposal to their respective Authorised Officers.

(26) Before approving a temporary exchange, the respective Authorised Officers must:

  1. consider and agree to proceed in principle;
  2. ensure that the two staff members meet the selection criteria for the positions involved;
  3. interview the prospective exchange staff member with the direct supervisor for the exchange position (where applicable) to confirm the suitability of the person for the position; and
  4. undertake a telephone reference check with the staff member’s substantive supervisor.

(27) When both Authorised Officers have agreed to the arrangement, the respective Organisational Units must process the job exchange arrangement via the HCMS.

(28) Each staff member will be provided with a variation of the terms of engagement letter for the job exchange arrangement.

(29) The staff members will normally revert to their respective substantive positions at the end of the exchange period. Where both staff members have a continuing appointment and both Authorised Officers and the staff members agree, the job exchange arrangement can be made permanent.

External Secondment

(30) This section applies to the secondment of:

  1. UQ staff to an external organisation; and
  2. staff from an external organisation to UQ.

(31) Continuing and fixed term academic and professional staff can be seconded to an external organisation normally for a period of up to 12 months. The external secondment must not extend beyond the secondee’s contractual period of employment at UQ.

(32) Associated entities of UQ are external organisations for the purposes of this Procedure.

External Secondment Agreement

(33) UQ has two Standard External Secondment Agreements which are available from the Legal Services website:

  1. Secondment from UQ – Agreement and General Conditions; and
  2. Secondment to UQ – Agreement and General Conditions.

(34) An Agreement consists of:

  1. An External Secondment Letter; and
  2. General Conditions.

(35) An Agreement can only be prepared by relevant Human Resources Division (HR) staff and must be completed before the secondment commences. The conditions of use are outlined on the Legal Services website.

(36) The delegate set out in the Schedule of Financial Delegations is authorised to sign the agreement on behalf of UQ.

UQ Staff Seconded to an External Organisation

(37) UQ and the external organisation will document the secondment arrangements (including funding arrangements) in Secondment from UQ – Agreement and General Conditions which is drafted by HR. UQ is normally:

  1. responsible for the staff member’s salary and associated costs;
  2. not responsible for any travel and/or accommodation costs incurred by the staff member during the period of external secondment, except under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Authorised Officer; and
  3. not responsible for any hospital, medical or dental expenses incurred by a staff member undertaking an external secondment outside of Australia.

(38) The UQ staff member will:

  1. remain a staff member of UQ during the period of the external secondment; 
  2. be required to comply with all relevant UQ policies and procedures while on secondment;
  3. continue to be covered by UQ's Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Policy during the period of the secondment; and
  4. be responsible for organising all relevant paperwork, visas and insurance if seeking an external secondment opportunity outside of Australia, prior to undertaking the secondment.

(39) Subject to the terms contained in the external secondment agreement, UQ reserves the right to terminate the agreement at any time without notice. In such circumstances the staff member will revert to their substantive position.

Staff from an External Organisation Seconded to UQ

(40) UQ and the external staff member’s substantive employer will document the secondment arrangements (including funding arrangements) in the Secondment to UQ – Agreement and General Conditions which is drafted or approved by HR.

(41) UQ will not be responsible for any remuneration or other emoluments for work not associated with the external secondment undertaken by the external staff member while at UQ.

(42) The external staff member will:

  1. remain an employee of their substantive employer which will normally be responsible for their salary and associated costs during the secondment;
  2. report to the designated UQ supervisor of the Organisational Unit to which they are attached during their secondment to UQ and will be subject to the supervisor’s direction;
  3. be required to abide by all relevant UQ's policies, procedures and guidelines during the secondment period;
  4. not be covered by UQ’s workers compensation insurance and the existing arrangements through their substantive employer should continue to apply; and
  5. be covered as volunteers for their legal liability arising as a result of them undertaking authorised UQ activity. They will be covered under UQ’s Liability Protections including General and Products Liability, Professional Liability, Malpractice and General Clinical Trials.

Pre-Retirement Contracts

(43) All staff with at least a 50% employment arrangement may apply (prior to retirement) for a flexible pre-retirement contract.

(44) Pre-retirement contracts are:

  1. voluntary;
  2. require the employee to relinquish their continuing appointment;
  3. negotiated on a case-by-case basis; and
  4. normally between 12 months and 3 years with a maximum period of up to 5 years.

(45) Discussions regarding pre-retirement contracts should be approached with sensitivity and confidentiality by UQ.

(46) Staff members who enter into a pre-retirement contract do so with the expectation by UQ that they will:

  1. retire from UQ at the completion of the contract; and
  2. reduce their recreation leave balances prior to, or during, the life of the pre-retirement contract, where possible.

(47) Contractual conditions may include:

  1. a variation in duties performed by the staff member;
  2. flexibility in work hours;
  3. a leave taking plan;
  4. a pre-retirement salary loading, which includes a salary payment additional to base salary, and expressed as a fixed amount of base salary. Refer to the Salary Loadings and Performance Payments Procedure for the relevant payment provisions.

(48) Re-employment in any capacity following the expiration of a pre-retirement contract will only occur where unforeseen and exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated. Consultation should occur with the Chief Human Resources Officer prior to the expiration of a pre-retirement contract if consideration is being given to a second employment contract.

(49) Staff are strongly advised to seek independent external financial, legal or other advice pertinent to their individual circumstances and options before entering into a pre-retirement contract.

Flexible Work Arrangements

UQ Internal Appointment

(50) Where a staff member (HEW Level 1-7) is seconded to a different position, or is appointed to a new position at UQ, the staff member’s 9 day fortnight or 19 day month arrangement will cease unless this arrangement is agreed to by the relevant Authorised Officer. Refer to the Attendance, Hours of Work and Overtime (Professional Employee) Procedure for further information.


UQ Internal Appointment

(51) Leave accrued prior to commencement of a UQ internal staff movement is maintained and can be accessed upon the staff member’s return to their substantive position.

(52) While on a UQ internal staff movement appointment, the staff member is expected to take all flexitime or voluntary banked time (if applicable) and/or access any recreation leave entitlements accrued during the period of appointment before they return to their substantive position.

(53) Staff must negotiate any requests for planned leave during an internal staff movement appointment prior to accepting the appointment. If the staff member already has planned leave approved for this period but does not obtain agreement from the Organisational Unit in which they are being placed, this may result in the internal arrangement being terminated.

External Secondments

(54) UQ staff seconded to an external organisation will have all their leave entitlements protected during the period of their secondment as though they were in the full employment of UQ. Leave accrued prior to the commencement of the secondment will be maintained and can be accessed upon the staff member’s return to their substantive position at UQ.

(55) Staff may only access any Recreation Leave entitlements accrued during the period of the external secondment prior to the secondment finishing.

(56) Requests for Long Service Leave during a period of external secondment would not normally be approved.

(57) Requests for Personal Leave accrued in the staff member’s substantive position will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Grievances and Disciplinary Matters

UQ Internal Staff Movement

(58) If a grievance or a disciplinary matter occurs for an internal to UQ staff movement arrangement, the supervisor to whom the staff member is temporarily reporting will undertake any necessary procedural steps in consultation with Workplace Relations and the staff member’s substantive manager. 

External Secondments

(59) A UQ staff member on an external secondment agreement will be governed by the provisions of that agreement and by the external organisation’s grievance resolution policy.

(60) UQ can instigate misconduct/serious misconduct proceedings against a UQ staff member in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement if, following notification or information provided by the external organisation to which the staff member is seconded, they form the view that misconduct/serious misconduct may have occurred.

(61) UQ can inform an external organisation if it is believed that a staff member seconded to UQ from the external organisation may have engaged in behaviour which constitutes misconduct/serious misconduct. In such circumstances, the external organisation can instigate the misconduct/serious misconduct proceedings which are applicable to the external staff member.

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Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Role Actions
Authorised Officer Approves staff movement arrangements in accordance with this Procedure and the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules.
Human Resources Division (HR) Provides professional advice and support to Authorised Officers, supervisors and staff on staff movement options in accordance with this Procedure.

Drafts External Secondment Agreements on behalf of UQ.
Supervisor Supports staff seeking to broaden their knowledge and skills through staff movement opportunities.
Staff member Discusses opportunities for staff movement with their supervisor.

Seeks independent external financial advice, legal or other advice pertinent to their circumstances and options prior to entering into a Pre-Retirement Contract.
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Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(62) The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for continuous monitoring of the effectiveness, application and improvement of this Procedure.

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Section 6 - Recording and Reporting

(63) Recording and reporting are completed in accordance with legislative and UQ requirements.

(64) Human Resources Division is responsible for retaining records in relation to staff movement in accordance with the Information Management Policy and procedures and the Privacy Management Policy.

(65) Transactions and approvals referred to in this Procedure are recorded in the Human Capital Management System.

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Section 7 - Appendix


Term Definition
Authorised Officer the officer authorised to exercise the relevant HR power or function in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules
Delegation means a conferral of delegated authority on a person to exercise a statutory based power or function.
Enterprise Agreement the University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2021-2026, or as amended or replaced.
External Secondment • where a UQ staff member is seconded to an external organisation, or
• where a staff member from an external organisation is seconded to UQ.
Head of Organisational Unit Management Level 4 (Group Manager) as per the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules.
Higher Duties temporarily perform duties normally undertaken by a Professional staff member on a higher classification level (HEW 1 to 9).
Hiring Manager the manager responsible for filling a vacant position.
Internal Secondment where a staff member is seconded to another position at UQ.
Job Exchange secondment of two people to each other’s respective position.