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Event Approval and Control Procedure

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Procedure outlines requirements at The University of Queensland (UQ) for the approval and control of events held on UQ campuses and sites. The Procedure applies to all members of the UQ Community and external third parties proposing to conduct an event at a UQ location and should be read in conjunction with the following:

  1. Use and Management of UQ Land, Buildings and Facilities Policy
  2. Third Party Hire of UQ Land, Buildings and Facilities Policy
  3. Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
  4. Smoke-free UQ Policy 
  5. Noise Management Program
  6. Event Guidelines website
  7. Marketing and Communications website
  8. Health, Safety and Wellness Policy
  9. UQ Sustainability.


(2) For the purpose of this Procedure, an event is an organised function or gathering held at a UQ location. Any person proposing to organise an event will be referred to as the ‘Event Organiser’.

(3) Examples of events that require UQ approval in accordance with this Procedure include:

  1. Public forums and conferences;
  2. Student focussed activities (e.g. open and market days);
  3. Concerts, performances, and other ticketed events;
  4. Clubs and societies events (e.g. movie nights and barbecues);
  5. Gatherings including protests, demonstrations, and campaigns with guests and/or external speakers;
  6. Events by external organisers; or 
  7. Graduation and awards ceremonies – pre-approved but must follow the Event Application Process for logistics and planning.


(4) Activities that are part of delivering UQ’s core business are not considered ‘events’ and do not require approval under this Procedure.

(5) Examples of events that do not require approval include the following:

  1. Teaching and learning activities (e.g. lectures, tutorials, labs, practicals);
  2. Student induction and orientation events critical to the enrolled program;
  3. Staff gatherings (e.g. training, morning and afternoon teas);
  4. Internal events organised at external venues (e.g. Customs House, cafes, and restaurants);
  5. Staff/student planning, collaborative, and team activities; or 
  6. Clubs and societies annual general meetings.
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Section 2 - Process and Key Controls

(6) Any event at a UQ location is not permitted to proceed without the relevant documentation. It must be completed by the Event Organiser and approved prior to the proposed event by UQ’s Property and Facilities Division's Events Approval Team.

(7) The Event Organiser is responsible for identifying and managing all known and foreseeable health and safety risks before, during and after the event through completing and documenting the risk assessment as part of the event approval process.

(8) The engagement and management of contractors is the responsibility of the Event Organiser who must oversee the involvement of the contractors in all stages of the event lifecycle and must ensure they have completed all necessary UQ inductions and submitted relevant risk management documentation before commencing work.

(9) Additional charges or fees for events may be imposed where additional resources are required (e.g. hire of plant/equipment or personnel, additional maintenance) or where the event space has been left in a state of disrepair (damage repair or clean up required).

(10) Where the supply and consumption of alcohol will be at the event, approval is required from the Events Approval Team and/or the Queensland Government Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR).

(11) An event at a UQ location may be shut down and/or persons evicted from the event by UQ Security.

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Section 3 - Key Requirements

Part A - Event Proposals

(12) An Event Organiser must contact the P&F Events Approval Team within the timeframes stipulated (see ‘Event Approval Process’ provisions below) prior to the event by submitting the proposal to for consideration. The P&F Events Approval Team will assess the scale and risk rating of the event and determine the planning and approval requirements. The scale and complexity of events (including whether external people will be attending) will determine the investment of time and effort in the planning process. 

(13) An event must not proceed without approval from the Events Approval Team.

Part B - Event Planning and Management

Risk Management

(14) Event Organisers are required to complete a Risk Assessment which includes all risks associated with the event, e.g., Health and Safety, Security, Environment, etc. Third party providers of individual activities or attractions must also provide a Risk Assessment to the Event Organiser prior to completion of their risk assessment for the event. This includes providers of amusement rides, beverage, or food vendors and when animals are involved.

Contractor Engagement and Management

(15) Event Organisers are responsible for the engagement and management of contractors involved in all stages of the event lifecycle. They must ensure all contractors have completed all appropriate UQ contractor inductions, including induction into the site prior to the commencement of work. Event Organisers must ensure contractors have a safe system of work for the work they are to undertake and have the appropriate competencies and licences. Event Organisers must outline in the risk assessment the involvement of contractors in the event and how their safety will be managed.

(16) Wherever possible, Event Organisers will utilise contractors who are engaged by P&F for in house services managed by P&F such as electrical, waste and cleaning etc.

(17) P&F reserves the right to deny any event application if Event Organisers and or their proposed contractors display or have a demonstrated history of any of the following at UQ previously:

  1. Unsafe or non-compliant work or behaviour.
  2. Breaches in UQ’s policies and procedures.
  3. Behaviour that is inconsistent with the staff and student code of conduct.

Additional Fees and Charges

Bookable Spaces and Venue Hire

(18) The hire of all bookable UQ locations must comply with the relevant terms and conditions for their hire. Certain additional charges may apply for damage to the areas, or for special requests that may impact on the general UQ Community.

Additional Service Requests

(19) The Event Organiser is responsible for all costs associated with any additional services that may relate to the event such as construction of stages or dancefloors, electrical equipment, waste disposal, security, additional cleaning etc. This must be addressed as part of the event proposal documentation.

Advertising and Display of Banners and Signs

(20) The Events Approval Team is responsible for monitoring, approving, and controlling applications to advertise or promote an event at a UQ location. Banners and signs cannot be displayed without approval. Refer to the Approval of Banners on University Sites Procedure or contact the Events Approval Team for information.

Part C - Alcohol Consumption and Sale

(21) UQ is committed to the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol in line with appropriate legislation, in consideration of relevant cultural conventions and UQ’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy. The sale and consumption of alcohol is permitted with the appropriate approvals in place.

Approval for Alcohol Supply and Consumption

(22) If an event is proposed to have alcohol supplied and consumed, written approval from P&F is required.

Application for Supply and Consumption of Alcohol

(23) All events proposing to supply and allow the consumption of alcohol must be approved by P&F by submitting the Alcohol Permission Application Form

Community Liquor Permit

(24) If an event proposes that alcohol is to be supplied and consumed in an unlicensed venue and does not involve a licensed caterer, these events will require a Community Liquor Permit approved by the Queensland Government Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR).

(25) After assessment of the event application, the Events Approval Team will notify the Event Organiser if a Community Liquor Permit is required. The Event Organiser must complete the permit application and have it endorsed by P&F, prior to submitting to the OLGR for approval. A fee is associated with this application, payable directly to the OLGR by the Event Organiser.

Consumption Guidelines

(26) P&F's approval for the supply and consumption of alcohol at events will consider the Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol. This includes:

  1. the quantity and combination of alcohol requested must be within the limits of the Guidelines;
  2. promotional staff at events must not promote consumption of alcohol that is inconsistent with responsible consumption, as defined in the Guidelines; and
  3. a range of non-alcoholic drink options must be available to guests.

(27) Alcohol quantity compliance may be checked on site by the OLGR, and fines may be issued to anyone organising or attending the event for any compliance breaches.

(28) Further information about allowable quantities of alcohol at UQ events is available from UQ Security.

Alcohol Advertising

(29) If advertising alcohol for the event, advertising must comply with the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) Scheme. The ABAC applies to advertising online and printed material. 

(30) Advertisements must not over emphasise the availability of alcohol, refer to the amount of alcohol available or encourage in any way the excessive consumption of alcohol. Equal reference must be made to the availability of non-alcoholic drinks.

(31) Attendance at any event must not be induced or encouraged by all-inclusive ticketing (i.e. entrance fee and all you can drink for the one price) or by the offer of free or reduced-price alcoholic drinks.

Part D - Temporary Food and Beverage Vendors on Campus

(32) Event Organisers requesting additional Temporary Food and Beverage Vendors (TFBV) at a UQ location must submit the PF723 - Temporary Food and Beverages Vendor (TFBV) Application form for approval by P&F.

Part E - Noise

(33) UQ cares about the greater UQ community, including surrounding residences. Event Organisers must refer to UQ’s Noise Management Program which provides information on how noise must be managed at UQ. The Events Approval Team can be contacted for additional guidance on how noise control protocols may be met.

Part F - Sustainability

(34) UQ endorses best environmental practice at all UQ locations and Event Organisers are encouraged to run their events sustainably. UQ Sustainability has produced a Sustainable Events Guide to assist Event Organisers.

Part G - Event Application Process

(35) Events at a UQ location must not proceed without approval from the Events Approval Team. For an event to be approved in a timely manner, the Event Organiser must supply:

  1. PF700 – Event Application Form (along with additional documents as applicable).
  2. PF100 – Application for permission to keep or consume intoxicating Liquor on site (if applicable).
  3. PF712 - Risk Assessment Form, or a UQSafe risk assessment ID.
  4. PF723 - Temporary Food and Beverages Vendor (TFBV) Application form (if applicable).
  5. Other documents as required by P&F.

(36) The Event Organiser along with the Events Approval Team will consider that:

  1. all required documents have been submitted;
  2. the application considers the mitigation processes for the risks identified;
  3. appropriate resources are included to manage the event;
  4. the event complies with the various requirements across other Organisational Units at UQ;
  5. the proposed event will not interfere with the use of adjoining areas or be disruptive to UQ’s core business and activities; and
  6. there are sufficient resources to ensure an appropriate standard of conduct will be maintained throughout the event.

(37) UQ may impose terms and conditions consistent with reasonable and proportionate regulation of speech and academic freedom and will not refuse applications solely based on the content of the proposed event. Decisions will be made in accordance with the Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy.

(38) P&F will notify Event Organisers of approval and the conditions under which the event must operate via email within 2 weeks from when the application is received.

Part H - Event Approval Process

(39) The Events Approval Team will review all documents submitted.

  1. Low Risk Events – two (2) weeks prior to the event.
  2. Medium to High-Risk Events – six (6) weeks prior to the event.
  3. Graduation Ceremonies, Orientation Week and Open Day – eight (8) weeks prior commencement.

(40) All event documentation will be reviewed by the Events Approval Team and any additional information that is required will be requested from the Event Organiser. Approvals provided may be accompanied by conditions to allow the event to proceed.

(41) Any event applications that are likely to be contentious will be assessed as per Third Party Hire of UQ Land, Buildings and Facilities Policy, Section 3, clause 23(b).

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Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Chief Property Officer

(42) The Chief Property Officer is responsible for overseeing and managing UQ’s locations in accordance with the:

  1. Use and Management of UQ Land, Buildings and Facilities Policy; and
  2. Third Party Hire of UQ Land, Buildings and Facilities Policy.

(43) The Chief Property Officer and/or an authorised delegate may direct Security to shut down an event at a UQ location that does not comply with the approval conditions of the event.

Senior Coordinator, Customer Service - Events Approval Team, Property and Facilities Division

(44) The Senior Coordinator, Customer Service oversees the Events Approval Team that has central management and oversight of the approval and control of events at UQ locations, including responding to complaints and breaches of permit conditions.

(45) The Senior Coordinator, Customer Service is responsible for managing the event application and approval process as outlined in this Procedure, including:

  1. Liaising with Event Organisers across UQ to ensure a coordinated approach and compliance to this Procedure.
  2. Managing the Events Approval Team.
  3. Updating the relevant websites, forms, and processes regarding events (including this Procedure) as required.
  4. Providing advice on UQ’s event planning including site, additional services, and approval requirements; and connecting them to the relevant UQ departments for support, assistance, or further clarifications, such as Government relations, Media, and Events Team, etc.
  5. Assessing event proposals and applications for approval.
  6. Assessing and determining the requirements for in house services such as parking, traffic, and other additional services as required.
  7. Coordinating the various other approvals required as part of the event application process with other departments within P&F.

Senior Manager, Security, Property and Facilities Division

(46) The Senior Manager Security is responsible for:

  1. Assessing and determining the security requirements of events.
  2. The approval of applications for permission to supply or consume alcohol on a UQ location.
  3. The approval to fly drones on campus for aerial photography of events.
  4. Closing an event when:
    1. it has not been approved by the Events Approval Team;
    2. required to manage emergencies or critical incidents;
    3. the event does not comply with the conditions of the event’s approval documentation;
    4. required to manage excess noise or in response to other complaints; or
    5. it is not in accordance with UQ policies and procedures.

Event Organiser

(47) The Event Organiser is the primary point of contact for an approved event. They must be present throughout the event and be contactable by UQ Security, (in case of an emergency or critical incident). They are responsible for:

  1. Seeking assistance from UQ Events to help with VC and VIP invitations to attend and speak at events and strategic advice on the design and delivery of events for UQ partners.
  2. Planning the event and submitting all required documentation within the required timeframes.
  3. Ensuring all conditions prescribed by approvals and permits are applied and followed throughout the course of the event.
  4. Ensuring all risk assessment documentation is completed and controls are in place.
  5. Ensuring all contractors are inducted and have the suitable competencies to undertake the tasks required.
  6. Overseeing the event’s compliance with relevant legislation and licensing.
  7. Overseeing the event’s compliance with UQ policies and procedures.
  8. Complying with all reasonable requests or instruction from the Events Approval Team, UQ Security or HSW Division staff.

Events Team (Advancement Division) - Event Management and Support

(48) The Events Team (Advancement) can provide strategic advice and support to partners across UQ delivering events for students, staff, alumni, donors, and the community. Services include planning resources and templates, event design, advice on suppliers, through to full end-to-end event management (in specific circumstances). Specialist areas include UQ-wide, VIP and community engagement.

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Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(49) Compliance with this Procedure will be monitored by P&F and will be assessed via a range of mechanisms including spot checks for events at UQ locations. The checks may include that appropriate approvals and permits have been sought, licences are current, inductions have occurred, and risk assessment action plans are being followed. Event Organisers may be requested to present written approval for the event by Security Officers.

(50) P&F will review this Procedure periodically to ensure that it remains current and provides for efficient and effective event approval and control processes for events.

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Section 6 - Recording and Reporting

(51) The Events Approval Team will maintain records of all completed and approved event applications and permits. Breaches regarding alcohol permits will be reported to the OLGR and other breaches to the Event Organiser with a report to the Event Organiser’s Manager. Breaches will form part of the approval consideration process for any future events applied for by the Event Organiser.

(52) The Chief Property Officer, P&F will be briefed on events and any breaches that may have occurred.

(53) All incidents that may have occurred throughout the event (including bumping in and out) must be reported in UQSafe as per the Health and Safety Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure.

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Section 7 - Appendix


Term Definition
Bookable Spaces and Venues Areas within UQ that are managed by P&F as opposed to spaces managed directly by the Faculties and Institutes. These spaces have criteria and conditions applicable to them.
Community Liquor Permit this permit is required if an Event Organiser intends to sell or supply liquor on a temporary or one-off occasion at an unlicensed premises. Examples include one off event such as a trivia night, presentation, raffle, auction, or sale of a commemorative bottle of wine.
Food and Beverage Vendors These are vendors on campus of a temporary nature e.g. food trucks, food and beverage stalls, coffee carts.
UQ Community UQ students, all staff, volunteers, affiliates, and any other party that is involved in a commercial or collaborative relationship with UQ.
External to UQ Anyone that is not part of the UQ Community and or uses.
UQ Location For the purpose of this Procedure, means any campus, site or facility owned or controlled by UQ or where a UQ business or undertaking is performed (but ‘UQ location’ does not include a detached residential house which is or is intended to be occupied by a single household or family and which does not include common areas or facilities which will be shared with other persons).