(1) In the pursuit of excellence, The University of Queensland (UQ) is committed to attracting and selecting exceptional talent to achieve both strategic and operational goals. (2) This Procedure applies to the recruitment, selection and appointment of all fixed-term and continuing Academic and Professional staff and provides a framework for effective recruitment and selection practices which meet the needs of UQ. (3) This Procedure is to be read in conjunction with: (4) Professional advice and support are available at all stages of the recruitment, selection and appointment process by contacting the Human Resources Division. (5) This Procedure covers 4 stages: (6) The key controls to effectively manage the recruitment, selection and appointment process at UQ include: (7) Before commencing the recruitment process, the Hiring Manager must: (8) For recruitment activities that have the potential to involve international appointments, federal immigration and domestic labour market testing requirements need to be satisfied before commencement. HR will be able to provide advice on current advertisement requirements. (9) As a general rule, all positions will be advertised for a minimum period of 7 calendar days. (10) Vacant continuing and fixed term positions of 12 months or more duration must be advertised externally on UQ’s Careers website as a minimum except: (11) External Indigenous persons are able to apply for internal-only UQ Professional roles. (12) Fixed-term employment may be used for staff engaged on research only functions for a contract period that does not exceed 5 years. (13) UQ staff members named/identified for a position in a successful research funding application will be deemed to have undergone a satisfactory recruitment process. (14) The Chief Investigator may recommend the reappointment of a research academic staff member to the same level in the Level A to Level E range based on satisfactory performance. (15) For positions less than 12 months’ duration, applicants can be assessed as suitable against the requirements of the position and appointed: (16) A request to appoint a fixed-term position of less than 12 months’ duration is to be processed through UQ’s HCMS. (17) If these positions are subsequently extended beyond 12 months, external advertising may be required, however in exceptional circumstances a requirement to advertise may be waived in accordance with the ‘Positions Greater than 12 Months and Continuing’ provisions below. (18) In exceptional circumstances, a requirement to advertise can be waived. A written justification for a Direct Appointment must be submitted by the Hiring Manager to the relevant Authorised Officer in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules. The written justification must include: (19) Alternatively, consideration may be made for an internal appointment in accordance with the Staff Movement Policy and Staff Movement Procedure. (20) High calibre staff who were initially recruited to UQ through the Indigenous Pathway Program, can be directly appointed to a fixed-term or continuing Professional role during and/or at the conclusion of the 12 month Pathway Program provided that the following criteria are met: (21) As required, HR will contact the Hiring Manager to provide advice and assistance in relation to a staff member who has been identified as suitable for redeployment to a vacant position. (22) The processes will be in accordance with the provisions for redeployment under the Enterprise Agreement. (23) Selection committee composition will vary depending on the level of appointment. (24) The selection committee must be: (25) The Hiring Manager and/or the Chair of the selection committee should have undertaken recruitment, selection and appointment training within a reasonable timeframe (e.g. 3 years) prior to commencing the process. (26) The selection committee will: (27) The Selection Committee Chair, or nominated committee member, will be responsible for capturing applicant summaries and providing constructive feedback to unsuccessful shortlisted applicants. (28) Shortlisting occurs prior to interview, is aimed at removing applications that do not adequately meet the inherent requirements of the position and identifying those applicants to be progressed to the next phase of the recruitment process. At the discretion of the Chair, the shortlisting process may be conducted by the Chair or a subgroup of the selection committee. (29) Where an applicant has advised the selection committee as having a disability, injury, or health condition, the Chair will ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate the needs of the applicant to the extent reasonably possible. Please contact HR for more information. (30) UQ is required to abide by Australian sanctions regimes that impose restrictions on activities that relate to particular countries, goods and services, or persons and entities. The list of the current sanctions regimes implemented by Australia can be found on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website. If a preferred applicant is shortlisted from one of the listed sanctioned countries, please contact HR for further advice. (31) The selection committee is required to interview shortlisted applicants to assess their suitability against the requirements of the position, performance relative to opportunity, values alignment and future potential in line with succession planning. Additional methods of assessment, such as work based and psychometric testing, may also be used to assess an applicant’s suitability. HR will provide advice in respect to determining whether additional methods of assessment are recommended. (32) A minimum of 48 hours is required to make any changes to the interview schedule. Applicants, as well as the selection committee, need to be provided with clear interview instructions at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of interviews. (33) Shortlisted applicants should be interviewed face-to-face wherever possible. Arrangements such as video conference can be used as an alternative to a face-to-face interview. (34) If a preferred applicant has only been interviewed by video conference or telephone, then every attempt should be made to meet the person face to face before making an Offer of Appointment. (35) The Authorised Officer will determine on a case-by-case basis if the cost of travel and accommodation expenses for a prospective staff member to attend an interview will be paid for by UQ. (36) If a seminar is required as part of the process, this should be confirmed at the Pre-Recruitment stage (refer to clause 7). Academic applicants can be required to present a seminar as a means of demonstrating their knowledge and skills in academic staff selection. (37) Seminars should be conducted prior to the final interview (if required) and be attended by a select number of relevant individuals including at least two selection committee members making up the seminar audience, as determined by the Chair. (38) The Head of School or nominee is expected to facilitate the seminar ensuring due and fair process is followed, and report back to the selection committee at the final interview stage. The report back can be in person or via consolidated written feedback. (39) Where the selection process results in more than one applicant being considered as suitable for appointment, the selection committee must note this on the recruitment record in HCMS and create an order of ranking. (40) Where the preferred applicant declines an offer of appointment with UQ, or leaves UQ within 12 months of commencement, the Authorised Officer may, if they choose to do so, approve an offer of appointment to another applicant on the order of ranking following referee and any necessary background checks. UQ may also readvertise the position where appropriate. (41) The relevant Authorised Officer may also choose to offer another appointable applicant, who has been interviewed in the last 12 months, for another similar role (at the same classification level) without the requirement to readvertise. (42) Before or after the interview process, the preferred applicant/s will have reference checks completed on their suitability. Written references will be facilitated by HR, with verbal reference checks post interview to be conducted by the Chair or delegate. (43) Reference checks must be conducted on the preferred applicant/s prior to the selection committee recommending the appointment to the Authorised Officer. For external applicant/s, two references must be obtained, one of which should be from the applicant’s most recent supervisor. (44) For internal applicants, at least one reference check must be completed from the applicant’s most recent supervisor. The Authorised Officer may waive the requirement for reference checks for internal applicant/s where appropriate by providing a written justification. This information will be stored in the HCMS. (45) Background checks and conditions of employment are to be completed in accordance with the Background Checks and Conditions of Employment Procedure. (46) The Chair or delegate recommends an applicant for appointment and provides the details of the Offer of Appointment to the Authorised Officer for consideration and approval via UQ’s HCMS. (47) The recommendation must contain: (48) The Authorised Officer will consider and, if considered appropriate, approve the Chair’s recommendation and Offer of Appointment. (49) The Authorised Officer is responsible for approving, via UQ’s HCMS, the terms and conditions to be included in the written Offer of Appointment including: (50) The Authorised Officer must notify HR of the Offer of Appointment, and any approved negotiated contract terms using UQ’s HCMS. (51) HR will finalise and send the Offer of Appointment to the preferred applicant for consideration and acceptance. (52) Probation periods for continuing and fixed-term employees are specified in contracts of employment issued by Human Resources. Probation periods may be extended in accordance with Clause 54.2 of the Enterprise Agreement. (53) Probation periods enable a supervisor to set and clarify work performance expectations for employees new to a position as well as ensuring opportunities for support are provided in order that appropriate expectations can be met. (54) Where the University proposes to terminate the employment of an employee serving a period of probation, the employee will be given an opportunity to respond before a final decision is made. (55) Clause 56 – Misconduct / Serious Misconduct and Clause 57 - Unsatisfactory Performance of the Enterprise Agreement do not apply during any period of probation, including any probation period which has been extended. (56) In accordance with the University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2021-2026, the University will invite expressions of interest on an annual basis (at minimum) from suitably qualified and eligible casual academic candidates, to apply for conversion to vacant continuing Teaching Associate positions. (57) All opportunities will be advertised internally, and candidates are required to upload their application through the University’s HCMS (Workday) for consideration by an appropriate selection committee. (58) The identified academic discipline for recruitment is subject to change, based on the requirements of the University. (59) Applicants will be ranked accordingly, with consideration given to the: (60) Interviews may be required to assist the selection committee in converting the most appropriate candidates. (61) In exceptional circumstances, out of round conversions to eligible candidates may occur, on approval of the Authorised Officer. (62) Any concerns about the recruitment, selection and appointment process are to be referred to Human Resources Division. (63) The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for continuous monitoring of the effectiveness, application and improvement of this Procedure. (64) Recording and reporting are completed in accordance with legislative and UQ requirements. (65) Human Resources Division is responsible for retaining records in relation to recruitment, selection and appointment in accordance with the Information Management Policy and the Privacy Management Policy. (66) Transactions and approvals referred to in this Procedure are recorded in the Human Management Capital System.Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Process and Key Controls
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Part A - Pre-Recruitment
Part B - Recruitment
Academic and Professional Positions
Position Exceptions
No Advertising
Reappointment of Research Academic Staff
Direct Appointment – Academic and Professional Positions
Positions Less than 12 Months
Positions Greater than 12 Months and Continuing
Direct Appointment from UQ’s Indigenous Employment Pathway Program
Part C - Selection
Selection Committee
Minimum Selection Committee Composition
Position Level
Panel Composition and Size
Management level 1 appointments
• Senate selection committee as approved by the Chancellor
Management level 2 appointments
• Vice-Chancellor and President as Chair
• One member of Senate
• Chief Operating Officer/Chief Human Resources Officer (or nominee)
• University Senior Executive Team member (or nominee)
• President of the Academic Board (or nominee)*
* For vacancies relating to the positions of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and Provost and Senior Vice-President.
Academic Management levels 3 or 4
(Continuing and Fixed-Term)
• Provost (or nominee) as Chair
• Executive Dean (or nominee)
• Two appropriate representatives from the relevant Organisational Unit
• HR representative as appropriate
• President of the Academic Board or nominee
• Student Representative and/or Cognate Academic staff member (optional)
Academic Level A – E (Continuing and Fixed-Term)
• Relevant University Senior Executive Team member (or nominee) as Chair
• Head of School/Centre Director/Institute Director
• Academic staff member from relevant Organisational Unit
• President of the Academic Board or Academic Board Standing Committee representative*
• HR representative as appropriate
• Student Representative and/or Cognate Academic staff member (optional)
* For all Level E positions, the President of the Academic Board (or nominee) will be invited. For continuing and fixed-term positions greater than three years at Level A - D, an Academic Board Standing Committee representative will be invited.
Note: For Academic Levels A & B, selection committee membership should not exceed five members
Professional Management Levels 3 and 4 (Faculty / Institutes)
• Executive Dean/Institute Director (or nominee) as Chair
• Appropriate senior staff representative
• Chief Human Resources Officer or nominee
• A relevant HEW 10 Professional staff member
Professional Management Levels 3 and 4 (Central)
• Relevant University Senior Executive Team member (or nominee) as Chair
• Chief Human Resources Officer (or nominee), and
• a relevant HEW 10 Professional staff member
Professional HEW 1 – 9
(Faculty / Institutes / Central) and positions not included in the above Position Levels • Authorised Officer (or nominee) as Chair
• Direct supervisor
• HR representative as appropriate
• A relevant professional staff member at same or higher level
Note: For HEW Level 1 – 5, selection committee membership should not exceed three members.Selection Committee Proceedings
Reasonable Adjustment
Sanction Regimes
Interviewing Applicants
Academic Seminars
Applicant Ranking
Reference Checks
Academic Staff Appointments
Professional Staff Appointments
Background Checks and Conditions of Employment
Part D - Appointment
Appointment Recommendation
Offer of Appointment
Part E - Teaching Associate Conversions
Part F - Complaints
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Top of Page
Authorised Officer
• Approve the request to fill a position prior to the commencement of the process.
• Approve the job requisition and job offer, including any background checks, post-offer checks, and employment conditions in a timely manner.
• Ensure an appointment complies with relevant UQ policies and procedures.
Hiring Manager
• Assess the need to replace a vacating position, or create a new position, in line with operational requirements and future workforce plans for the Organisational Unit in conjunction with HR.
• Secure budget and other necessary approvals by the Authorised Officer before proceeding with a recruitment, selection or appointment process.
• Work in partnership with HR through the recruitment process in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and this Procedure.
• Initiate appropriate job and offer cards as part of the recruitment process.
• Contact the Organisational Culture and Capability Unit in HR in relation to targeted recruitment, identified roles and selection measures if required.
• Conduct referee checks on the preferred applicant if required.
• Provide all relevant information to the Authorised Officer for approval of the appointment.
• Provide constructive feedback to unsuccessful, shortlisted applicants, as required, upon request by the applicant.
• Ensure the recruitment, selection and appointment process (including the decision-making process) is clearly documented.
Selection Committee Chair
• Work in partnership with HR through the recruitment process in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and this Procedure.
• Contact the Organisational Culture and Capability Unit in HR in relation to targeted recruitment, identified roles and selection measures if required.
• Appropriately manage and resolve any conflicts of interest.
• Ensure that all panel members are reminded of, and cognisant of, conscious and unconscious bias throughout the process.
• Appropriately manage confidentiality of all documents and discussions relating to individual applicants.
• Provide constructive feedback to unsuccessful, shortlisted applicants upon request by the applicant.
• Ensure the recruitment, selection and appointment process (including the decision-making process) is clearly documented.
Human Resources Division
• Provide professional advice and support in relation to all stages of the recruitment, selection and appointment process, including advertising, sourcing strategies and screening.
• Provide professional advice and support to ensure that UQ’s values and cultural requirements are aligned throughout the process.
• Review and manage position information (including development of job profile/position description, business cases, position numbers and workforce planning) via UQ’s HCMS and workflow for relevant approvals.
• Work with the Organisational Unit and/or Hiring Manager to raise the job requisition and any related documentation via UQ’s HCMS.
• Actively participate on selection committees as required.
• Upon confirmation from the Chair, prepare and send correspondence at all stages of the process, including:
• Invite shortlisted applicants for interview.
• Provide training and development to Hiring Managers and staff in recruitment, selection and appointment activities.Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Academic Board Standing Committee.
Anti-Discrimination Act
The Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld).
As defined in Section 7 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) (Refer to Identified Positions).
Authorised Officer
The officer authorised to exercise the relevant HR power or function in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules.
Chief Investigator
Lead academic in a research project.
A relevant individual outside of the immediate organisational unit of the position. This person can be external to UQ.
Enterprise Agreement
The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2021-2026, or as amended or replaced.
Hiring Manager
The manager responsible for filling the vacant position (usually the supervisor of the position).
Identified Positions
A position to be filled by a person who has a particular attribute, where it is lawful to discriminate on the basis of that attribute such as: racial background, disability, gender and age, in accordance with Section 7 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld).
Performance Relative to Opportunity
The quality and impact of contributions and achievements given the opportunities available, rather than the quantity and frequency of achievements.
Referee checks
Used to validate the information provided by the applicant, and to seek comment with respect to the selection criteria set out in the Position Description and any other matters identified by the selection committee.
Selection Committee
A panel of qualified staff members (and external expertise if necessary) who assess and recommend the best applicant available to fill a vacant position to meet the strategic objectives and/or operational requirements of UQ.
Selection Committee Chair
Member of the selection committee who leads and has the overall responsibility for the selection process. The Chair may also be the Hiring Manager.
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• Manage all correspondence with the selection committee.
• Arrange flight, accommodation bookings and catering as needed and within budgetary requirements.
• Coordinate all background checks.
• Advise unsuccessful non-shortlisted applicants.
• Where relevant, drafting memos to the Authorised Officer for appointment.
• Assist the Chair and/or Hiring Manager to raise the online job offer via UQ’s HCMS and any related documentation.